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url: "/Report/Dashboard/FragmentationRate",
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id: "9001102",
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url: "/Report/Dashboard/FragmentRegister",
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urlType: 'abosulte'
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text: "最终功率测试",
url: "/Report/Dashboard/TestDataDetail",
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url: "/Report/Dashboard/MultipleTestDetail",
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url: "/Report/Dashboard/PackOutput",
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url: "/Report/Dashboard/PackDelHistory",
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text: "工单达成情况",
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url: "/Report/Dashboard/WOprocess",
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url: "/Report/Dashboard/ProduincReport",
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id: "9001210",
text: "订单符合率",
url: "/Report/Dashboard/BarCodeAndQualityRate",
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id: "9001211",
text: "工单结批率",
url: "/Report/Dashboard/BatchRate",
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id: "9001212",
text: "线边仓物料损耗",
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url: "/Report/Dashboard/BatchDataOfCell",
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id: "9001214",
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url: "/Report/Dashboard/YieldForm",
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url: "/Report/Dashboard/PackCapacity",
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icon: "fa fa-circle-o",
urlType: 'abosulte'
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id: "9001216",
text: "每日投产包装完成率",
url: "/Report/Dashboard/DayPackComplete",
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urlType: 'abosulte'
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id: "9001217",
text: "生码未包装组件查询",
url: "/Report/Dashboard/UnPackComponent",
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url: "/Report/Dashboard/MaterialBatchNumber",
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text: "本月每天各工位产能",
url: "/Report/Dashboard/CurEverydayStationCapacity",
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url: "/Report/Dashboard/YongzhenJinke",
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id: "9001221",
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url: "/Report/Dashboard/DataQuery",
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id: "9001222",
text: "上档率",
url: "/Report/Dashboard/UpshiftRate",
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id: "9001223",
text: "在制品",
url: "/Report/Dashboard/WIPStatistics",
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id: "9001225",
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url: "/Report/Dashboard/OnceMoldingRate",
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url: "/Report/Dashboard/PackOutputDetail",
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id: "9001227",
text: "组件班组产量",
url: "/Report/Dashboard/ShiftProduction",
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url: "/Report/Dashboard/StepperComponents",
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url: "/Report/Dashboard/CTMReport",
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text: "材料用量报表",
url: "/Report/Dashboard/MaterialLotReport",
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text: "材料追溯",
url: "/Report/Dashboard/MaterialTraceability",
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url: "/Report/Dashboard/QualityStatistics",
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url: "/Report/Dashboard/PressureResistant",
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url: "/Report/Dashboard/INventory",
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text: "车间成品线边仓",
url: "/Report/Dashboard/FinishProductLinePositions",
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url: "/Warehouse/Shipment",
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url: "/Warehouse/ReturnStock",
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url: "/Warehouse/PalletChange",
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url: "/Warehouse/InspectionShipment",
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url: "/Administration/ProductionPlan",
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url: "/Administration/SiteCapacityStand",
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url: "/Administration/AddLocation",
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urlType: 'abosulte'
id: "900308",
text: "工单设定",
url: "/Administration/WorkorderSetting",
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icon: "fa fa-circle-o",
urlType: 'abosulte'
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