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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using Warehouse.DAL.DelContainer;
using Warehouse.Models.mesModel;
using Warehouse.Models.whMS;
using Z.EntityFramework.Plus;
namespace Warehouse.DAL.StockIn
public class StockInMSDal
public List<tstock> QueryStock()
using (var context = new whMSModel())
return context.tstocks.Where(a => a.type == "成品仓").ToList();
public List<tstoragelocation> QueryLocationByStock(int stockid)
using (var context = new whMSModel())
return context.tstoragelocations.Where(a => a.stockid == stockid).ToList();
public tlocationcondition QueryLocationCondiction(int LocationId)
using (var context = new whMSModel())
return context.tlocationconditions.Where(a => a.status == "Y" && a.storagelocationid == LocationId).FirstOrDefault<tlocationcondition>();
public dynamic QueryLocationCondictionValue(int LocationId)
string sql = @"select [powergrade]
,[bartype],b.source_desc as bartypevalue
,[modulespec],c.source_desc as modulespecvalue
,(select count(*) from tstockinlog where status=2 and storagelocationid =@locationid ) as locationqty
from tlocationcondition a
left join mes_main.dbo.df_source b on a.bartype = b.source_id
left join mes_main.dbo.df_source c on a.modulespec = c.source_id
where a.status = 'Y' and a.storagelocationid =@locationid ";
using (var context = new whMSModel())
var res = context.DynamicListFromSql(sql, new Dictionary<string, object> { { "locationid", LocationId } });
if (res.Count() != 0)
return res.FirstOrDefault();
return res.ToList();
public List<dynamic> QueryAllLocationCondction()
using (var context = new whMSModel())
string sql = @"select a.*,[storagelocationid]
,[createtime] from tstoragelocation a
inner join tstock b on a.stockid = b.id and b.type = '成品仓'
left join tlocationcondition c on c.storagelocationid = a.id and c.status='Y'";
var res = context.DynamicListFromSql(sql, null);
if (res != null)
return res.ToList();
return null;
public pack_pallets QueryPallet(string Pallet)
using (var context = new mesModel())
return context.pack_pallets.Where(a => a.pallet_nbr == Pallet).FirstOrDefault<pack_pallets>();
//public List<dynamic> QueryPallet(string Pallet)
// using (var context = new whMSModel())
// {
// string sql = @"select * from [mes_main].[dbo].[pack_pallets] where pallet_nbr = '" + Pallet + "'";
// var res = context.DynamicListFromSql(sql, null);
// return res.ToList();
// }
public config_products QueryProduct(string product)
using (var context = new mesModel())
return context.config_products.Where(a => a.product_code == product).FirstOrDefault<config_products>();
public int StockIn(tstockinlog Obj)
using (var context = new whMSModel())
return context.SaveChanges();
public int UpdatePalletStatus(int Status, string Pallet)
using (var context = new mesModel())
return context.pack_pallets.Where(a => a.pallet_nbr == Pallet).Update(x => new pack_pallets() { pallet_status = Convert.ToByte(Status) });
public tlocationcondition AddLocationCondiction(tlocationcondition Obj)
using (var context = new whMSModel())
return Obj;
//add by xue lei on 2018-8-25 柜号入库
public ReturnMsg ContainerStockIn(string Container, int LocationId, ref tlocationcondition CondictionPara, ref List<dynamic> ListPara)
using (var context = new whMSModel())
var ConrainerStockInfo = new DelContainerMSDal().QueryStockInfoByContianer(Container);
if (ConrainerStockInfo != null)
var PalletInfo = ConrainerStockInfo.FirstOrDefault();
if (PalletInfo.stockinstatus == 2)
return new ReturnMsg { res = "fail", msg = "柜号里的托盘:" + PalletInfo.palletno + " 已经入库,库位:" + PalletInfo.location };
if (PalletInfo.stockinstatus == 4)
return new ReturnMsg { res = "fail", msg = "柜号里的托盘:" + PalletInfo.palletno + " 已经监装" };
if (PalletInfo.stockinstatus == 3)
return new ReturnMsg { res = "fail", msg = "柜号里的托盘:" + PalletInfo.palletno + " 已经出货" };
tcontainer ContainerObj = new tcontainer();
ContainerObj = context.tcontainers.First(a => a.containerno == Container);
long CondictionId = 0;
var LocationCondiction = context.tlocationconditions.Where(a => a.status == "Y" && a.storagelocationid == LocationId).FirstOrDefault();
if (LocationCondiction == null)
tlocationcondition LocationCondictionObj = new tlocationcondition();
LocationCondictionObj.bartype = ContainerObj.bartype;
LocationCondictionObj.cellqty = ContainerObj.cellqty;
LocationCondictionObj.celltype = ContainerObj.celltype;
LocationCondictionObj.color = ContainerObj.color;
LocationCondictionObj.finalgrade = ContainerObj.finalgrade;
LocationCondictionObj.powergrade = ContainerObj.powergrade;
LocationCondictionObj.igrade = ContainerObj.igrade;
LocationCondictionObj.modulespec = ContainerObj.modulespec;
LocationCondictionObj.jbox = ContainerObj.jbox;
LocationCondictionObj.status = "Y";
LocationCondictionObj.frame = ContainerObj.frame;
LocationCondictionObj.createtime = System.DateTime.Now;
LocationCondictionObj.createuser = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["userid"].Value.ToString();
LocationCondictionObj.storagelocationid = LocationId;
CondictionId = LocationCondictionObj.id;
CondictionPara = LocationCondictionObj;
var LocationCondictionMS = LocationCondiction;
CondictionPara = LocationCondiction;
CondictionId = LocationCondictionMS.id;
if ((LocationCondictionMS.powergrade ?? "") != (ContainerObj.powergrade ?? ""))
return new ReturnMsg { res = "fail", msg = "柜号功率和库位条件不一致" };//Json(new { result = "fail", msg = "托盘电压和库位条件不一致" });
if ((LocationCondictionMS.igrade ?? "") != (ContainerObj.igrade ?? ""))
return new ReturnMsg { res = "fail", msg = "柜号电流和库位条件不一致" };//Json(new { result = "fail", msg = "托盘电流和库位条件不一致" });
if ((LocationCondictionMS.finalgrade ?? "") != (ContainerObj.finalgrade ?? ""))
return new ReturnMsg { res = "fail", msg = "柜号最终等级和库位条件不一致" };//Json(new { result = "fail", msg = "托盘最终等级和库位条件不一致" });
if ((LocationCondictionMS.color ?? "") != (ContainerObj.color ?? ""))
return new ReturnMsg { res = "fail", msg = "柜号颜色和库位条件不一致" };//Json(new { result = "fail", msg = "托盘颜色和库位条件不一致" });
if ((LocationCondictionMS.cellqty ?? "") != (ContainerObj.cellqty ?? ""))
return new ReturnMsg { res = "fail", msg = "柜号电池片数量和库位条件不一致" };//Json(new { result = "fail", msg = "托盘电池片数量和库位条件不一致" });
if ((LocationCondictionMS.bartype ?? "") != (ContainerObj.bartype ?? ""))
return new ReturnMsg { res = "fail", msg = "柜号晶体类型和库位条件不一致" };//Json(new { result = "fail", msg = "托盘晶体类型和库位条件不一致" });
if ((LocationCondictionMS.modulespec ?? "") != (ContainerObj.modulespec ?? ""))
return new ReturnMsg { res = "fail", msg = "柜号组件类型和库位条件不一致" };//Json(new { result = "fail", msg = "托盘组件类型和库位条件不一致" });
ListPara = ConrainerStockInfo.ToList();
List<tstockinlog> AllPallets = new List<tstockinlog>();
AllPallets = GetAllPallets(Container, LocationId, CondictionId);
context.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;
return new ReturnMsg { res = "success", msg = "" };
List<tstockinlog> GetAllPallets(string Container, int LocationId, long CondictionId)
using (var context = new whMSModel())
var ContainerPallets = context.tcontainerpallets.Where(a => a.containerno == Container);
List<tstockinlog> List = new List<tstockinlog>();
foreach (var item in ContainerPallets)
Models.whMS.tstockinlog stockinloginfo = new Models.whMS.tstockinlog();
stockinloginfo.palletno = item.palletno;
stockinloginfo.status = 2;//2代表已经入库 1代表已经申请入库
stockinloginfo.storagelocationid = LocationId;
stockinloginfo.storagelocationconditionid = CondictionId;
stockinloginfo.createtime = System.DateTime.Now;
stockinloginfo.createuser = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["userid"].Value.ToString();
return List;
public dynamic PalletIsQC(string Pallet)
using (var context = new whMSModel())
string Sql = @"select a.pallet_nbr as pallet,a.check_nbr as checknbr,b.check_status as checkstatus from mes_main.dbo.pack_pallets a left join mes_main.dbo.pallets_check b on a.check_nbr = b.check_nbr where a.pallet_nbr=@pallet and exists(select * from wh.dbo.tqcisenable a where a.isenable='Y') ";
var res = context.DynamicListFromSql(Sql, new Dictionary<string, object> { { "pallet", Pallet } });
return res.FirstOrDefault();
public List<dynamic> judgeContainerStatus(string Containerno)
using (var context = new whMSModel())
string sql = @"select * from [wh].[dbo].[tcontainer] where containerno = '"+ Containerno + "'";
var res = context.DynamicListFromSql(sql, null);
return res.ToList();
public List<dynamic> judgePalletStatus(string Palletno)
using (var context = new whMSModel())
string sql = @"select pallet_nbr,isnull(oba_spot_check,'') oba_spot_check from [mes_main].[dbo].[pack_pallets] where pallet_nbr = '" + Palletno + "'";
var res = context.DynamicListFromSql(sql, null);
return res.ToList();
public List<dynamic> serialInfo(string Palletno)
using (var context = new whMSModel())
string sql = @"select serial_nbr,final_grade from [mes_main].[dbo].[assembly_status] where pallet_nbr = '" + Palletno + "'";
var res = context.DynamicListFromSql(sql, null);
return res.ToList();
//public class ReturnMsg
// public string res { get; set; }
// public string msg { get; set; }