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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using Warehouse.Models.DTO;
using Warehouse.Models.mesLevel4;
using Warehouse.Models.mesModel;
namespace Warehouse.DAL.Config.BOM
public class BomIdMSDal
public List<BomIdBomDto> QueryBomIdBom(string BomId)
using (var context = new mesModel())
using (var level4 = new mesLevel4Model())
string sql = @"SELECT a.[bom_id] as bomId
,a.[bom_part_nbr] as partnumber
,[is_primary] as isPrimary
,[primary_part] as alternativePartNumber
,[serial_requirement] as unitConsumption
,[uom] as unit
,[part_type_desc] as parttype
,[lost_ratio] as lossRate
,b.descriptions as partnumberDescription
FROM [mes_main].[dbo].[config_bom_id] a
inner join mes_level4_iface.dbo.master_part b on a.bom_part_nbr = b.bom_part_nbr
where a.bom_id=@bomId";
var Res= context.Database.SqlQuery<BomIdBomDto>(sql, new SqlParameter("@bomId",BomId));
//var Res= context.DynamicListFromSql(sql, new Dictionary<string, object> { { "bomid", BomId } });
return Res.ToList();
//var BomIDBomList =context.config_bom_id.Where(a => a.bom_id == BomId).ToList();
//var res = from a in context.config_bom_id
// where (a.bom_id == BomId)
// select a;
//var res2 = from a in context.config_bom_id.AsEnumerable()
// join b in level4.master_part on a.bom_part_nbr equals b.bom_part_nbr
// where (a.bom_id==BomId)
// select new BomIdBomDto()
// {
// partnumber = a.bom_part_nbr,
// parttypeDescription = b.descriptions
// };
//return res2.ToList();
//var Res = context.config_bom_id.Join(level4.master_part,
// aa => aa.bom_part_nbr,
// bb => bb.bom_part_nbr,
// (aa, bb) => new { aa, bb }).Where(a => a.aa.bom_id == BomId).Select(a =>
// new BomIdBomDto()
// {
// bomId = a.aa.bom_id,
// alternativePartNumber = a.aa.primary_part,
// isPrimary = a.aa.is_primary,
// lossRate = a.aa.lost_ratio,
// partnumber = a.aa.bom_part_nbr,
// parttye = a.aa.part_type,
// parttypeDescription =,
// unit = a.aa.uom,
// unitConsumption = a.aa.serial_requirement
// }).ToList();
//return Res;