You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
530 lines
17 KiB
530 lines
17 KiB
$().ready(function () {
// language: 'zh-CN',//显示中文
// format: 'yyyy-mm-dd',
//$('#txtBegintime').val(moment().subtract(1, 'days').format("YYYY-MM-DD"));
function QueryddlWorkshop() {
var promiseweld = $.ajax({
url: '/api/Orders/QueryWorkshop', //'/api/QC/QueryStatus'
type: 'post',
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async: true,
promiseweld.done(function (r) {
$.each(, function (index, value) {
$("#ddlWorkshop").append("<option value='" + value.area_code + "'>" + value.descriptions + "</option>");
placeholder: "车间",
allowClear: true
| (error) {
function Daterangeini() {
$('#rangetime').val(moment().subtract('hours', 0).format('YYYY-MM-DD') + ' 07:20:00' + ' - ' + moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD') + ' 19:20:00');
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"cancelLabel": "取消",
"fromLabel": "起始时间",
"toLabel": "结束时间'",
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"firstDay": 1,
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$('#rangetime').on('cancel.daterangepicker', function (ev, picker) {
function QueryddlStatus() {
var promiseweld = $.ajax({
url: '/api/PackOutput/QueryStatus',
type: 'post',
cache: true,
async: true,
promiseweld.done(function (r) {
$.each(r, function (index, value) {
$("#ddlStatus").append("<option value='" + value.visit_type + "'>" + value.visit_type_desc + "</option>");
placeholder: "状态",
allowClear: true
| (error) {
$('#btnQuery').click(function () {
$begintime = $('#rangetime').val().substr(0, 19);
$workshop = $('#ddlWorkshop').val();
$containerno = $('#txtContainerNo').val();
$lotno = $('#txtLotID').val();
$palletno = $('#txtPalletNo').val();
$checkno = $('#txtCheckNo').val();
$workorder = $('#txtWorkorder').val();
if ($workshop == null && $begintime == '' && $containerno == '' && $lotno == '' && $palletno == '' && $checkno == '' && $workorder == '')
var oTable = new TableInit();
var TableInit = function () {
var oTableInit = new Object();
oTableInit.Init = function () {
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//mergeCells(data, "schedule_nbr", 1, $('#tbqc'));
columns: [{
checkbox: true
}, {
field: 'pallet_nbr',
title: '托盘号'
}, {
field: 'container_nbr',
title: '柜号'
}, {
field: 'serial_nbr',
title: '组件序列号'
}, {
field: 'workorder',
title: '工单号'
}, {
field: 'sale_order',
title: '订单号'
field: 'power_grade',
title: '功率档位'
field: 'current_grade',
title: '电流档位'
field: 'product_code',
title: '装配件号'
}, {
field: 'el_grade',
title: 'EL等级'
field: "exterior_grade",
title: "外观等级"
field: "final_grade",
title: "最终等级"
field: "wks_id",
title: "测试机台号"
field: "pack_date",
title: "封箱时间"
field: "descriptions",
title: "功率组"
field: "pallet_status_desc",
title: "是否入库"
field: "shift_type",
title: "班次"
field: "pmax",
title: "Pmax"
field: "voc",
title: "VOC"
field: "ISC",
title: "isc"
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title: "VPM"
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title: "IPM"
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// field: "rsh",
// title: "RSH"
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title: "SURF_TEMP"
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title: "TEMP"
field: "ivfile_path",
title: "IVFILE_PATH"
field: "pack_seq",
title: "包装顺序"
field: "check_nbr",
title: "报检单号"
field: "cell_supplier",
title: "电池片厂商"
}, {
field: "cell_color_desc",
title: "电池片颜色"
}, {
field: "cell_type_desc",
title: "电池片类型"
field: "",
title: "电池片档位"
field: "cell_uop",
title: "单片功率"
field: "fff",
title: "转换效率"
field: "eva_supplier_code",
title: "EVA厂商"
field: "eva_thickness",
title: "普通EVA规格"
field: "eva_lot_nbr",
title: "普通EVA批号"
field: "bks_supplier_code",
title: "背板厂商"
field: "bks_thickness",
title: "背板规格"
field: "bks_lot_nbr",
title: "背板批号"
field: "glass_supplier_code",
title: "玻璃供应商"
}, {
field: "glass_thickness_desc",
title: "玻璃规格"
field: "glass_lot_nbr",
title: "玻璃批号"
field: "jbox_supplier_code",
title: "接线盒供应商"
field: "jbox_model_desc",
title: "接线盒规格"
field: "jbox_lot_nbr",
title: "接线盒批号"
field: "frame_supplier_code",
title: "型材供应商"
field: "frame_thickness_desc",
title: "型材规格"
field: "frame_lot_nbr",
title: "型材批号"
field: "customer",
title: "客户"
field: "product_code_original",
title: "产品组"
field: "wks_visit_date",
title: "测试时间"
oTableInit.queryParams = function (params) {
var temp = { //这里的键的名字和控制器的变量名必须一直,这边改动,控制器也需要改成一样的
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offset: params.offset, //页码
//departmentname: $("#txt_search_departmentname").val(),
//statu: $("#txt_search_statu").val()
begintime: $('#rangetime').val().substr(0, 19),
endtime: $('#rangetime').val().split(' - ')[1],
workshop: $('#ddlWorkshop').val(),
containerno: $('#txtContainerNo').val(),
lotno: $('#txtLotID').val(),
palletno: $('#txtPalletNo').val(),
checkno: $('#txtCheckNo').val(),
workorder: $('#txtWorkorder').val()
return temp;
return oTableInit;
var ButtonInit = function () {
var oInit = new Object();
var postdata = {};
oInit.Init = function () {
return oInit;
* 合并单元格
* @param data 原始数据(在服务端完成排序)
* @param fieldName 合并属性名称
* @param colspan 合并列
* @param target 目标表格对象
function mergeCells(data, fieldName, colspan, target) {
var sortMap = {};
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for (var prop in data[i]) {
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var key = data[i][prop]
if (sortMap.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
sortMap[key] = sortMap[key] * 1 + 1;
} else {
sortMap[key] = 1;
for (var prop in sortMap) {
console.log(prop, sortMap[prop])
var index = 0;
for (var prop in sortMap) {
var count = sortMap[prop] * 1;
$(target).bootstrapTable('mergeCells', { index: index, field: fieldName, colspan: colspan, rowspan: count });
index += count;
//$('#btnExportExcel').click(function () {
// console.log("clicked");
// //var promiseweld = $.ajax({
// // url: '../Report/ExportToExcel',
// // type: 'post',
// // cache: true,
// // async: true,
// //});
// // (error) {
// // console.log(error)
// // alert(error);
// //});
// //'../Report/ExportToExcel?bt=2018-10-10');
// var a = $("<a href='/Report/PackoutputExcel/"
// +( !$('#ddlWorkshop').val() ? "Null" : $('#ddlWorkshop').val())+"/"
// +( !$('#txtBegintime').val() ? "Null" : $('#txtBegintime').val()) + "/"
// +( !$('#txtEndtime').val() ? "Null" : $('#txtEndtime').val()) + "/"
// +( !$('#txtLotID').val() ? "Null" : $('#LotID').val()) + "/"
// +( !$('#txtContainerNo').val() ? "Null" : $('#txtContainerNo').val()) + "/"
// +( !$('#txtPalletNo').val() ? "Null" : $('#txtPalletNo').val()) + "/"
// +( !$('#txtCheckNo').val() ? "Null" : $('#txtCheckNo').val() )+ "' target='_blank'></a>").get(0);
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// e.initEvent('click', true, true);
// a.dispatchEvent(e);
$('#btnExportExcel').on('click', function () {
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$containerno = $('#txtContainerNo').val();
$lotno = $('#txtLotID').val();
$palletno = $('#txtPalletNo').val();
$checkno = $('#txtCheckNo').val();
$workorder = $('#txtWorkorder').val();
if ($workshop == null && $begintime == '' && $containerno == '' && $lotno == '' && $palletno == '' && $checkno == '' && $workorder == '') {
if ($begintime == '') {
$endtime = '';
} else {
$endtime = $('#rangetime').val().split(' - ')[1];
if ($workshop == null) {
$workshop = '';
doPost('/Report/PackoutputSExcel', [begintime = $('#rangetime').val().substr(0, 19),
endtime = $endtime,
workshop= $workshop,
containerno= $('#txtContainerNo').val(),
lotno= $('#txtLotID').val(),
palletno= $('#txtPalletNo').val(),
checkno = $('#txtCheckNo').val(),
workorder = $('#txtWorkorder').val()])
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