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673 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using Dapper;
namespace Warehouse.DAL.OBAdetain
public class OBAspotCheckDal
static DbUtility dbhelp = new DbUtility(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["mesConn"].ToString(), DbProviderType.SqlServer);
#region Wait托盘号查询
public DataTable WaitPalletDT()
return dbhelp.ExecuteDataTable(WaitPalletSql(), null);
public string WaitPalletSql()
string sql = @"
SELECT isnull(b.containerno,'') containerno
,a.[pallet_nbr] palletNbr
,a.[power_grade] powerGrade
,a.[current_grade] currentGrade
,a.[final_grade] FinalGrade
,d.source_desc color
,c.cell_qty cellQty
,e.source_desc crys
,pro.mod_spec_desc modSpecDesc
,a.pallet_qty palletQty
WHEN f.status is null THEN '未入库'
WHEN f.status = '-1' THEN '退库'
WHEN f.status = '2' THEN '入库'
WHEN f.status = '3' THEN '出货'
WHEN f.status = '4' THEN '监装'
end status
when a.oba_spot_check is null then '正常托盘'
when a.oba_spot_check = 'G' then '释放'
when a.oba_spot_check = 'H' then '扣留'
end obaSpotCheck
when a.oba_spot_check is null then ''
when a.oba_spot_check = 'G' then ''
when a.oba_spot_check = 'H' then g.detain_reason
end detainReason
FROM [mes_main].[dbo].[pack_pallets] a
left join [wh].[dbo].[tcontainerpallet] b
on a.pallet_nbr = b.palletno
left join [mes_main].[dbo].[wo_mfg] c
on a.workorder = c.workorder
left join [mes_main].[dbo].[df_source] d
on c.mod_color = d.source_value and d.source_group_name = 'MOD_COLOR'
left join [mes_main].[dbo].[df_source] e
on c.crys_type = e.source_value and e.source_group_name = 'CRYS_TYPE'
left join (select t.*
from (select u.*,row_number() over(partition by u.palletno order by u.createtime desc) rw
from [wh].[dbo].[tstockinlog] u) t
where = '1') f
on f.palletno = a.pallet_nbr
left join mes_main.dbo.config_products pro
on a.product_code =pro.product_code
left join (select s.*
from (select v.*,row_number() over(partition by v.palletno order by v.detaintime desc) rw
from [wh].[dbo].[oba_detainpaller] v) s
where = '1') g
on a.pallet_nbr = g.palletno
where a.oba_spot_check is null
group by
ORDER BY f.createtime
return sql;
#region Wait托盘号查询
public DataTable HoldPalletDT()
return dbhelp.ExecuteDataTable(HoldPalletSql(), null);
public string HoldPalletSql()
string sql = @"
SELECT isnull(b.containerno,'') containerno
,a.[pallet_nbr] palletNbr
,a.[power_grade] powerGrade
,a.[current_grade] currentGrade
,a.[final_grade] FinalGrade
,d.source_desc color
,c.cell_qty cellQty
,e.source_desc crys
,pro.mod_spec_desc modSpecDesc
,a.pallet_qty palletQty
WHEN f.status is null THEN '未入库'
WHEN f.status = '-1' THEN '退库'
WHEN f.status = '2' THEN '入库'
WHEN f.status = '3' THEN '出货'
WHEN f.status = '4' THEN '监装'
end status
when a.oba_spot_check is null then '正常托盘'
when a.oba_spot_check = 'G' then '释放'
when a.oba_spot_check = 'H' then '扣留'
end obaSpotCheck
when a.oba_spot_check is null then ''
when a.oba_spot_check = 'G' then ''
when a.oba_spot_check = 'H' then g.detain_reason
end detainReason
FROM [mes_main].[dbo].[pack_pallets] a
left join [wh].[dbo].[tcontainerpallet] b
on a.pallet_nbr = b.palletno
left join [mes_main].[dbo].[wo_mfg] c
on a.workorder = c.workorder
left join [mes_main].[dbo].[df_source] d
on c.mod_color = d.source_value and d.source_group_name = 'MOD_COLOR'
left join [mes_main].[dbo].[df_source] e
on c.crys_type = e.source_value and e.source_group_name = 'CRYS_TYPE'
left join (select t.*
from (select u.*,row_number() over(partition by u.palletno order by u.createtime desc) rw
from [wh].[dbo].[tstockinlog] u) t
where = '1') f
on f.palletno = a.pallet_nbr
left join mes_main.dbo.config_products pro
on a.product_code =pro.product_code
left join (select s.*
from (select v.*,row_number() over(partition by v.palletno order by v.detaintime desc) rw
from [wh].[dbo].[oba_detainpaller] v) s
where = '1') g
on a.pallet_nbr = g.palletno
where a.oba_spot_check = 'H'
group by
ORDER BY f.createtime
return sql;
#region 托盘、柜号扣留查询
public DataTable PalletDetainDT(string PalletLot, string ContainerLot,string Status)
return dbhelp.ExecuteDataTable(PalletDetainSql(PalletLot,ContainerLot, Status), null);
public string PalletDetainSql(string PalletLot, string ContainerLot, string Status)
//and c.sale_order = '' and b.workorder = '' and c.area_code = '' and a.create_date >= '' and a.create_date < ''
string strWhere = string.Empty;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PalletLot)&& PalletLot!="''")
strWhere += "and a.pallet_nbr in (" + PalletLot + ") ";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ContainerLot)&& Status == "G")
strWhere += "and b.containerno = '" + ContainerLot + "' and f.status != '3' and (a.oba_spot_check is null or a.oba_spot_check = 'G') ";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ContainerLot) && Status == "H")
strWhere += "and b.containerno = '" + ContainerLot + "' and f.status != '3' and a.oba_spot_check = 'H' ";
string sql = @"
SELECT isnull(b.containerno,'') containerno
,a.[pallet_nbr] palletNbr
,a.[power_grade] powerGrade
,a.[current_grade] currentGrade
,a.[final_grade] FinalGrade
,d.source_desc color
,c.cell_qty cellQty
,e.source_desc crys
,pro.mod_spec_desc modSpecDesc
,a.pallet_qty palletQty
WHEN f.status is null THEN '未入库'
WHEN f.status = '-1' THEN '退库'
WHEN f.status = '2' THEN '入库'
WHEN f.status = '3' THEN '出货'
WHEN f.status = '4' THEN '监装'
end status
when a.oba_spot_check is null then '正常托盘'
when a.oba_spot_check = 'G' then '释放'
when a.oba_spot_check = 'H' then '扣留'
end obaSpotCheck
when a.oba_spot_check is null then ''
when a.oba_spot_check = 'G' then ''
when a.oba_spot_check = 'H' then g.detain_reason
end detainReason
FROM [mes_main].[dbo].[pack_pallets] a
left join [wh].[dbo].[tcontainerpallet] b
on a.pallet_nbr = b.palletno
left join [mes_main].[dbo].[wo_mfg] c
on a.workorder = c.workorder
left join [mes_main].[dbo].[df_source] d
on c.mod_color = d.source_value and d.source_group_name = 'MOD_COLOR'
left join [mes_main].[dbo].[df_source] e
on c.crys_type = e.source_value and e.source_group_name = 'CRYS_TYPE'
left join (select t.*
from (select u.*,row_number() over(partition by u.palletno order by u.createtime desc) rw
from [wh].[dbo].[tstockinlog] u) t
where = '1') f
on f.palletno = a.pallet_nbr
left join mes_main.dbo.config_products pro
on a.product_code =pro.product_code
left join (select s.*
from (select v.*,row_number() over(partition by v.palletno order by v.detaintime desc) rw
from [wh].[dbo].[oba_detainpaller] v) s
where = '1') g
on a.pallet_nbr = g.palletno
where 1=1 " + strWhere + @"
group by
ORDER BY f.createtime
return sql;
#region 判断柜号是否存在
public DataTable IfContainerDT(string PalletLot, string ContainerLot)
return dbhelp.ExecuteDataTable(IfContainerSql(PalletLot, ContainerLot), null);
public string IfContainerSql(string PalletLot, string ContainerLot)
//and c.sale_order = '' and b.workorder = '' and c.area_code = '' and a.create_date >= '' and a.create_date < ''
string strWhere = string.Empty;
string sql = @"select *
from [wh].[dbo].[tcontainer]
where containerno = '"+ ContainerLot+"'";
return sql;
#region 判断柜号是否出货
public DataTable IfShipmentDT(string PalletLot, string ContainerLot)
return dbhelp.ExecuteDataTable(IfShipmentSql(PalletLot, ContainerLot), null);
public string IfShipmentSql(string PalletLot, string ContainerLot)
//and c.sale_order = '' and b.workorder = '' and c.area_code = '' and a.create_date >= '' and a.create_date < ''
string strWhere = string.Empty;
string sql = @"SELECT isnull(b.containerno,'') containerno
,a.[pallet_nbr] palletNbr
,a.[power_grade] powerGrade
,a.[current_grade] currentGrade
,a.[final_grade] FinalGrade
,d.source_desc color
,c.cell_qty cellQty
,e.source_desc crys
,pro.mod_spec_desc modSpecDesc
,a.pallet_qty palletQty
WHEN f.status is null THEN '未入库'
WHEN f.status = '-1' THEN '退库'
WHEN f.status = '2' THEN '入库'
WHEN f.status = '3' THEN '出货'
WHEN f.status = '4' THEN '监装'
end status
when a.oba_spot_check is null then '正常托盘'
when a.oba_spot_check = 'G' then '释放'
when a.oba_spot_check = 'H' then '扣留'
end obaSpotCheck
FROM [mes_main].[dbo].[pack_pallets] a
left join [wh].[dbo].[tcontainerpallet] b
on a.pallet_nbr = b.palletno
left join [mes_main].[dbo].[wo_mfg] c
on a.workorder = c.workorder
left join [mes_main].[dbo].[df_source] d
on c.mod_color = d.source_value and d.source_group_name = 'MOD_COLOR'
left join [mes_main].[dbo].[df_source] e
on c.crys_type = e.source_value and e.source_group_name = 'CRYS_TYPE'
left join (select t.*
from (select u.*,row_number() over(partition by u.palletno order by u.createtime desc) rw
from [wh].[dbo].[tstockinlog] u) t
where = '1') f
on f.palletno = a.pallet_nbr
left join mes_main.dbo.config_products pro
on a.product_code =pro.product_code
where b.containerno = '" + ContainerLot + @"' and f.status = '3'
group by
ORDER BY f.createtime";
return sql;
#region 托盘释放查询
public DataTable PalletReleaseDT(string PalletLot, string ContainerLot,string BeginTime,string EndTime)
return dbhelp.ExecuteDataTable(PalletReleaseSql(PalletLot, ContainerLot, BeginTime,EndTime), null);
public string PalletReleaseSql(string PalletLot, string ContainerLot, string BeginTime, string EndTime)
string strWhere = string.Empty;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PalletLot))
strWhere += "and a.pallet_nbr in(" + PalletLot + ") ";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(BeginTime))
strWhere += "and oba.detaintime >= '" + BeginTime + "' ";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(EndTime))
strWhere += "and oba.detaintime <= '" + EndTime + "' ";
string sql = @"SELECT isnull(b.containerno,'') containerno
,a.[pallet_nbr] palletNbr
,a.[power_grade] powerGrade
,a.[current_grade] currentGrade
,a.[final_grade] FinalGrade
,d.source_desc color
,c.cell_qty cellQty
,e.source_desc crys
,pro.mod_spec_desc modSpecDesc
,a.pallet_qty palletQty
WHEN f.status is null THEN '未入库'
WHEN f.status = '-1' THEN '退库'
WHEN f.status = '2' THEN '入库'
WHEN f.status = '3' THEN '出货'
WHEN f.status = '4' THEN '监装'
end status
when a.oba_spot_check is null then '正常托盘'
when a.oba_spot_check = 'G' then '释放'
when a.oba_spot_check = 'H' then '扣留'
end obaSpotCheck
when a.oba_spot_check is null then ''
when a.oba_spot_check = 'G' then ''
when a.oba_spot_check = 'H' then g.detain_reason
end detainReason
FROM [mes_main].[dbo].[pack_pallets] a
left join [wh].[dbo].[tcontainerpallet] b
on a.pallet_nbr = b.palletno
left join [mes_main].[dbo].[wo_mfg] c
on a.workorder = c.workorder
left join [mes_main].[dbo].[df_source] d
on c.mod_color = d.source_value and d.source_group_name = 'MOD_COLOR'
left join [mes_main].[dbo].[df_source] e
on c.crys_type = e.source_value and e.source_group_name = 'CRYS_TYPE'
left join (select t.*
from (select u.*,row_number() over(partition by u.palletno order by u.createtime desc) rw
from [wh].[dbo].[tstockinlog] u) t
where = '1') f
on f.palletno = a.pallet_nbr
left join mes_main.dbo.config_products pro
on a.product_code =pro.product_code
left join wh.dbo.oba_detainpaller oba
on oba.palletno = a.pallet_nbr
left join (select s.*
from (select v.*,row_number() over(partition by v.palletno order by v.detaintime desc) rw
from [wh].[dbo].[oba_detainpaller] v) s
where = '1') g
on a.pallet_nbr = g.palletno
where 1=1 " + strWhere + @"
group by
ORDER BY f.createtime";
return sql;
#region 通过时间进行托盘释放查询
public DataTable SearchTimeDT(string BeginTime, string EndTime)
return dbhelp.ExecuteDataTable(SearchTimeSql(BeginTime, EndTime), null);
public string SearchTimeSql(string BeginTime, string EndTime)
string strWhere = string.Empty;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(BeginTime))
strWhere += "and a.detaintime >= '" + BeginTime + "' ";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(EndTime))
strWhere += "and a.detaintime <= '" + EndTime + "' ";
string sql = @"select a.palletno,isnull(b.oba_spot_check,'wait') oba_spot_check
from wh.dbo.oba_detainpaller a
left join mes_main.dbo.pack_pallets b
on a.palletno = b.pallet_nbr
where 1 = 1 " + strWhere+@"
group by a.palletno,b.oba_spot_check ";
return sql;
#region 扣留按钮扣留托盘
public DataTable DetainPalletDT(string item)
return dbhelp.ExecuteDataTable(DetainPalletSql(item), null);
public string DetainPalletSql(string item)
string strWhere = string.Empty;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item))
strWhere += "and pallet_nbr = '" + item + "' ";
string sql = @"update [mes_main].[dbo].[pack_pallets] set oba_spot_check = 'H'
where 1 = 1 "+strWhere;
return sql;
#region 释放按钮释放托盘
public DataTable ReleasePalletDT(string pallet)
return dbhelp.ExecuteDataTable(ReleasePalletSql(pallet), null);
public string ReleasePalletSql(string pallet)
string strWhere = string.Empty;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pallet))
strWhere += "and pallet_nbr = '" + pallet + "' ";
string sql = @"update [mes_main].[dbo].[pack_pallets] set oba_spot_check = 'G'
where 1 = 1 " + strWhere;
return sql;
#region 通过托盘查询相关信息
public DataTable SearchInfoDT(string item)
return dbhelp.ExecuteDataTable(searchInfoSql(item), null);
public string searchInfoSql(string item)
string strWhere = string.Empty;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item))
strWhere += "and a.pallet_nbr = '" + item + "' ";
string sql = @"select b.containerno,a.pallet_nbr,a.power_grade,a.current_grade
from [mes_main].[dbo].[pack_pallets] a
left join [wh].[dbo].[tcontainerpallet] b
on a.pallet_nbr = b.palletno
left join [mes_main].[dbo].[wo_mfg] c
on a.workorder = c.workorder
left join [mes_main].[dbo].[df_source] d
on c.mod_color = d.source_value and d.source_group_desc = '组件颜色'
left join [mes_main].[dbo].[config_products] e
on c.product_code = e.product_code
where 1 = 1 " + strWhere;
return sql;
#region 通过托盘查询扣留表中该托盘扣留数量
public DataTable SearchAmountDT(string item)
return dbhelp.ExecuteDataTable(searchAmountSql(item), null);
public string searchAmountSql(string item)
string strWhere = string.Empty;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item))
strWhere += "and palletno = '" + item + "' ";
string sql = @"select count(palletno) counts
from [wh].[dbo].[oba_detainpaller]
where 1 = 1 " + strWhere;
return sql;
#region 通过托盘查询释放表中该托盘释放数量
public DataTable SearchAmountRelDT(string item)
return dbhelp.ExecuteDataTable(searchAmountRelSql(item), null);
public string searchAmountRelSql(string item)
string strWhere = string.Empty;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item))
strWhere += "and palletno = '" + item + "' ";
string sql = @"select count(palletno) counts
from [wh].[dbo].[oba_releasepallet]
where 1 = 1 " + strWhere;
return sql;
#region 扣留表插入数据
public DataTable InsertIntoPalletDT(List<dynamic> info)
return dbhelp.ExecuteDataTable(InsertIntoPalletSql(info), null);
public string InsertIntoPalletSql(List<dynamic> info)
string strWhere = string.Empty;
string sql = @"insert into [wh].[dbo].[oba_detainpaller] values ('" + info[0].containerno+"','"+ info[0].pallet_nbr + "','" + info[0].power_grade + "','"
+ info[0].current_grade + "','" + info[0].final_grade + "','" + info[0].source_desc + "','" + info[0].cell_qty + "','" + info[0].crys_type + "','"
+ info[0].mod_spec_value + "','" + info[0].pallet_qty + "','" + info[0].oba_spot_check + "','" + info[0].detainer + "','" + info[0].detaintime + "','"
+ info[0].detain_order + "','" + info[0].detain_reason + "')";
return sql;
#region 释放表插入数据
public DataTable InsertIntoPalletRelDT(List<dynamic> info)
return dbhelp.ExecuteDataTable(InsertIntoPalletRelSql(info), null);
public string InsertIntoPalletRelSql(List<dynamic> info)
string strWhere = string.Empty;
string sql = @"insert into [wh].[dbo].[oba_releasepallet] values ('" + info[0].containerno + "','" + info[0].pallet_nbr + "','" + info[0].power_grade + "','"
+ info[0].current_grade + "','" + info[0].final_grade + "','" + info[0].source_desc + "','" + info[0].cell_qty + "','" + info[0].crys_type + "','"
+ info[0].mod_spec_value + "','" + info[0].pallet_qty + "','" + info[0].oba_spot_check + "','" + info[0].releaser + "','" + info[0].releasetime + "','"
+ info[0].release_order + "')";
return sql;
#region 释放表插入数据
public DataTable ContainerRelDT(string ContainerLot)
return dbhelp.ExecuteDataTable(ContainerRelSql(ContainerLot), null);
public string ContainerRelSql(string ContainerLot)
string strWhere = string.Empty;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ContainerLot))
strWhere += "and containerno = '" + ContainerLot + "' ";
string sql = @"update [wh].[dbo].[tcontainer] set oba_status = 'G'
where 1 = 1 " + strWhere;
return sql;
#region 扣留按钮扣留托盘所在的柜号
public DataTable DetainContainernoDT(string Containerno)
return dbhelp.ExecuteDataTable(DetainContainernoSql(Containerno), null);
public string DetainContainernoSql(string Containerno)
string strWhere = string.Empty;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Containerno))
strWhere += "and containerno = '" + Containerno + "' ";
string sql = @"update [wh].[dbo].[tcontainer] set oba_status = 'H'
where 1 = 1 " + strWhere;
return sql;