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3044 lines
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3044 lines
130 KiB
using System;
using JHReport.Common;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Data;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using JHReport.BLL;
using Warehouse.Code;
using Warehouse.DAL.ShipmentsReportDal;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.IO;
using OfficeOpenXml;
namespace Warehouse.Controllers.Report
/// <summary>
/// /add by zhangxiaolong
/// </summary>
public class ReportController : Controller
static DbUtility dbhelp = new DbUtility(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["mesConn"].ToString(), DbProviderType.SqlServer);
public ActionResult SiteCapacity()
if (Common.DBType == (int)DB.mysql)
return View("~/Views/Report/SiteCapacity.cshtml");
//return View("~/Views/Report/SiteCapacityMS.cshtml");
return View("~/Views/Report/SiteCapacityMSLine.cshtml");
// GET: Report
public ActionResult Products()
return View("~/Views/Config/Products.cshtml");
/// <summary>
/// 生产在制
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
// GET: Report
public ActionResult ProduincReport()
return View("~/Views/Report/ProduincReport.cshtml");
/// <summary>
/// 仓库出货
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
// GET: Report
public ActionResult ShipmentsReport()
return View("~/Views/Report/ShipmentsReport.cshtml");
// GET: Report
public ActionResult RunCard()
return View();
public ActionResult RunCardNew()
return View("~/Views/Report/RunCard01.cshtml");
/// <summary>
/// 质量评审报表
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public ActionResult QC()
return View("~/Views/Report/QC.cshtml");
/// <summary>
/// 组件班组产量
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public ActionResult ShiftProduction()
return View("~/Views/Report/YL/ShiftProduction.cshtml");
/// <summary>
/// 分档机组件查询
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public ActionResult StepperComponents()
return View("~/Views/Report/YL/StepperComponents.cshtml");
/// <summary>
/// 最终测试数据
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public ActionResult TestDataDetail()
return View("~/Views/Report/TestDataDetail.cshtml");
/// <summary>
/// 耐压测试
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public ActionResult PressureResistant()
return View("~/Views/Report/PressureResistant.cshtml");
/// <summary>
/// 最终测试数据(衰减数据)
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public ActionResult TestDataDetailFake()
return View("~/Views/Report/TestDataDetailFake.cshtml");
/// <summary>
/// 多次测试数据
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public ActionResult MultipleTestDetail()
return View("~/Views/Report/MultipleTestDetail.cshtml");
/// <summary>
/// 包装删除记录
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public ActionResult PackDelHistory()
return View("~/Views/Report/PackDelHistory.cshtml");
/// <summary>
/// 工单各站点在制
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public ActionResult WOprocess()
return View("~/Views/Report/WOprocess.cshtml");
/// <summary>
/// 包装详细报表
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public ActionResult PackOutput()
return View("~/Views/Report/PackOutput.cshtml");
/// <summary>
/// 新包装详细报表
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public ActionResult PackOutputDetail()
return View("~/Views/Report/YL/PackOutputDetail.cshtml");
public ActionResult JK()
return View();
/// <summary>
/// 工单达成情况
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public ActionResult WOFinishStatus()
return View("~/Views/Report/WOFinishStatus.cshtml");
public ActionResult SpecifiedChanLiangrate()
return View("~/Views/Report/SpecifiedChanLiangrate.cshtml");
public ActionResult ComprehensiveYield()
return View("~/Views/Report/ComprehensiveYield.cshtml");
public ActionResult EchartsView()
return View("~/Views/Report/EchartsView.cshtml");
/// <summary>
/// 库存报表
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public ActionResult Inventory()
return View("~/Views/Report/Inventory.cshtml");
public ActionResult DogownEntry()
return View("~/Views/Report/DogownEntry.cshtml");
public ActionResult WorkOrderLotQty()
return View("~/Views/Report/WorkOrderLotQty.cshtml");
public ActionResult FragmentRegister()
return View("~/Views/Report/FragmentRegister.cshtml");
public ActionResult MaterialTraceability()
return View("~/Views/Report/MaterialTraceability.cshtml");
public ActionResult ReceivedAndDepositController()
return View("~/Views/Report/ReceivedAndDepositController.cshtml");
public ActionResult FinalTestRoomData()
return View("~/Views/Report/FinalTestRoomData.cshtml");
public ActionResult Repair()
return View("~/Views/Report/Repair.cshtml");
/// <summary>
/// 订单达成率
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public ActionResult BarCodeAndQualityRate()
return View("~/Views/Report/BarCodeAndQualityRate.cshtml");
/// <summary>
/// 结批率
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public ActionResult BatchRate()
return View("~/Views/Report/BatchRate.cshtml");
/// <summary>
/// 工单状态
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public ActionResult WOStatus()
return View("~/Views/Report/WOStatus.cshtml");
public ActionResult SuppliesConsumed()
return View("~/Views/Report/SuppliesConsumed.cshtml");
public ActionResult BatchDataOfCell()
return View("~/Views/Report/BatchDataOfCell.cshtml");
public ActionResult LinePositions()
return View("~/Views/Report/LinePositions.cshtml");
public ActionResult FinishProductLinePositions()
return View("~/Views/Report/FinishProductLinePositions.cshtml");
public ActionResult Receiving()
return View("~/Views/MaterialSilo/Receiving.cshtml");
public ActionResult YieldForm()
return View("~/Views/Report/YieldForm.cshtml");
public ActionResult PackCapacity()
return View("~/Views/Report/PackCapacity.cshtml");
public ActionResult DayPackComplete()
return View("~/Views/Report/DayPackComplete.cshtml");
public ActionResult UnPackComponent()
return View("~/Views/Report/UnPackComponent.cshtml");
public ActionResult MaterialBatchNumber()
return View("~/Views/Report/MaterialBatchNumber.cshtml");
public ActionResult CurEverydayStationCapacity()
return View("~/Views/Report/CurEverydayStationCapacity.cshtml");
public ActionResult StationClassYield()
return View("~/Views/Report/StationClassYield.cshtml");
public ActionResult BeforeCapacity()
return View("~/Views/Report/BeforeCapacity.cshtml");
public ActionResult AfterCapacity()
return View("~/Views/Report/AfterCapacity.cshtml");
public ActionResult TotalCapacity()
return View("~/Views/Report/TotalCapacity.cshtml");
public ActionResult YongzhenJinke()
return View("~/Views/Report/YongzhenJinke.cshtml");
public ActionResult FragmentationRate()
return View("~/Views/Report/YL/FragmentationRate.cshtml");
public ActionResult OnceMoldingRate()
return View("~/Views/Report/YL/OnceMoldingRate.cshtml");
public ActionResult DataQuery()
return View("~/Views/Report/YL/Dataquery.cshtml");
public ActionResult UpshiftRate()
return View("~/Views/Report/YL/UpshiftRate.cshtml");
public ActionResult QualityStatistics()
return View("~/Views/Report/YL/QualityStatistics.cshtml");
public ActionResult WIPStatistics()
return View("~/Views/Report/YL/WIPStatistics.cshtml");
public ActionResult BarcodeReprint()
return View("~/Views/Report/BarcodeReprint.cshtml");
public ActionResult CTMReport()
return View("~/Views/Report/CTMReport.cshtml");
public ActionResult MaterialLotReport()
return View("~/Views/Report/MaterialLotReport.cshtml");
public ActionResult Sitecapacity()
return View();
//public FileContentResult WOStatusToExcel(string wo, string sales)
// DataTable dt = new ReportService().WOStatusInfoDT(wo == "Null" ? "" : wo, sales == "Null" ? "" : sales);
// //string[] AryColnameChinese = { "工单号","订单号","组件条码","投产时间","当前站别","组件等级","实测功率" };
// dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "组件条码";
// dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "工单号";
// dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "订单号";
// dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "投产时间";
// dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "当前站别";
// dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "EL等级";
// dt.Columns[6].ColumnName = "组件等级";
// dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "实测功率";
// return ExportExcel(dt, "WOStatus");
public FileContentResult WOStatusToExcel(List<string> para)
string wo = para[0];
string sales = para[1];
//仓库 库位号 客户订单 功率/W 栅数 铭牌型号 单托/片 托数 合计块数 合计MW 型 材 接线盒类型 等 级 柜 号
DataTable dt = new ReportService().WOStatusInfoDT(wo == "Null" ? "" : wo, sales == "Null" ? "" : sales);
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "组件条码";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "工单号";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "订单号";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "投产时间";
dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "当前站别";
dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "EL等级";
dt.Columns[6].ColumnName = "组件等级";
dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "实测功率";
return ExportExcel(dt, "WOStatus");
public FileContentResult QCExportToExcel(string bt, string et, string lot, string workshop, string workorder, string station)
DataTable dt = new ReportService().QCQueryInfo(bt == "Null" ? "" : bt
, et == "Null" ? "" : et
, lot == "Null" ? "" : lot
, workshop == "Null" ? "" : workshop
//, status == "Null" ? "" : status
, workorder == "Null" ? "" : workorder
, station == "Null" ? "" : station);
//dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "序号";
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "组件序列号";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "订单号";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "工单号";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "组件状态";
dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "等级";
//dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "扣留时间";
dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "不良站点";
dt.Columns[6].ColumnName = "不良类型";
dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "不良位置";
dt.Columns[8].ColumnName = "不良描述";
dt.Columns[9].ColumnName = "不良标准";
dt.Columns[10].ColumnName = "扣留状态";
dt.Columns[11].ColumnName = "扣留人";
dt.Columns[12].ColumnName = "扣留时间";
dt.Columns[13].ColumnName = "最终操作状态";
dt.Columns[14].ColumnName = "最终操作人";
dt.Columns[15].ColumnName = "最终操作时间";
return ExportExcel(dt, "QCReport");
public FileContentResult JKExportExcel(string salesorder, string lot)
DataTable dt = new ReportService().JKQueryInfo(salesorder == "Null" ? "" : salesorder, lot == "Null" ? "" : lot);
return ExportExcel(dt, "JKReport");
public FileContentResult PackDelHistoryExportExcel(string lot)
DataTable dt = new ReportService().PackDelHistoryQueryInfoDT(lot == "Null" ? "" : lot);
return ExportExcel(dt, "PackDelHistoryReport");
public FileContentResult WOprocessExportExcel(string wo)
DataTable dt = new ReportService().WOprocessQueryInfoDT(wo == "Null" ? "" : wo);
return ExportExcel(dt, "WOprocessReport");
//[Route("WOFinishStatusExcel/{wo=}/{et=}/{customer=}/{bt =}/{sales=}")]
//public FileContentResult WOFinishStatusExcel(string wo, string sales, string customer, string bt, string et)
// DataTable dt = new ReportService().WOFinishStatusDT(wo == "Null" ? "" : wo,
// sales == "Null" ? "" : sales,
// customer == "Null" ? "" : customer,
// bt == "Null" ? "" : bt,
// et == "Null" ? "" : et);
// return ExportExcel(dt, "WOFinishStatus");
public FileContentResult WOFinishStatusExcel(List<string> para)
string wo = para[0];
string sales = para[1];
string customer = para[2];
string bt = para[3];
string et = para[4];
//仓库 库位号 客户订单 功率/W 栅数 铭牌型号 单托/片 托数 合计块数 合计MW 型 材 接线盒类型 等 级 柜 号
DataTable dt = new ReportService().WOFinishStatusDT(wo == "Null" ? "" : wo,
sales == "Null" ? "" : sales,
customer == "Null" ? "" : customer,
bt == "Null" ? "" : bt,
et == "Null" ? "" : et);
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "工单日期";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "生码日期";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "客户";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "订单号";
dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "工单号";
dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "生产批次";
dt.Columns[6].ColumnName = "组件功率";
dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "工单数量";
dt.Columns[8].ColumnName = "叠层数量";
dt.Columns[9].ColumnName = "装框数量";
dt.Columns[10].ColumnName = "清洗数量";
dt.Columns[11].ColumnName = "电池片厂家";
dt.Columns[12].ColumnName = "电池片档位";
dt.Columns[13].ColumnName = "组件等级分布";
dt.Columns[14].ColumnName = "测试功率";
return ExportExcel(dt, "WOFinishStatusReport");
//return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
//测试数据明细导出excel 旧版本
public FileContentResult TestDataDetailExport2Excel(string lot, string wo, string bt, string et, string workshop, string pallet_nbr, string sale_order, string containerno, string check_nbr)
DataTable dt = new ReportService().TestDataDetailQueryInfo(lot == "Null" ? "" : lot
, wo == "Null" ? "" : wo
, bt == "Null" ? "" : bt
, et == "Null" ? "" : et
, workshop == "Null" ? "" : workshop
, pallet_nbr == "Null" ? "" : pallet_nbr
, sale_order == "Null" ? "" : sale_order
, containerno == "Null" ? "" : containerno
, check_nbr == "Null" ? "" : check_nbr
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "产品类型";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "功率档位";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "测试时间";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "测试机台号";
dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "柜号";
dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "托盘号";
dt.Columns[6].ColumnName = "组件序列号";
dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "Pmax";
dt.Columns[8].ColumnName = "Isc";
dt.Columns[9].ColumnName = "Voc";
dt.Columns[10].ColumnName = "Ipm";
dt.Columns[11].ColumnName = "Vpm";
dt.Columns[12].ColumnName = "FF";
dt.Columns[13].ColumnName = "电流档位";
return ExportExcel(dt, "TestDataDetailReport");
//测试数据明细导出excel (山东客户)
public FileContentResult TestDataDetailExportExcel(List<string> para)
string lot = para[0];
string wo = para[1];
string bt = para[2];
string et = para[3];
string workshop = para[4];
string pallet_nbr = para[5];
string sale_order = para[6];
string containerno = para[7];
string check_nbr = para[8];
if (workshop.ToUpper() == "NULL")
workshop = "";
DataTable dt = new ReportService().TestDataDetailQueryInfo(lot,
int i = 0;
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "柜号";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "托盘号";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "包装顺序";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "工单号";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "订单号";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "组件序列号";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "测试日期时间";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "测试机台";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "功率档位";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "电流档位";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "外观等级";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "EL等级";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "最终等级";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "VOC";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "ISC";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "Pmax";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "VPM";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "IPM";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "FF";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "RS";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "RSH";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "EFF";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "ENV_TEMP";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "Tmod";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "电池片厂家";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "单片功率";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "电池片颜色";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "电池片等级";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "电池片类型";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "电池片效率档";
//dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "转换效率";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "托盘状态";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "片源用量";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "额定功率";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "投入产出比";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "晶体类型";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "片源规格";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "焊接机台号";
return ExportExcel(dt, "TestDataDetailReport");
public FileContentResult TestDataDetailExportFakeExcel(string lot, string wo, string bt, string et, string workshop, string pallet_nbr, string sale_order, string containerno, string check_nbr)
DataTable dt = new ReportService().TestDataDetailQueryInfoFake(lot == "Null" ? "" : lot
, wo == "Null" ? "" : wo
, bt == "Null" ? "" : bt
, et == "Null" ? "" : et
, workshop == "Null" ? "" : workshop
, pallet_nbr == "Null" ? "" : pallet_nbr
, sale_order == "Null" ? "" : sale_order
, containerno == "Null" ? "" : containerno
, check_nbr == "Null" ? "" : check_nbr
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "产品类型";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "功率档位";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "测试时间";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "测试机台号";
dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "柜号";
dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "托盘号";
dt.Columns[6].ColumnName = "组件序列号";
dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "Pmax";
dt.Columns[8].ColumnName = "Isc";
dt.Columns[9].ColumnName = "Voc";
dt.Columns[10].ColumnName = "Ipm";
dt.Columns[11].ColumnName = "Vpm";
dt.Columns[12].ColumnName = "FF";
dt.Columns[13].ColumnName = "电流档位";
return ExportExcel(dt, "TestDataDetailReportFake(衰减数据)");
public FileContentResult MultipleTestDetailExportExcel(string lot, string wo, string bt, string et, string workshop)
DataTable dt = new ReportService().MultipleTestDetailQueryInfo(lot == "Null" ? "" : lot
, wo == "Null" ? "" : wo
, bt == "Null" ? "" : bt
, et == "Null" ? "" : et
, workshop == "Null" ? "" : workshop
//, pallet == "Null" ? "" : pallet
return ExportExcel(dt, "MultipleTestDetailReport");
//public FileContentResult PackOutputExportExcel(string workshop, string bt, string et, string lot, string container, string pallet, string check)
// DataTable dt = new ReportService().PackOutputQueryInfo(workshop == "Null" ? "" : workshop
// , bt == "Null" ? "" : bt
// , et == "Null" ? "" : et
// , lot == "Null" ? "" : lot
// , container == "Null" ? "" : container
// , pallet == "Null" ? "" : pallet
// , check == "Null" ? "" : check);
// return ExportExcel(dt, "PackOutputReport");
//修改#问题 add bby zhangxiaolong
public FileContentResult PackOutputExportS2Excel(List<string> para)
string bt = para[0];
string et = para[1];
//string containerno = para.containerno;
//string pallet = para.palletno;
//string lot = para.lotno;
string check = para[6];
string workshop = para[2];
string containerno_old = para[3];
string trim = Regex.Replace(containerno_old, @"\s", " ");
string container = "'" + trim.Replace(" ", "','") + "'";
string lot_old = para[4];
string trim1 = Regex.Replace(lot_old, @"\s", " ");
string lot = "'" + trim1.Replace(" ", "','") + "'";
string pallet_old = para[5];
string trim2 = Regex.Replace(pallet_old, @"\s", " ");
string pallet = "'" + trim2.Replace(" ", "','") + "'";
string workorder = para[7];
DataTable dt = new ReportService().PackOutputQueryInfo(workshop.ToUpper() == "Null" ? "" : workshop
, bt.ToUpper() == "Null" ? "" : bt
, et.ToUpper() == "Null" ? "" : et
, lot.ToUpper() == "Null" ? "" : lot
, container.ToUpper() == "Null" ? "" : container
, pallet.ToUpper() == "Null" ? "" : pallet
, check.ToUpper() == "Null" ? "" : check
, workorder.ToUpper() == "Null" ? "" : workorder);
int i = 0;
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "托盘号";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "柜号";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "组件序列号";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "工单号";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "订单号";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "功率档位";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "电流档位";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "装配件号";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "EL等级";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "外观等级";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "最终等级";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "测试机台";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "封箱时间";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "功率组";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "是否入库";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "班次";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "Pmax";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "VOC";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "ISC";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "FF";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "VPM";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "IPM";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "RS";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "RSH";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "EFF";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "ENV_TEMP";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "SURF_TEMP";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "TEMP";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "IVFILE_PATH";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "包装顺序";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "报检单号";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "电池片厂商";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "电池片颜色";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "电池片类型";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "电池片档位";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "单片功率";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "转换效率";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "EVA厂商";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "普通EVA规格";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "普通EVA批号";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "背板厂商";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "背板规格";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "背板批号";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "玻璃供应商";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "玻璃规格";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "玻璃批号";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "接线盒供应商";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "接线盒规格";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "接线盒批号";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "型材供应商";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "型材规格";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "型材批号";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "客户";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "产品组";
//dt.Columns[49].ColumnName = "料号";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "测试时间";
return ExportExcel(dt, "PackOutputReport");
public FileContentResult PackOutputExportSExcel(List<string> para)
string bt = para[0];
string et = para[1];
//string containerno = para.containerno;
//string pallet = para.palletno;
//string lot = para.lotno;
string check = para[6];
string workshop = para[2];
string containerno_old = para[3];
string trim = Regex.Replace(containerno_old, @"\s", " ");
string container = "'" + trim.Replace(" ", "','") + "'";
string lot_old = para[4];
string trim1 = Regex.Replace(lot_old, @"\s", " ");
string lot = "'" + trim1.Replace(" ", "','") + "'";
string pallet_old = para[5];
string trim2 = Regex.Replace(pallet_old, @"\s", " ");
string pallet = "'" + trim2.Replace(" ", "','") + "'";
string workorder = para[7];
DataTable dt = new ReportService().PackOutputQueryInfo(workshop.ToUpper() == "Null" ? "" : workshop
, bt.ToUpper() == "Null" ? "" : bt
, et.ToUpper() == "Null" ? "" : et
, lot.ToUpper() == "Null" ? "" : lot
, container.ToUpper() == "Null" ? "" : container
, pallet.ToUpper() == "Null" ? "" : pallet
, check.ToUpper() == "Null" ? "" : check
, workorder.ToUpper() == "Null" ? "" : workorder);
int i = 0;
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "柜号";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "托盘号";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "包装顺序";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "工单号";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "订单号";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "组件序列号";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "包装时间";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "测试日期时间";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "测试机台";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "功率档位";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "电流档位";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "外观等级";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "EL等级";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "最终等级";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "Pmax";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "FF";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "VOC";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "ISC";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "VPM";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "IPM";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "RS";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "RSH";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "EFF";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "ENV_TEMP";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "Tmod";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "电池片厂家";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "单片功率";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "电池片颜色";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "电池片等级";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "电池片类型";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "电池片效率档";
//dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "转换效率";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "托盘状态";
return ExportExcel(dt, "PackOutputReport");
public FileContentResult ShiftProductionExcel(List<string> para)
string workshop = para[0];
string begintime = para[1];
string endtime = para[2];
string station = para[3];
string wks_id = para[4];
string workorder = para[5];
DataTable dt = new ReportService().ShiftProduction(workshop.ToUpper() == "Null" ? "" : workshop
, begintime.ToUpper() == "Null" ? "" : begintime
, endtime.ToUpper() == "Null" ? "" : endtime
, station.ToUpper() == "Null" ? "" : station
, workorder.ToUpper() == "Null" ? "" : workorder);
int i = 0;
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "柜号";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "托盘号";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "包装顺序";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "工单号";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "订单号";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "组件序列号";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "包装时间";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "测试日期时间";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "测试机台";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "功率档位";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "电流档位";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "外观等级";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "EL等级";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "最终等级";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "Pmax";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "FF";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "VOC";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "ISC";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "VPM";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "IPM";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "RS";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "RSH";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "EFF";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "ENV_TEMP";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "Tmod";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "电池片厂家";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "单片功率";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "电池片颜色";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "电池片等级";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "电池片类型";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "电池片效率档";
//dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "转换效率";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "托盘状态";
return ExportExcel(dt, "PackOutputReport");
// //包装产量报表导出excel(英利客户版本)
public FileContentResult PackOutputDetailExcel(List<string> para)
string bt = para[0];
string et = para[1];
//string containerno = para.containerno;
//string pallet = para.palletno;
//string lot = para.lotno;
string check = para[6];
string workshop = para[2];
string containerno_old = para[3];
string trim = Regex.Replace(containerno_old, @"\s", " ");
string container = "'" + trim.Replace(" ", "','") + "'";
string lot_old = para[4];
string trim1 = Regex.Replace(lot_old, @"\s", " ");
string lot = "'" + trim1.Replace(" ", "','") + "'";
string pallet_old = para[5];
string trim2 = Regex.Replace(pallet_old, @"\s", " ");
string pallet = "'" + trim2.Replace(" ", "','") + "'";
string workorder = para[7];
DataTable dt = new ReportService().PackOutputDetailQueryInfo(workshop.ToUpper() == "Null" ? "" : workshop
, bt.ToUpper() == "Null" ? "" : bt
, et.ToUpper() == "Null" ? "" : et
, lot.ToUpper() == "Null" ? "" : lot
, container.ToUpper() == "Null" ? "" : container
, pallet.ToUpper() == "Null" ? "" : pallet
, check.ToUpper() == "Null" ? "" : check
, workorder.ToUpper() == "Null" ? "" : workorder);
int i = 0;
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "托盘号";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "组件序列号";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "VOC";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "ISC";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "Pmax";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "VPM";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "IPM";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "FF";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "测试日期时间";
return ExportExcel(dt, "PackOutputDetailReport");
/// <summary>
/// 库存报表excel导出
/// </summary>
/// <param name="para"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public FileContentResult InventoryReportExcel(List<string> para)
string locationname = para[1];
string name = para[0];
//仓库 库位号 客户订单 功率/W 栅数 铭牌型号 单托/片 托数 合计块数 合计MW 型 材 接线盒类型 等 级 柜 号
DataTable dt = new ReportService().InventoryDT(locationname,name);
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "仓库";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "库位号";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "类型";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "客户订单";
dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "功率/W";
dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "栅数";
dt.Columns[6].ColumnName = "铭牌型号";
dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "单拖/片";
dt.Columns[8].ColumnName = "托数";
dt.Columns[9].ColumnName = "合计块数";
dt.Columns[10].ColumnName = "合计MW";
dt.Columns[11].ColumnName = "型材";
dt.Columns[12].ColumnName = "接线盒类型";
dt.Columns[13].ColumnName = "等级";
dt.Columns[14].ColumnName = "柜号";
return ExportExcel(dt, "InventoryReport");
//return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
/// <summary>
/// 库存JY报表excel导出
/// </summary>
/// <param name="para"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public FileContentResult InventoryJYReportExcel(List<string> para)
string locationname = para[1];
string name = para[0];
//仓库 库位号 客户订单 功率/W 栅数 铭牌型号 单托/片 托数 合计块数 合计MW 型 材 接线盒类型 等 级 柜 号
DataTable dt = new ReportService().InventoryJYDT(locationname, name);
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "仓库";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "库位号";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "客户订单";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "柜号";
dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "拼柜状态";
dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "功率档";
dt.Columns[6].ColumnName = "栅数";
dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "产品类型";
dt.Columns[8].ColumnName = "组件数量";
dt.Columns[9].ColumnName = "合计MW";
dt.Columns[10].ColumnName = "型材";
dt.Columns[11].ColumnName = "接线盒类型";
dt.Columns[12].ColumnName = "等级";
dt.Columns[13].ColumnName = "报检状态";
return ExportExcel(dt, "InventoryJYReport");
//return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
#region 库存详细
public FileContentResult InventoryDetailedJYExcel(List<string> para)
string locationname = para[0];
string name = para[1];
//string containerno = para.containerno;
//string pallet = para.palletno;
//string lot = para.lotno;
//string check = para[6];
//string workshop = para[2];
//string containerno_old = para[3];
//string trim = Regex.Replace(containerno_old, @"\s", " ");
//string container = "'" + trim.Replace(" ", "','") + "'";
//string lot_old = para[4];
//string trim1 = Regex.Replace(lot_old, @"\s", " ");
//string lot = "'" + trim1.Replace(" ", "','") + "'";
//string pallet_old = para[5];
//string trim2 = Regex.Replace(pallet_old, @"\s", " ");
//string pallet = "'" + trim2.Replace(" ", "','") + "'";
DataTable dt = new ReportService().InventoryDetailedJYDT(locationname.ToUpper() == "Null" ? "" : locationname
, name.ToUpper() == "Null" ? "" : name);
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "托盘号";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "柜号";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "组件序列号";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "工单号";
dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "功率档位";
dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "电流档位";
dt.Columns[6].ColumnName = "装配件号";
dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "EL等级";
dt.Columns[8].ColumnName = "外观等级";
dt.Columns[9].ColumnName = "封箱时间";
dt.Columns[10].ColumnName = "功率组";
dt.Columns[11].ColumnName = "是否入库";
dt.Columns[12].ColumnName = "班次";
dt.Columns[13].ColumnName = "Pmax";
dt.Columns[14].ColumnName = "VOC";
dt.Columns[15].ColumnName = "ISC";
dt.Columns[16].ColumnName = "FF";
dt.Columns[17].ColumnName = "VPM";
dt.Columns[18].ColumnName = "IPM";
dt.Columns[19].ColumnName = "RS";
dt.Columns[20].ColumnName = "RSH";
dt.Columns[21].ColumnName = "RSH";
dt.Columns[22].ColumnName = "EFF";
dt.Columns[23].ColumnName = "ENV_TEMP";
dt.Columns[24].ColumnName = "SURF_TEMP";
dt.Columns[25].ColumnName = "TEMP";
dt.Columns[26].ColumnName = "IVFILE_PATH";
dt.Columns[27].ColumnName = "包装顺序";
dt.Columns[28].ColumnName = "报检单号";
dt.Columns[29].ColumnName = "电池片厂商";
dt.Columns[30].ColumnName = "电池片档位";
dt.Columns[31].ColumnName = "单片功率";
dt.Columns[32].ColumnName = "转换效率";
dt.Columns[33].ColumnName = "EVA厂商";
dt.Columns[34].ColumnName = "普通EVA规格";
dt.Columns[35].ColumnName = "普通EVA批号";
dt.Columns[36].ColumnName = "背板厂商";
dt.Columns[37].ColumnName = "背板规格";
dt.Columns[38].ColumnName = "背板批号";
dt.Columns[39].ColumnName = "玻璃供应商";
dt.Columns[40].ColumnName = "玻璃规格";
dt.Columns[41].ColumnName = "玻璃批号";
dt.Columns[42].ColumnName = "接线盒供应商";
dt.Columns[43].ColumnName = "接线盒规格";
dt.Columns[44].ColumnName = "接线盒批号";
dt.Columns[45].ColumnName = "型材供应商";
dt.Columns[46].ColumnName = "型材规格";
dt.Columns[47].ColumnName = "型材批号";
dt.Columns[48].ColumnName = "客户";
dt.Columns[49].ColumnName = "产品组";
//dt.Columns[49].ColumnName = "批次料号";
dt.Columns[50].ColumnName = "测试时间";
return ExportExcel(dt, "InventoryDetailed");
/// <summary>
/// 入库报表excel导出
/// </summary>
/// <param name="para"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public FileContentResult StorageReportExcel(List<string> para)
string bt = para[0];
string et = para[1];
string name = para[2];
string locationname = para[3];
string final_grade = para[4];
string power_grade = para[5];
string containerno_old = para[6];
string trim = Regex.Replace(containerno_old, @"\s", " ");
string containerno = "'" + trim.Replace(" ", "','") + "'";
string palletno_old = para[7];
string trim1 = Regex.Replace(palletno_old, @"\s", " ");
string palletno = "'" + trim1.Replace(" ", "','") + "'";
string workorder = para[8];
string saleorder = para[9];
string area_code = para[10];
string serial = para[11];
if (containerno.ToUpper() == "NULL")
containerno = "";
if (palletno.ToUpper() == "NULL")
palletno = "";
if (bt.ToUpper() == "UNDEFINED")
bt = "";
if (et.ToUpper() == "UNDEFINED")
et = "";
if (area_code.ToUpper() == "NULL")
area_code = "";
if (saleorder.ToUpper() == "UNDEFINED")
saleorder = "";
//日期 仓库 库位 订单 柜号 托盘号 铭牌类型 功率分档 栅数 入库数量 等级 组件尺寸 接线盒类型 组件所属部门
DataTable dt = new ReportService().StorageDT(bt, et, name, locationname, containerno, palletno, final_grade, power_grade,workorder,saleorder,area_code,serial);
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "序号";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "入库时间";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "仓库";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "库位";
dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "订单";
dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "工单";
dt.Columns[6].ColumnName = "柜号";
dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "托盘号";
dt.Columns[8].ColumnName = "组件序列号";
dt.Columns[9].ColumnName = "开路电压Voc(V)";
dt.Columns[10].ColumnName = "短路电流Isc(A)";
dt.Columns[11].ColumnName = "工作电压Vpm(V)";
dt.Columns[12].ColumnName = "工作电流Ipm(A)";
dt.Columns[13].ColumnName = "实测功率Pmp(W)";
dt.Columns[14].ColumnName = "填充因子FF";
dt.Columns[15].ColumnName = "电流档";
dt.Columns[16].ColumnName = "产品类型";
dt.Columns[17].ColumnName = "功率档";
dt.Columns[18].ColumnName = "栅数";
//dt.Columns[19].ColumnName = "入库数量";
dt.Columns[19].ColumnName = "等级";
dt.Columns[20].ColumnName = "组件尺寸";
dt.Columns[21].ColumnName = "接线盒类型";
dt.Columns[22].ColumnName = "托盘状态";
dt.Columns[23].ColumnName = "组件所属部门";
return ExportExcel(dt, "StorageReport");
//return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
/// <summary>
/// 入库报表excel导出
/// </summary>
/// <param name="para"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public FileContentResult StoreIssueExcel(List<string> para)
string bt = para[0];
string et = para[1];
string part_nbr = para[2];
string workorder = para[3];
string lot_nbr = para[4];
if (bt.ToUpper() == "UNDEFINED")
bt = "";
if (et.ToUpper() == "UNDEFINED")
et = "";
//日期 仓库 库位 订单 柜号 托盘号 铭牌类型 功率分档 栅数 入库数量 等级 组件尺寸 接线盒类型 组件所属部门
DataTable dt = new ReportService().StoreIssueDT(bt, et, part_nbr, workorder, lot_nbr);
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "日期";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "部门";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "工单号";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "客户名称";
dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "料号";
dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "存货规格";
dt.Columns[6].ColumnName = "批号";
dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "上期结存";
dt.Columns[8].ColumnName = "发出数量";
dt.Columns[9].ColumnName = "订单消耗数量";
dt.Columns[10].ColumnName = "现场结余";
return ExportExcel(dt, "StoreIssue");
//return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
/// <summary>
/// 材料追溯excel导出
/// </summary>
/// <param name="para"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public FileContentResult MaterialTraceabilityExcel(List<string> para)
string lot_nbr = para[0];
string orig_batch_nbr = para[1];
string serial_nbr = para[2];
string bt = para[3];
string et = para[4];
string wks_desc = para[5];
string area_code = para[6];
//序列 子批次 母批次 组件序列号 组件等级 组件站点 组件托盘号 组件柜号 是否入库 是否出货
DataTable dt = new ReportService().MaterialTraceabilityDT(lot_nbr, orig_batch_nbr, serial_nbr,bt,et,wks_desc,area_code);
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "序号";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "物料类别";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "供应商批次号";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "子批次";
dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "母批次";
dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "组件序列号";
dt.Columns[6].ColumnName = "站点机台";
dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "组件等级";
dt.Columns[8].ColumnName = "组件站点";
dt.Columns[9].ColumnName = "组件托盘号";
dt.Columns[10].ColumnName = "组件柜号";
dt.Columns[11].ColumnName = "是否入库";
dt.Columns[12].ColumnName = "是否出货";
dt.Columns[13].ColumnName = "过站时间";
return ExportExcel(dt, "MaterialTraceability");
//return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
/// <summary>
/// CTMexcel导出
/// </summary>
/// <param name="para"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public FileContentResult FinalTestRoomDataExcel(List<string> para)
string bt = para[0];
string et = para[1];
string workshop = para[2];
string workorder = para[3];
//工单 片源 额定功率 平均功率 CTM 数量
DataTable dt = new ReportService().FinalTestRoomDataDT( bt, et, workshop, workorder);
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "工单";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "片源";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "额定功率";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "平均功率";
dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "CTM";
dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "数量";
//dt.Columns[6].ColumnName = "组件站点";
//dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "组件托盘号";
//dt.Columns[8].ColumnName = "组件柜号";
//dt.Columns[9].ColumnName = "是否入库";
//dt.Columns[10].ColumnName = "是否出货";
return ExportExcel(dt, "FinalTestRoomData");
//return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
/// <summary>
/// 工单条码报表excel导出
/// </summary>
/// <param name="para"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
#region 工单条码登记(原始版)
public FileContentResult WorkLot2Excel(List<string> para)
string bt = para[0];
string et = para[1];
string workshop = para[2];
string sale_order = para[3];
string workorder = para[4];
if (bt.ToUpper() == "UNDEFINED")
bt = "";
if (et.ToUpper() == "UNDEFINED")
et = "";
//序列 子批次 母批次 组件序列号 组件等级 组件站点 组件托盘号 组件柜号 是否入库 是否出货
DataTable dt = new ReportService().WorkLotDT(bt, et, workshop,sale_order, workorder);
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "订单";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "工单";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "生码日期";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "工单创建时间";
dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "投产数量";
dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "生码数量";
dt.Columns[6].ColumnName = "剩余数量";
dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "客户";
dt.Columns[8].ColumnName = "产品族";
dt.Columns[9].ColumnName = "产生条码段号";
//dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "产生条码段号";
//dt.Columns[8].ColumnName = "是否入库";
//dt.Columns[9].ColumnName = "是否出货";
return ExportExcel(dt, "WorkLot");
//return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
#region 工单条码登记(山东客户)
public FileContentResult WorkLotExcel(List<string> para)
string bt = para[0];
string et = para[1];
string workshop = para[2];
string sale_order = para[3];
string workorder = para[4];
if (bt.ToUpper() == "UNDEFINED")
bt = "";
if (et.ToUpper() == "UNDEFINED")
et = "";
if (workshop == "null")
workshop = "";
//序列 子批次 母批次 组件序列号 组件等级 组件站点 组件托盘号 组件柜号 是否入库 是否出货
DataTable dt = new ReportService().WorkLotDT(bt, et, workshop, sale_order, workorder);
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "车间";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "订单号";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "工单号";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "工单总数量";
dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "生码数量";
dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "起始序列号";
dt.Columns[6].ColumnName = "最终序列号";
dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "客户";
dt.Columns[8].ColumnName = "生码时间";
dt.Columns[9].ColumnName = "工单创建时间";
dt.Columns[10].ColumnName = "产品族";
//dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "产生条码段号";
//dt.Columns[8].ColumnName = "是否入库";
//dt.Columns[9].ColumnName = "是否出货";
return ExportExcel(dt, "WorkLot");
//return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
#region 条码管理及优质品率
public FileContentResult BarCodeAndQualityRateExcel(List<string> para)
string sale_order = para[0];
string workorder = para[1];
string station = para[2];
// 车间 订单号 客户 工单号 客户订单数量 实际投产 优质率 Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3 B 报废
DataTable dt = new ReportService().BarCodeAndQualityRateDT(sale_order, workorder,station);
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "车间";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "订单号";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "客户";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "工单号";
dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "客户订单数量";
dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "生码数量";
dt.Columns[6].ColumnName = "站点总数";
dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "优质率";
//dt.Columns[8].ColumnName = "A";
//dt.Columns[9].ColumnName = "A1";
//dt.Columns[10].ColumnName = "A2";
//dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "Q0";
//dt.Columns[8].ColumnName = "Q1";
//dt.Columns[9].ColumnName = "Q2";
//dt.Columns[10].ColumnName = "Q3";
//dt.Columns[11].ColumnName = "B";
dt.Columns[13].ColumnName = "报废";
return ExportExcel(dt, "BarCodeAndQualityRate");
//return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
#region 结批率
public FileContentResult BatchRateExcel(List<string> para)
string sale_order = para[0];
string workorder = para[1];
string workshop = para[2];
// 车间 订单号 客户 层压 装框 清洗 包装 入库率 工单开始时间 工单要求完成时间 实际结单时间
DataTable dt = new ReportService().BatchRateDT(sale_order, workorder,workshop);
int i = 0;
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "车间";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "订单号";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "客户";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "工单号";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "客户订单数量";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "实际投产";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "入库数量";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "组件报废";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "条码报废";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "生码";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "焊接";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "叠层";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "层压";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "层压后检验";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "装框";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "清洗";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "全检";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "包装";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "入库率";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "工单开始时间";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "工单完成时间";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "实际结单时间";
return ExportExcel(dt, "BatchRate");
//return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
#region 结批率详细导出
public FileContentResult PopoutDataExcel(List<string> para)
string workshop = para[0];
string workorder = para[1];
string field = para[2];
// 车间 订单号 客户 层压 装框 清洗 包装 入库率 工单开始时间 工单要求完成时间 实际结单时间
DataTable dt = new ReportService().PopoutDataDT(workshop, workorder, field);
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "订单";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "工单";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "组件序列号";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "当前站点";
dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "等级";
return ExportExcel(dt, "PopoutData");
//return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
#region 各站点数详情导出
public FileContentResult StationDataExcel(List<string> para)
string workshop = para[0];
string workorder = para[1];
string saleorder = para[2];
string station = para[3];
//string wksid = para[4];
string bt = para[4];
string et = para[5];
string field = para[6];
string worktime = para[7];
if (worktime.ToUpper() == "NULL")
worktime = "";
// 车间 订单号 客户 层压 装框 清洗 包装 入库率 工单开始时间 工单要求完成时间 实际结单时间
DataTable dt = new ReportService().ProduincStationDT(workshop, workorder, saleorder, station,bt, et, field,worktime);
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "站点";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "组件序列号";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "操作人员";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "班次";
dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "设备";
dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "工单";
dt.Columns[6].ColumnName = "订单";
dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "过站时间";
return ExportExcel(dt, "StationData");
//return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
#region 站点产能详情导出
public FileContentResult ShiftDataExcel(List<string> para)
string workshop = para[0];
string workorder = para[1];
string station = para[2];
//string wksid = para[4];
string bt = para[3];
string et = para[4];
string type = para[5];
string mod = para[6];
if (station.ToUpper() == "NULL")
station = "";
// 车间 订单号 客户 层压 装框 清洗 包装 入库率 工单开始时间 工单要求完成时间 实际结单时间
DataTable dt = new ReportService().ShiftProductionDT(workshop, bt,et,station, workorder, type,mod);
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "车间";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "班组";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "序列号";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "版型";
dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "站点";
dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "机台号";
dt.Columns[6].ColumnName = "过站时间";
dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "工单号";
dt.Columns[8].ColumnName = "产品型号";
dt.Columns[9].ColumnName = "批号";
dt.Columns[10].ColumnName = "供应商编号";
dt.Columns[11].ColumnName = "供应商名称";
dt.Columns[12].ColumnName = "最终等级";
return ExportExcel(dt, "ShiftData");
//return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
#region 各站点机台过站数详情导出
public FileContentResult WksDataExcel(List<string> para)
string workshop = para[0];
string workorder = para[1];
string saleorder = para[2];
string station = para[3];
string wksid = para[4];
string bt = para[5];
string et = para[6];
string field = para[7];
string worktime = para[8];
// 车间 订单号 客户 层压 装框 清洗 包装 入库率 工单开始时间 工单要求完成时间 实际结单时间
DataTable dt = new ReportService().ProduincDT(workshop, workorder, saleorder, station,wksid, bt, et, field,worktime);
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "组件序列号";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "操作人员";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "班次";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "过站时间";
return ExportExcel(dt, "WksData");
//return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
#region 线边仓物料损耗
public FileContentResult SuppliesConsumedExcel(List<string> para)
string sale_order = para[0];
string workorder = para[1];
string station = para[2];
// 订单号 组件数量 工单 物料名称 单位 料号 规格 *母批次号* 单耗
//核定用量 损耗率 损耗用量 标准用量 仓库实发量 产线领用量 订单结余量 超出/结约 报废物料
DataTable dt = new ReportService().SuppliesConsumedDT(sale_order, workorder,station);
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "车间";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "OEM客户";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "工单";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "料号";
dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "物料类别";
dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "描述";
dt.Columns[6].ColumnName = "是否主料";
dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "主料号";
dt.Columns[8].ColumnName = "单耗";
dt.Columns[9].ColumnName = "单位";
dt.Columns[10].ColumnName = "来料批号";
dt.Columns[11].ColumnName = "上期结存";
dt.Columns[12].ColumnName = "实发数量";
dt.Columns[13].ColumnName = "工序消耗量";
dt.Columns[14].ColumnName = "来料不良";
dt.Columns[15].ColumnName = "制程不良";
dt.Columns[16].ColumnName = "报废不良";
dt.Columns[17].ColumnName = "现场结余";
return ExportExcel(dt, "SuppliesConsumed");
#region 原料线边仓报表
public FileContentResult LinePositionsExcel(List<string> para)
string sale_order = para[0];
string workorder = para[1];
// 订单号 组件数量 工单 物料名称 单位 料号 规格 *母批次号* 单耗
//核定用量 损耗率 损耗用量 标准用量 仓库实发量 产线领用量 订单结余量 超出/结约 报废物料
DataTable dt = new ReportService().LinePositionsDT(sale_order, workorder);
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "订单号";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "组件数量";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "工单";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "物料名称";
dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "单位";
dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "料号";
dt.Columns[6].ColumnName = "规格";
dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "单耗";
dt.Columns[8].ColumnName = "核定用量";
dt.Columns[9].ColumnName = "损耗率";
dt.Columns[10].ColumnName = "损耗用量";
dt.Columns[11].ColumnName = "标准用量";
dt.Columns[12].ColumnName = "仓库实发量";
dt.Columns[13].ColumnName = "产线领用量";
dt.Columns[14].ColumnName = "订单结余量";
dt.Columns[15].ColumnName = "超出/结约";
dt.Columns[16].ColumnName = "报废物料";
return ExportExcel(dt, "LinePositions");
//return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
#region 成品线边仓导出
public FileContentResult FinishProductLinePositionsExcel(List<string> para)
string area_code = para[0];
string saleorder = para[1];
string status = para[2];
string WorkOrder = para[3];
string Container = para[4];
string Palletnbr = para[5];
string Serialnbr = para[6];
// 车间 焊接机台 来料批号 供应商 电池片类型 栅数 单片功率 来料数量 封装片数 来料 串返修 叠返修 不良率
DataTable dt = new ReportService().FinishProductLinePositionsDT(area_code, saleorder, status, WorkOrder, Container, Palletnbr, Serialnbr);
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "车间";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "订单";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "托盘号";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "序列号";
dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "功率档";
dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "栅数";
dt.Columns[6].ColumnName = "产品类型";
dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "型材";
dt.Columns[8].ColumnName = "接线盒";
dt.Columns[9].ColumnName = "电流档";
dt.Columns[10].ColumnName = "等级";
dt.Columns[11].ColumnName = "柜号";
dt.Columns[12].ColumnName = "报检状态";
return ExportExcel(dt, "FinishProductLinePositions");
//return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
#region 电池片结批率
public FileContentResult CellBatchRateExcel(List<string> para)
string sale_order = para[0];
string workorder = para[1];
string area_code = para[2];
// 车间 焊接机台 来料批号 供应商 电池片类型 栅数 单片功率 来料数量 封装片数 来料 串返修 叠返修 不良率
DataTable dt = new ReportService().CellBatchRateDT(sale_order, workorder,area_code);
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "车间";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "焊接机台";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "来料批号";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "供应商";
dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "电池片类型";
dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "栅数";
dt.Columns[6].ColumnName = "单片功率";
dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "实发数量";
dt.Columns[8].ColumnName = "封装片数";
dt.Columns[9].ColumnName = "来料";
dt.Columns[10].ColumnName = "串返修";
dt.Columns[11].ColumnName = "叠返修";
dt.Columns[12].ColumnName = "不良率";
return ExportExcel(dt, "CellBatchRate");
//return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
/// <summary>
/// 永臻晶科报表excel导出
/// </summary>
/// <param name="para"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public FileContentResult YongzhenJinkeExcel(List<string> para)
string bt = para[0];
string et = para[1];
string PalletLot = para[2];
//string sale_order = para[2];
//string workorder = para[3];
//不良位置 换片数量 操作人 操作人姓名 备注 分选时间 焊接机 叠层机
DataTable dt = new ReportService().YongzhenJinkeDT(bt, et,PalletLot);
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "TTIME";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "LOT_NUM";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "WORK_ORDER_NO";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "DEVICENUM";
dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "AMBIENTTEMP";
dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "INTENSITY";
dt.Columns[6].ColumnName = "FF";
dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "EFF";
dt.Columns[8].ColumnName = "PM";
dt.Columns[9].ColumnName = "ISC";
dt.Columns[10].ColumnName = "IPM";
dt.Columns[11].ColumnName = "VOC";
dt.Columns[12].ColumnName = "VPM";
dt.Columns[13].ColumnName = "SENSORTEMP";
dt.Columns[14].ColumnName = "VC_CELLEFF";
dt.Columns[15].ColumnName = "DEC_CTM";
dt.Columns[16].ColumnName = "RS";
dt.Columns[17].ColumnName = "RSH";
dt.Columns[18].ColumnName = "SUPPLIER_NAME";
dt.Columns[19].ColumnName = "RESULT";
dt.Columns[20].ColumnName = "TYPE";
dt.Columns[21].ColumnName = "IV_TEST_KEY";
dt.Columns[22].ColumnName = "PALLET_NO";
dt.Columns[23].ColumnName = "PRO_LEVEL";
dt.Columns[24].ColumnName = "CIR_NO";
dt.Columns[25].ColumnName = "SALE_ORDER_NO";
dt.Columns[26].ColumnName = "MODEL_NAME";
dt.Columns[27].ColumnName = "CONTRACT_NO";
dt.Columns[28].ColumnName = "CUSTOMER_NAME";
return ExportExcel(dt, "YongzhenJinke");
/// <summary>
/// 返修换片excel导出
/// </summary>
/// <param name="para"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public FileContentResult RepairExcel(List<string> para)
string bt = para[0];
string et = para[1];
string sale_order = para[2];
string workorder = para[3];
//不良位置 换片数量 操作人 操作人姓名 备注 分选时间 焊接机 叠层机
DataTable dt = new ReportService().RepairDT(bt, et, sale_order, workorder);
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "订单号";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "工单号";
//dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "不良类型";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "组件序列号";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "组件电池片数";
dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "组件颜色";
dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "原电池片料号";
dt.Columns[6].ColumnName = "原电池片厂家";
dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "原电池片功率";
dt.Columns[8].ColumnName = "原电池片批号";
dt.Columns[9].ColumnName = "新电池片料号";
dt.Columns[10].ColumnName = "新电池片厂家";
dt.Columns[11].ColumnName = "新电池片功率";
dt.Columns[12].ColumnName = "新电池片批号";
dt.Columns[13].ColumnName = "不良站点";
dt.Columns[14].ColumnName = "不良项";
dt.Columns[15].ColumnName = "不良原因";
dt.Columns[16].ColumnName = "不良位置";
dt.Columns[17].ColumnName = "换片数量";
dt.Columns[18].ColumnName = "操作人";
dt.Columns[19].ColumnName = "操作人姓名";
dt.Columns[20].ColumnName = "备注";
dt.Columns[21].ColumnName = "分选时间";
dt.Columns[22].ColumnName = "焊接机";
dt.Columns[23].ColumnName = "叠层机";
return ExportExcel(dt, "Repair");
/// <summary>
/// 收发存报表excel导出
/// </summary>
/// <param name="para"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public FileContentResult ReceivedAndDepositExcel(List<string> para)
string bt = para[0];
string et = para[1];
string locationname = para[2];
string name = para[3];
string sale_order = para[4];
//序列 子批次 母批次 组件序列号 组件等级 组件站点 组件托盘号 组件柜号 是否入库 是否出货
DataTable dt = new ReportService().ReceivedAndDepositDT(bt, et, name, locationname, sale_order);
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "仓库";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "库位";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "订单号";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "柜号";
dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "铭牌类型";
dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "功率等级";
dt.Columns[6].ColumnName = "组件等级";
dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "组件尺寸";
dt.Columns[8].ColumnName = "接线盒类型";
dt.Columns[9].ColumnName = "入库数量";
dt.Columns[10].ColumnName = "移入数量";
dt.Columns[11].ColumnName = "移出数量";
dt.Columns[12].ColumnName = "退库数量";
dt.Columns[13].ColumnName = "出货数量";
return ExportExcel(dt, "ReceivedAndDeposit");
//return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
//public ActionResult ShipmentsReportsssExcel(dynamic para)
// //this.ValueProvider
// string STR=this.Request.Form.ToString();
// string containerno_old = String.Empty;
// string[] sArray = STR.Split('&');
// string bt = String.Empty;
// string[] bt1 = sArray[0].Trim().Split('=');
// string[] bt2 = sArray[1].Trim().Split('=');
// string[] bt3 = sArray[2].Trim().Split('=');
// string[] bt4 = sArray[3].Trim().Split('=');
// string[] bt5 = sArray[4].Trim().Split('=');
// string[] bt6 = sArray[5].Trim().Split('=');
// //if (bt1.Count()==3)
// bt = bt1[1];
// string et = String.Empty;
// //if (bt2.Count() == 3)
// et = bt2[1];
// string workshop = String.Empty;
// //if (bt3.Count() == 3)
// workshop = bt3[1];
// string product_code = String.Empty;
// //if (bt4.Count() == 3)
// product_code = bt4[1];
// string power_grade = String.Empty;
// //if (bt5.Count() == 3)
// power_grade = bt5[1];
// string containerno = String.Empty;
// //if (bt6.Count() == 3)
// containerno_old = bt6[1];
// //containerno_old = para.containerno;
// string old = containerno_old.Replace("+"," ");
// string trim = Regex.Replace(old, @"\s", " ");
// containerno = "'" + trim.Replace(" ", "','") + "'";
// containerno=containerno.Replace("%23", "#");
// //if (para.containerno != null)
// //{
// // string containerno_old = para.containerno;
// // string trim = Regex.Replace(containerno_old, @"\s", " ");
// // para.containerno = "'" + trim.Replace(" ", "','") + "'";
// //}
// DataTable dt = new ReportService().ShipmentsReportDT(bt, et, workshop, product_code, power_grade, containerno);
// dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "车间";
// dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "类型";
// dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "功率档";
// dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "包装日期";
// dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "内部柜号";
// dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "托盘号";
// dt.Columns[6].ColumnName = "序列号";
// EXCEL(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
// return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
public FileContentResult ShipmentsReportssExcel(List<string> para)
string behintime = para[0];
string endtime = para[1];
string workshop = para[2];
string product_code = para[3];
string power_grade = para[4];
string containerno_old = para[5];
string trim = Regex.Replace(containerno_old, @"\s", " ");
string containerno = "'" + trim.Replace(" ", "','") + "'";
if (workshop.ToUpper() == "NULL")
workshop = "";
if (endtime.ToUpper() == "NULL"|| endtime.ToUpper() == "UNDEFINED")
endtime = "";
if (product_code.ToUpper() == "NULL")
product_code = "";
if (containerno.ToUpper() == "NULL")
containerno = "";
if (power_grade.ToUpper() == "NULL")
power_grade = "";
//if (para.containerno != null)
// string containerno_old = para.containerno;
// string trim = Regex.Replace(containerno_old, @"\s", " ");
// para.containerno = "'" + trim.Replace(" ", "','") + "'";
////DataTable dt = new ReportService().ShipmentsReportDT(behintime, endtime, workshop, product_code, power_grade, containerno);
DataTable dt = new ReportService().ShipmentsReportDT(behintime, endtime, workshop, product_code, power_grade, containerno);
//NO. 发货时间 订单 车间号/Workshop 型号/Type 功率档/Pnom[W] 内部柜号/Internal Container 物流公司 提单号 集装箱号 集装箱锁号 托号/Pallet No.
//序列号S /N 开路电压Voc[V] 短路电流Isc[A] 工作电压Vmp[V] 工作电流Imp[A] 实测功率Pmp[W] 填充因子FF 电流档Current[A]
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "发货时间";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "订单";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "车间号/Workshop";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "产品类型/Type";
dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "功率档/Pnom[W]";
dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "内部柜号/Internal Container";
dt.Columns[6].ColumnName = "物流公司";
dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "提单号";
dt.Columns[8].ColumnName = "集装箱号";
dt.Columns[9].ColumnName = "集装箱锁号";
dt.Columns[10].ColumnName = "包装时间";
dt.Columns[11].ColumnName = "托号/Pallet No.";
dt.Columns[12].ColumnName = "序列号S /N";
//dt.Columns[13].ColumnName = "序列号S /N";
dt.Columns[13].ColumnName = "开路电压Voc[V]";
dt.Columns[14].ColumnName = "短路电流Isc[A]";
dt.Columns[15].ColumnName = "工作电压Vmp[V]";
dt.Columns[16].ColumnName = "工作电流Imp[A]";
dt.Columns[17].ColumnName = "实测功率Pmp[W]";
dt.Columns[18].ColumnName = "填充因子FF";
dt.Columns[19].ColumnName = "电流档Current[A]";
return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
//return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
#region 包装产能统计excel
public FileContentResult PackCapacityExcel(List<string> para)
string workshop = para[0];
string workorder= para[1];
string saleorder = para[2];
if (workshop.ToUpper() == "NULL")
workshop = "";
if (workorder.ToUpper() == "NULL")
workorder = "";
if (saleorder.ToUpper() == "NULL")
saleorder = "";
//if (para.containerno != null)
// string containerno_old = para.containerno;
// string trim = Regex.Replace(containerno_old, @"\s", " ");
// para.containerno = "'" + trim.Replace(" ", "','") + "'";
////DataTable dt = new ReportService().ShipmentsReportDT(behintime, endtime, workshop, product_code, power_grade, containerno);
DataTable dt = new ReportService().PackCapacityDT(workshop, workorder, saleorder);
//NO. 发货时间 订单 车间号/Workshop 型号/Type 功率档/Pnom[W] 内部柜号/Internal Container 物流公司 提单号 集装箱号 集装箱锁号 托号/Pallet No.
//序列号S /N 开路电压Voc[V] 短路电流Isc[A] 工作电压Vmp[V] 工作电流Imp[A] 实测功率Pmp[W] 填充因子FF 电流档Current[A]
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "车间";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "工单号";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "订单号";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "工单总数量";
dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "包装数量";
dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "功率档位";
dt.Columns[6].ColumnName = "电流档位";
dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "等级";
dt.Columns[8].ColumnName = "功率下限";
dt.Columns[9].ColumnName = "功率上限";
dt.Columns[10].ColumnName = "工单类型";
return ExportExcel(dt, "PackCapacity");
//return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
#region 一次碎片率看板excel
public FileContentResult FragmentationExcel(List<string> para)
string workshop = para[0];
string machine = para[1];
string bt = para[2];
string et = para[3];
if (workshop.ToUpper() == "NULL")
workshop = "";
if (machine.ToUpper() == "NULL")
machine = "";
if (bt.ToUpper() == "NULL")
bt = "";
if (et.ToUpper() == "NULL")
et= "";
//if (para.containerno != null)
// string containerno_old = para.containerno;
// string trim = Regex.Replace(containerno_old, @"\s", " ");
// para.containerno = "'" + trim.Replace(" ", "','") + "'";
////DataTable dt = new ReportService().ShipmentsReportDT(behintime, endtime, workshop, product_code, power_grade, containerno);
DataTable dt = new ReportService().FragmentationDT(machine, workshop,bt,et);
return ExportExcel(dt, "Fragmentation");
//return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
#region 一次成型率excel
public FileContentResult MoldingExcel(List<string> para)
string machine = para[0];
string workshop = para[1];
string bt = para[2];
string et = para[3];
if (machine.ToUpper() == "NULL")
machine = "";
if (workshop.ToUpper() == "NULL")
workshop= "";
if (bt.ToUpper() == "NULL")
bt = "";
if (et.ToUpper() == "NULL")
et = "";
//if (para.containerno != null)
// string containerno_old = para.containerno;
// string trim = Regex.Replace(containerno_old, @"\s", " ");
// para.containerno = "'" + trim.Replace(" ", "','") + "'";
////DataTable dt = new ReportService().ShipmentsReportDT(behintime, endtime, workshop, product_code, power_grade, containerno);
DataTable dt = new ReportService().MoldingDT(machine,workshop,bt,et);
return ExportExcel(dt, "OnceMoldingRate");
//return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
#region 数据查询excel
public FileContentResult DataQueryExcel(List<string> para)
string wo = para[0];
string bt = para[1];
string et = para[2];
string text = para[3];
//string text = string.empty;
//if (para.containerno != null)
// string containerno_old = para.containerno;
// string trim = regex.replace(containerno_old, @"\s", " ");
// para.containerno = "'" + trim.replace(" ", "','") + "'";
////DataTable dt = new ReportService().ShipmentsReportDT(behintime, endtime, workshop, product_code, power_grade, containerno);
DataTable dt = new ReportService().QueryDT(wo,bt,et,text);
return ExportExcel(dt, "DataQuery");
//return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
#region 上档率excel
public FileContentResult UpshiftRateExcel(List<string> para)
string wo = para[0];
string bt = para[1];
string et = para[2];
if (wo.ToUpper() == "NULL")
wo = "";
if (bt.ToUpper() == "NULL")
bt = "";
if (et.ToUpper() == "NULL")
et = "";
//if (para.containerno != null)
// string containerno_old = para.containerno;
// string trim = Regex.Replace(containerno_old, @"\s", " ");
// para.containerno = "'" + trim.Replace(" ", "','") + "'";
////DataTable dt = new ReportService().ShipmentsReportDT(behintime, endtime, workshop, product_code, power_grade, containerno);
DataTable dt = new ReportService().UpshiftDT(wo, bt, et);
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "标准功率";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "功率等级";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "数量";
return ExportExcel(dt, "UpshiftRate");
//return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
#region 分档机组件查询excel
public FileContentResult StepperComponentsExcel(List<string> para)
string wo = para[0];
string bt = para[1];
string et = para[2];
if (wo.ToUpper() == "NULL")
wo = "";
if (bt.ToUpper() == "NULL")
bt = "";
if (et.ToUpper() == "NULL")
et = "";
//if (para.containerno != null)
// string containerno_old = para.containerno;
// string trim = Regex.Replace(containerno_old, @"\s", " ");
// para.containerno = "'" + trim.Replace(" ", "','") + "'";
////DataTable dt = new ReportService().ShipmentsReportDT(behintime, endtime, workshop, product_code, power_grade, containerno);
DataTable dt = new ReportService().StepperDT(wo, bt, et);
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "组件序列号";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "线别";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "位置";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "时间";
dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "错误信息";
return ExportExcel(dt, "StepperComponent");
//return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
#region 车间质量问题统计excel
public FileContentResult QualityStatisticsExcel(List<string> para)
string wo= para[0];
string bt= para[1];
string et = para[2];
if (wo.ToUpper() == "NULL")
wo = "";
if (bt.ToUpper() == "NULL")
bt = "";
if (et.ToUpper() == "NULL")
et = "";
//if (para.containerno != null)
// string containerno_old = para.containerno;
// string trim = Regex.Replace(containerno_old, @"\s", " ");
// para.containerno = "'" + trim.Replace(" ", "','") + "'";
////DataTable dt = new ReportService().ShipmentsReportDT(behintime, endtime, workshop, product_code, power_grade, containerno);
DataTable dt = new ReportService().QualityDT(wo,bt,et);
return ExportExcel(dt, "QualityStatistics");
//return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
#region 条码补打excel
public FileContentResult BarcodeReprintExcel(List<string> para)
string wo = para[0];
string sn = para[1];
string bt = para[2];
string et = para[3];
if (wo.ToUpper() == "NULL")
wo = "";
if (sn.ToUpper() == "NULL")
sn = "";
if (bt.ToUpper() == "NULL")
bt = "";
if (et.ToUpper() == "NULL")
et = "";
//if (para.containerno != null)
// string containerno_old = para.containerno;
// string trim = Regex.Replace(containerno_old, @"\s", " ");
// para.containerno = "'" + trim.Replace(" ", "','") + "'";
////DataTable dt = new ReportService().ShipmentsReportDT(behintime, endtime, workshop, product_code, power_grade, containerno);
DataTable dt = new ReportService().ReprintDT(wo,sn, bt, et);
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "序列号";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "工单号";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "补打时间";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "操作人";
dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "操作机台";
dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "补打原因";
return ExportExcel(dt, "BarcodeReprint");
//return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
/// <summary>
/// /在制品导出
/// </summary>
/// <param name="StartDateTime"></param>
/// <param name="EndDateTime"></param>
/// <param name="WorkShop"></param>
/// <param name="wks"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
#region 每日投产包装完成率excel
public FileContentResult DayPackCompleteExcel(List<string> para)
string workshop = para[0];
string workorder = para[1];
string saleorder = para[2];
if (workshop.ToUpper() == "NULL")
workshop = "";
if (workorder.ToUpper() == "NULL")
workorder = "";
if (saleorder.ToUpper() == "NULL")
saleorder = "";
//if (para.containerno != null)
// string containerno_old = para.containerno;
// string trim = Regex.Replace(containerno_old, @"\s", " ");
// para.containerno = "'" + trim.Replace(" ", "','") + "'";
////DataTable dt = new ReportService().ShipmentsReportDT(behintime, endtime, workshop, product_code, power_grade, containerno);
DataTable dt = new ReportService().DayPackCompleteDT(workshop, workorder, saleorder);
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "车间";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "工单号";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "订单号";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "投产数量";
dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "包装数量";
dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "包装完工率";
return ExportExcel(dt, "PackCapacity");
//return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
#region 生码未包装组件查询excel
public FileContentResult UnPackComponentExcel(List<string> para)
string workshop = para[0];
string workorder = para[1];
string saleorder = para[2];
if (workshop.ToUpper() == "NULL")
workshop = "";
if (workorder.ToUpper() == "NULL")
workorder = "";
if (saleorder.ToUpper() == "NULL")
saleorder = "";
//if (para.containerno != null)
// string containerno_old = para.containerno;
// string trim = Regex.Replace(containerno_old, @"\s", " ");
// para.containerno = "'" + trim.Replace(" ", "','") + "'";
////DataTable dt = new ReportService().ShipmentsReportDT(behintime, endtime, workshop, product_code, power_grade, containerno);
DataTable dt = new ReportService().UnPackComponentDT(workshop, workorder, saleorder);
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "车间";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "工单号";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "订单号";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "当前站点";
dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "组件序列号";
dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "生码时间";
dt.Columns[6].ColumnName = "呆滞时间";
//dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "生码人员";
return ExportExcel(dt, "UnPackComponent");
//return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
#region 材料批号查询excel
public FileContentResult MaterialBatchNumberExcel(List<string> para)
//string workshop = para[0];
string workorder = para[0];
//string saleorder = para[2];
//if (workshop.ToUpper() == "NULL")
// workshop = "";
if (workorder.ToUpper() == "NULL")
workorder = "";
//if (saleorder.ToUpper() == "NULL")
// saleorder = "";
//if (para.containerno != null)
// string containerno_old = para.containerno;
// string trim = Regex.Replace(containerno_old, @"\s", " ");
// para.containerno = "'" + trim.Replace(" ", "','") + "'";
////DataTable dt = new ReportService().ShipmentsReportDT(behintime, endtime, workshop, product_code, power_grade, containerno);
DataTable dt = new ReportService().MaterialBatchNumberDT(workorder);
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "材料名称";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "母批次";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "子批次";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "子批次剩余数量";
dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "子批次原数量";
dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "母批次剩余数量";
dt.Columns[6].ColumnName = "单位";
dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "厂商";
dt.Columns[8].ColumnName = "规格";
return ExportExcel(dt, "UnPackComponent");
//return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
#region 泛海材料用量查询excel
public FileContentResult MaterialLotExcel(List<string> para)
string workorder = para[0];
string orignbr = para[1];
string lotnbr = para[2];
string wo = string.Empty;
if (workorder == "")
wo = "";
string trim1 = Regex.Replace(workorder, @"\s", " ");
wo = "'" + trim1.Replace(" ", "','") + "'";
////DataTable dt = new ReportService().ShipmentsReportDT(behintime, endtime, workshop, product_code, power_grade, containerno);
DataTable dt = new ReportService().MaterialLotDT(wo, orignbr, lotnbr);
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "材料名称";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "母批次";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "子批次";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "子批次剩余数量";
dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "子批次原数量";
dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "母批次剩余数量";
dt.Columns[6].ColumnName = "单位";
dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "厂商";
dt.Columns[8].ColumnName = "规格";
return ExportExcel(dt, "MaterialLotReport");
//return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
#region 泛海CTM报表查询excel
public FileContentResult CTMReportExcel(List<string> para)
string serial = para[0];
string workorder = para[1];
string bt = para[2];
string et = para[3];
string pallet = para[4];
string serialnbr = string.Empty;
//if (serial == "")
// serialnbr = "";
// string trim1 = Regex.Replace(serial, @"\s", " ");
// serialnbr = "'" + trim1.Replace(" ", "','") + "'";
////DataTable dt = new ReportService().ShipmentsReportDT(behintime, endtime, workshop, product_code, power_grade, containerno);
DataTable dt = new ReportService().CTMReportDT(serial, workorder, bt, et, pallet);
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "测试时间";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "组建序列号";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "电池片厂家";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "电池效率";
dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "单片功率";
dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "理论功率";
dt.Columns[6].ColumnName = "CTM";
dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "Pmax";
dt.Columns[8].ColumnName = "Rsh";
dt.Columns[9].ColumnName = "Rs";
dt.Columns[10].ColumnName = "FF";
dt.Columns[11].ColumnName = "Isc";
dt.Columns[12].ColumnName = "Voc";
dt.Columns[13].ColumnName = "Imax";
dt.Columns[14].ColumnName = "Vmax";
dt.Columns[15].ColumnName = "车间";
dt.Columns[16].ColumnName = "机台";
dt.Columns[17].ColumnName = "表面温度";
dt.Columns[18].ColumnName = "环境温度";
dt.Columns[19].ColumnName = "背板厚度";
dt.Columns[20].ColumnName = "电池片厚度";
dt.Columns[21].ColumnName = "电池规格";
dt.Columns[22].ColumnName = "电池数量";
dt.Columns[23].ColumnName = "组件颜色";
dt.Columns[24].ColumnName = "eva厂商";
dt.Columns[25].ColumnName = "背板厂商";
dt.Columns[26].ColumnName = "玻璃厂商";
dt.Columns[27].ColumnName = "焊带";
dt.Columns[28].ColumnName = "电池片批号";
dt.Columns[29].ColumnName = "接线盒批号";
return ExportExcel(dt, "CTMReport");
//return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
#region 本月每天各工位产能excel
public FileContentResult CurEverydayStationCapacityExcel(List<string> para)
string workshop = para[0];
string year = para[1];
string month = para[2];
string station = para[3];
//string saleorder = para[2];
if (workshop.ToUpper() == "NULL")
workshop = "";
if (year.ToUpper() == "NULL")
year = "";
if (month.ToUpper() == "NULL")
month = "";
if (station.ToUpper() == "NULL")
station = "";
//if (saleorder.ToUpper() == "NULL")
// saleorder = "";
//if (para.containerno != null)
// string containerno_old = para.containerno;
// string trim = Regex.Replace(containerno_old, @"\s", " ");
// para.containerno = "'" + trim.Replace(" ", "','") + "'";
////DataTable dt = new ReportService().ShipmentsReportDT(behintime, endtime, workshop, product_code, power_grade, containerno);
DataTable dt = new ReportService().CurEverydayStationCapacityDT(workshop, station, year,month );
dynamic counts = dt.Columns.Count;
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "车间";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "站点";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "机台";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "班次";
for (var i = 4; i < counts; i++)
dt.Columns[i].ColumnName = dt.Columns[i].ColumnName;
return ExportExcel(dt, "UnPackComponent");
//return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
//public FileContentResult ShipmentsReportsExcel(string workshop, string behintime, string endtime, string product_code, string power_grade, string containerno)
// //ShipmentsReportDal DT = new ShipmentsReportDal();
// //var res = DT.ShipmentsReport(behintime, endtime, workshop, product_code, power_grade, containerno);
// if (containerno != null)
// {
// string containerno_old = containerno;
// string trim = Regex.Replace(containerno_old, @"\s", " ");
// containerno = "'" + trim.Replace(" ", "','") + "'";
// }
// DataTable dt = new ReportService().ShipmentsReportDT( behintime == "Null" ? "" : behintime
// , endtime == "Null" ? "" : endtime
// ,workshop == "Null" ? "" : workshop
// , product_code == "Null" ? "" : product_code
// , power_grade == "Null" ? "" : power_grade
// , containerno == "Null" ? "" : containerno);
// dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "车间";
// dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "类型";
// dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "功率档";
// dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "包装日期";
// dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "内部柜号";
// dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "托盘号";
// dt.Columns[6].ColumnName = "序列号";
// //dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "组件等级";
// //dt.Columns[8].ColumnName = "过战时间";
// //dt.Columns[9].ColumnName = "操作员工";
// //dt.Columns[10].ColumnName = "组件状态";
// return ExportExcel(dt, "ShipmentsReports");
/// <summary>
/// /生产在制导出
/// </summary>
/// <param name="StartDateTime"></param>
/// <param name="EndDateTime"></param>
/// <param name="WorkShop"></param>
/// <param name="station"></param>
/// <param name="wks"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public FileContentResult StationNbrAndGoingExcel(string StartDateTime, string EndDateTime, string WorkShop, string Station, string WorkOrder, string SaleOrder,string WorkTime)
//ShipmentsReportDal DT = new ShipmentsReportDal();
//var res = DT.ShipmentsReport(behintime, endtime, workshop, product_code, power_grade, containerno);
//if (containerno != null)
// string containerno_old = containerno;
// string trim = Regex.Replace(containerno_old, @"\s", " ");
// containerno = "'" + trim.Replace(" ", "','") + "'";
DataTable dt = new ReportService().StationNbrAndGoingDT(StartDateTime == "Null" ? "" : StartDateTime
, EndDateTime == "Null" ? "" : EndDateTime
, WorkShop == "Null" ? "" : WorkShop
, Station == "Null" ? "" : Station
, WorkOrder == "Null" ? "" : WorkOrder
, SaleOrder == "Null" ? "" : SaleOrder
,WorkTime == "Null" ? "" : WorkTime
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "站点编码";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "站点";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "车间";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "过站数量";
dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "在制数量";
//dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "组件车间";
//dt.Columns[6].ColumnName = "EL等级";
//dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "组件等级";
//dt.Columns[8].ColumnName = "过战时间";
//dt.Columns[9].ColumnName = "操作员工";
//dt.Columns[10].ColumnName = "组件状态";
return ExportExcel(dt, "StationNbrAndGoing");
public FileContentResult ShiftProductionExcel(string WorkShop, string StartDateTime, string EndDateTime,string Station, string WorkOrder,string type,string mod)
DataTable dt = new ReportService().ShiftProductionDT( WorkShop == "Null" ? "" : WorkShop
, StartDateTime == "Null" ? "" : StartDateTime
, EndDateTime == "Null" ? "" : EndDateTime
, Station == "Null" ? "" : Station
, WorkOrder == "Null" ? "" : WorkOrder
, type == "Null" ? "":type
, mod == "Null" ? "" : mod
) ;
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "班组编号";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "班组名称";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "计划规格";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "数量";
return ExportExcel(dt, "ShiftProduction");
public FileContentResult StationDetailedExcel(string StartDateTime, string EndDateTime, string WorkShop, string Station, string Workorder,string Machine, string Saleorder,string WorkTime)
//ShipmentsReportDal DT = new ShipmentsReportDal();
//var res = DT.ShipmentsReport(behintime, endtime, workshop, product_code, power_grade, containerno);
//if (containerno != null)
// string containerno_old = containerno;
// string trim = Regex.Replace(containerno_old, @"\s", " ");
// containerno = "'" + trim.Replace(" ", "','") + "'";
DataTable dt = new ReportService().StationDetailedDT(StartDateTime == "Null" ? "" : StartDateTime
, EndDateTime == "Null" ? "" : EndDateTime
, WorkShop == "Null" ? "" : WorkShop
, Station == "Null" ? "" : Station
, Workorder == "Null" ? "" : Workorder
, Machine=="Null" ? "": Machine
, Saleorder == "Null" ? "" : Saleorder
, WorkTime == "Null" ? "" : WorkTime
dt.Columns[0].ColumnName = "组件条码";
dt.Columns[1].ColumnName = "工单号";
dt.Columns[2].ColumnName = "过站机台";
dt.Columns[3].ColumnName = "车间编码";
dt.Columns[4].ColumnName = "站点编码";
dt.Columns[5].ColumnName = "组件车间";
dt.Columns[6].ColumnName = "EL等级";
dt.Columns[7].ColumnName = "组件等级";
dt.Columns[8].ColumnName = "过站时间";
dt.Columns[9].ColumnName = "操作员工";
dt.Columns[10].ColumnName = "组件状态";
dt.Columns[11].ColumnName = "不良描述";
return ExportExcel(dt, "StationDetailed");
public FileContentResult testExcel(List<string> para)
DataTable dt = new ReportService().PackOutputQueryInfo("","2009-10-10","2020-10-10","","","","","");
return ExportExcel(dt, "PackOutputReport");
public FileContentResult ExportExcel01(DataTable dt, string filename, string[] colname)
byte[] content = ExcelExportHelper.ExportExcel(dt, "", false, colname);
return File(content, ExcelExportHelper.ExcelContentType, filename + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".xlsx");
public FileContentResult ExportExcel(DataTable dt, string filename)
List<string> listColName = new List<string>();
foreach (DataColumn item in dt.Columns)
byte[] content = ExcelExportHelper.ExportExcel(dt, "", false, listColName.ToArray());
return File(content, ExcelExportHelper.ExcelContentType, filename + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".xlsx");
public void EXCEL(DataTable DT,string str)
FileInfo newFile = new FileInfo(@"d:\"+str + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".xlsx");
if (newFile.Exists)
newFile = new FileInfo(@"d:\" + str + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".xlsx");
using (ExcelPackage package = new ExcelPackage(newFile))
ExcelWorksheet worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(str);
int rows = DT.Rows.Count;
int count = DT.Columns.Count;
for (int i = 0;i < rows; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
worksheet.Cells[i+1, j+1].Value = DT.Rows[i][j].ToString();
//worksheet.Cells[1, 2].Value = "价格";
//worksheet.Cells[1, 3].Value = "销量";
//worksheet.Cells[2, 1].Value = "大米";
//worksheet.Cells[2, 2].Value = 56;
//worksheet.Cells[2, 3].Value = 100;
//worksheet.Cells[3, 1].Value = "玉米";
//worksheet.Cells[3, 2].Value = 45;
//worksheet.Cells[3, 3].Value = 150;
//worksheet.Cells[4, 1].Value = "小米";
//worksheet.Cells[4, 2].Value = 38;
//worksheet.Cells[4, 3].Value = 130;
//worksheet.Cells[5, 1].Value = "糯米";
//worksheet.Cells[5, 2].Value = 22;
//worksheet.Cells[5, 3].Value = 200;
return ;
public static DataTable ToDataTable<T>(IEnumerable<T> collection)
var props = typeof(T).GetProperties();
var dt = new DataTable();
dt.Columns.AddRange(props.Select(p => new DataColumn(p.Name, p.PropertyType)).ToArray());
if (collection.Count() > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < collection.Count(); i++)
ArrayList tempList = new ArrayList();
foreach (PropertyInfo pi in props)
object obj = pi.GetValue(collection.ElementAt(i), null);
object[] array = tempList.ToArray();
dt.LoadDataRow(array, true);
return dt;
/// <summary>
/// DataTable 转换为List 集合
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TResult">类型</typeparam>
/// <param name="dt">DataTable</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static List<TResult> ToList<TResult>(DataTable dt) where TResult : class, new()
List<PropertyInfo> prlist = new List<PropertyInfo>();
//获取TResult的类型实例 反射的入口
Type t = typeof(TResult);
//获得TResult 的所有的Public 属性 并找出TResult属性和DataTable的列名称相同的属性(PropertyInfo) 并加入到属性列表
Array.ForEach<PropertyInfo>(t.GetProperties(), p => { if (dt.Columns.IndexOf(p.Name) != -1) prlist.Add(p); });
List<TResult> oblist = new List<TResult>();
foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
TResult ob = new TResult();
//找到对应的数据 并赋值
prlist.ForEach(p => { if (row[p.Name] != DBNull.Value) p.SetValue(ob, row[p.Name], null); });
return oblist;
/// <summary>
/// 转换为一个DataTable
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TResult"></typeparam>
///// <param name="value"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static DataTable ToDataTable(IEnumerable list)
List<PropertyInfo> pList = new List<PropertyInfo>();
Type type = list.AsQueryable().ElementType;
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
//把所有的public属性加入到集合 并添加DataTable的列
Array.ForEach<PropertyInfo>(type.GetProperties(), p => { pList.Add(p); dt.Columns.Add(p.Name, p.PropertyType); });
foreach (var item in list)
DataRow row = dt.NewRow();
//给row 赋值
pList.ForEach(p => row[p.Name] = p.GetValue(item, null));
return dt;
public FileContentResult PressureResistantExcel(List<string> para)
string lot = para[0];
string bt = para[1];
string et = para[2];
if (lot.ToUpper() == "NULL")
lot = "";
DataTable dt = new ReportService().PressureResistantInfo(lot,
int i = 0;
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "产品条码";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "位号";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "步号";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "用户Id";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "模式名称";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "源值";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "读值1";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "上限";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "读值2";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "耗时";
dt.Columns[i++].ColumnName = "结束时间";
return ExportExcel(dt, "PressureResistantReport");
/// <summary>
/// 转换为一个DataTable
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TResult"></typeparam>
///// <param name="value"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
//public static DataTable ToDataTable<TResult>(IEnumerable<TResult> value) where TResult : class
// //创建属性的集合
// List<PropertyInfo> pList = new List<PropertyInfo>();
// //获得反射的入口
// Type type = typeof(TResult);
// DataTable dt = new DataTable();
// //把所有的public属性加入到集合 并添加DataTable的列
// Array.ForEach<PropertyInfo>(type.GetProperties(), p => { pList.Add(p); dt.Columns.Add(p.Name, p.PropertyType); });
// foreach (var item in value)
// {
// //创建一个DataRow实例
// DataRow row = dt.NewRow();
// //给row 赋值
// pList.ForEach(p => row[p.Name] = p.GetValue(item, null));
// //加入到DataTable
// dt.Rows.Add(row);
// }
// return dt;