var Promise = require('../lib'); var sinon = require('sinon'); var assert = require('assert'); var adapter = require('./adapter'); describe('Promises/A+ Tests', function() { require('promises-aplus-tests').mocha(adapter); }); describe('Promise', function() { describe('Promise._immediateFn', function() { afterEach(function() { Promise._immediateFn = (typeof setImmediate === 'function' && function(fn) { setImmediate(fn); }) || function(fn) { setTimeout(fn, 1); }; }); it('changes immediate fn', function() { var spy = sinon.spy(); function immediateFn(fn) { spy(); fn(); } Promise._immediateFn = immediateFn; var done = false; new Promise(function(resolve) { resolve(); }).then(function() { done = true; }); assert(spy.calledOnce); assert(done); }); it('changes immediate fn multiple', function() { var spy1 = sinon.spy(); function immediateFn1(fn) { spy1(); fn(); } var spy2 = sinon.spy(); function immediateFn2(fn) { spy2(); fn(); } Promise._immediateFn = immediateFn1; var done = false; new Promise(function(resolve) { resolve(); }).then(function() {}); Promise._immediateFn = immediateFn2; new Promise(function(resolve) { resolve(); }).then(function() { done = true; }); assert(spy2.called); assert(spy1.calledOnce); assert(done); }); }); describe('Promise._onUnhandledRejection', function() { var stub, sandbox; beforeEach(function() { sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create(); stub = sandbox.stub(console, 'warn'); }); afterEach(function() { sandbox.restore(); }); it('no error on resolve', function(done) { Promise.resolve(true) .then(function(result) { return result; }) .then(function(result) { return result; }); setTimeout(function() { assert(!stub.called); done(); }, 50); }); it('error single Promise', function(done) { new Promise(function() { throw new Error('err'); }); setTimeout(function() { assert(stub.calledOnce); done(); }, 50); }); it('multi promise error', function(done) { new Promise(function() { throw new Error('err'); }).then(function(result) { return result; }); setTimeout(function() { assert(stub.calledOnce); done(); }, 50); }); it('promise catch no error', function(done) { new Promise(function() { throw new Error('err'); }).catch(function(result) { return result; }); setTimeout(function() { assert(!stub.called); done(); }, 50); }); it('promise catch no error', function(done) { new Promise(function() { throw new Error('err'); }) .then(function(result) { return result; }) .catch(function(result) { return result; }); setTimeout(function() { assert(!stub.called); done(); }, 50); }); it('promise reject error', function(done) { Promise.reject('hello'); setTimeout(function() { assert(stub.calledOnce); done(); }, 50); }); it('promise reject error late', function(done) { var prom = Promise.reject('hello'); prom.catch(function() {}); setTimeout(function() { assert(!stub.called); done(); }, 50); }); it('promise reject error late', function(done) { Promise.reject('hello'); setTimeout(function() { assert.equal(stub.args[0][1], 'hello'); done(); }, 50); }); }); describe('Promise.prototype.then', function() { var spy, SubClass; beforeEach(function() { spy = sinon.spy(); SubClass = function() { spy(); Promise.apply(this, arguments); }; function __() { this.constructor = SubClass; } __.prototype = Promise.prototype; SubClass.prototype = new __(); SubClass.prototype.then = function() { return Promise.prototype.then.apply(this, arguments); }; }); it('subclassed Promise resolves to subclass', function() { var prom = new SubClass(function(resolve) { resolve(); }).then(function() {}, function() {}); assert(spy.calledTwice); assert(prom instanceof SubClass); }); it('subclassed Promise rejects to subclass', function() { var prom = new SubClass(function(_, reject) { reject(); }).then(function() {}, function() {}); assert(spy.calledTwice); assert(prom instanceof SubClass); }); }); function finallyTests(Promise) { it('should be called on success', function(done) { Promise.resolve(3).finally(function() { assert.equal(arguments.length, 0, 'No arguments to onFinally'); done(); }); }); it('should be called on failure', function(done) { Promise.reject(new Error()).finally(function() { assert.equal(arguments.length, 0, 'No arguments to onFinally'); done(); }); }); it('should not affect the result', function(done) { Promise.resolve(3) .finally(function() { return 'dummy'; }) .then(function(result) { assert.equal(result, 3, 'Result was the resolved result'); return Promise.reject(new Error('test')); }) .finally(function() { return 'dummy'; }) .catch(function(reason) { assert(!!reason, 'There was a reason'); assert.equal(reason.message, 'test', 'We catched the correct error'); }) .finally(done); }); it('should reject with the handler error if handler throws', function(done) { Promise.reject(new Error('test2')) .finally(function() { throw new Error('test3'); }) .catch(function(reason) { assert.equal(reason.message, 'test3', 'The handler error was caught'); }) .finally(done); }); it('should await any promise returned from the callback', function(done) { var log = []; Promise.resolve() .then(function() { log.push(1); }) .finally(function() { return Promise.resolve() .then(function() { log.push(2); }) .then(function() { log.push(3); }); }) .then(function() { log.push(4); }) .then(function() { assert.deepEqual(log, [1, 2, 3, 4], 'Correct order of promise chain'); }) .catch(function(err) { assert(false, err); }) .finally(done); }); } describe('Promise.prototype.finally', function() { finallyTests(Promise); }); describe('Promise.prototype.finally polyfill', function() { var NativePromise = (typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : global) .Promise; // Skip tests if Native Promise doesn't exist if (!NativePromise) { return; } var originalFinally = null; beforeEach(function() { originalFinally = NativePromise.prototype.finally; NativePromise.prototype.finally = Promise.prototype.finally; }); beforeEach(function() { if (originalFinally) { NativePromise.prototype.finally = originalFinally; } }); finallyTests(NativePromise); }); describe('Promise.all', function() { it('throws on implicit undefined', function() { return Promise.all().then( function() {; }, function(error) { assert.ok(error instanceof Error); } ); }); it('throws on explicit undefined', function() { return Promise.all(undefined).then( function() {; }, function(error) { assert.ok(error instanceof Error); } ); }); it('throws on null', function() { return Promise.all(null).then( function() {; }, function(error) { assert.ok(error instanceof Error); } ); }); it('throws on 0', function() { return Promise.all(0).then( function() {; }, function(error) { assert.ok(error instanceof Error); } ); }); it('throws on false', function() { return Promise.all(false).then( function() {; }, function(error) { assert.ok(error instanceof Error); } ); }); it('throws on a number', function() { return Promise.all().then( function() {; }, function(error) { assert.ok(error instanceof Error); } ); }); it('throws on a boolean', function() { return Promise.all(true).then( function() {; }, function(error) { assert.ok(error instanceof Error); } ); }); it('throws on an object', function() { return Promise.all({ test: 'object' }).then( function() {; }, function(error) { assert.ok(error instanceof Error); } ); }); }); });