You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2464 lines
93 KiB

2 years ago
Core script to handle the entire theme and core functions
var App = function () {
// IE mode
var isRTL = false;
var isIE8 = false;
var isIE9 = false;
var isIE10 = false;
var resizeHandlers = [];
var basePath = '../';
var globalImgPath = '3rd/AdminLTE/dist/img/';
var globalPluginsPath = 'base/plugins/';
var globalCssPath = 'global/css/';
// theme layout color set
var brandColors = {
'blue': '#89C4F4',
'red': '#F3565D',
'green': '#1bbc9b',
'purple': '#9b59b6',
'grey': '#95a5a6',
'yellow': '#F8CB00',
'lightblue': '364150'
// initializes main settings
var handleInit = function () {
if ($('body').css('direction') === 'rtl') {
isRTL = true;
isIE8 = !!navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE 8.0/);
isIE9 = !!navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE 9.0/);
isIE10 = !!navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE 10.0/);
if (isIE10) {
$('html').addClass('ie10'); // detect IE10 version
if (isIE10 || isIE9 || isIE8) {
$('html').addClass('ie'); // detect IE10 version
// runs callback functions set by App.addResponsiveHandler().
var _runResizeHandlers = function () {
// reinitialize other subscribed elements
for (var i = 0; i < resizeHandlers.length; i++) {
var each = resizeHandlers[i];
var handleIframeContent = function () {
var ht = $(window).height();//获取浏览器窗口的整体高度;
var $footer = $(".main-footer");
var $header = $(".main-header");
var $tabs = $(".content-tabs");
var height = App.getViewPort().height - $footer.outerHeight() - $header.outerHeight();
if ($tabs.is(":visible")) {
height = height - $tabs.outerHeight(true)-5;//原来-5 modify by xue lei on 2019-3-19
height = height - 1;
height: height,
width: "100%"
//var width = App.getViewPort().width- $(".page-sidebar-menu").width();
var handleIframeLayoutHeight = function () {
var height = App.getViewPort().height - $('.page-footer').outerHeight() - $('.page-header').outerHeight() - $(".content-tabs").height();
// $("#layout").css({ "height": height });
return height;
var handleSiderBarmenu = function () {
jQuery('.page-sidebar-menu').on('click', ' li > a.iframeOpen', function (e) {
$("#iframe-main").attr("src", $(this).attr('href'));
var isFullScreen = false;
var requestFullScreen = function () {
var de = document.documentElement;
if (de.requestFullscreen) {
} else if (de.mozRequestFullScreen) {
} else if (de.webkitRequestFullScreen) {
else if (de.msRequestFullscreen)
else {
App.alert({message: "该浏览器不支持全屏!", type: "danger"});
var requestFullScreen2 = function (element) {
// 判断各种浏览器,找到正确的方法
var requestMethod = element.requestFullScreen || //W3C
element.webkitRequestFullScreen || //Chrome等
element.mozRequestFullScreen || //FireFox
element.msRequestFullScreen; //IE11
if (requestMethod) {
else if (typeof window.ActiveXObject !== "undefined" || "ActiveXObject" in window) {//for Internet Explorer
var wscript = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
if (wscript !== null) {
//退出全屏 判断浏览器种类
var exitFull = function () {
// 判断各种浏览器,找到正确的方法
var exitMethod = document.exitFullscreen || //W3C
document.mozCancelFullScreen || //Chrome等
document.webkitExitFullscreen || //FireFox
document.webkitExitFullscreen; //IE11
if (exitMethod) {
else if (typeof window.ActiveXObject !== "undefined") {//for Internet Explorer
var wscript = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
if (wscript !== null) {
// handle the layout reinitialization on window resize
var handleOnResize = function () {
var resize;
if (isIE8) {
var currheight;
$(window).resize(function () {
if (currheight == document.documentElement.clientHeight) {
return; //quite event since only body resized not window.
if (resize) {
resize = setTimeout(function () {
}, 50); // wait 50ms until window resize finishes.
currheight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; // store last body client height
} else {
$(window).resize(function () {
if (resize) {
resize = setTimeout(function () {
}, 50); // wait 50ms until window resize finishes.
// Handles portlet tools & actions
var handlePortletTools = function () {
// handle portlet remove
$('body').on('click', '.portlet > .portlet-title > .tools > a.remove', function (e) {
var portlet = $(this).closest(".portlet");
if ($('body').hasClass('page-portlet-fullscreen')) {
portlet.find('.portlet-title .fullscreen').tooltip('destroy');
portlet.find('.portlet-title > .tools > .reload').tooltip('destroy');
portlet.find('.portlet-title > .tools > .remove').tooltip('destroy');
portlet.find('.portlet-title > .tools > .config').tooltip('destroy');
portlet.find('.portlet-title > .tools > .collapse, .portlet > .portlet-title > .tools > .expand').tooltip('destroy');
// handle portlet fullscreen
$('body').on('click', '.portlet > .portlet-title .fullscreen', function (e) {
var portlet = $(this).closest(".portlet");
if (portlet.hasClass('portlet-fullscreen')) {
portlet.children('.portlet-body').css('height', 'auto');
} else {
var height = App.getViewPort().height -
portlet.children('.portlet-title').outerHeight() -
parseInt(portlet.children('.portlet-body').css('padding-top')) -
portlet.children('.portlet-body').css('height', height);
$('body').on('click', '.portlet > .portlet-title > .tools > a.reload', function (e) {
var el = $(this).closest(".portlet").children(".portlet-body");
var url = $(this).attr("data-url");
var error = $(this).attr("data-error-display");
if (url) {
target: el,
animate: true,
overlayColor: 'none'
type: "GET",
cache: false,
url: url,
dataType: "html",
success: function (res) {
App.initAjax() // reinitialize elements & plugins for newly loaded content
error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
var msg = 'Error on reloading the content. Please check your connection and try again.';
if (error == "toastr" && toastr) {
} else if (error == "notific8" && $.notific8) {
$.notific8('zindex', 11500);
$.notific8(msg, {
theme: 'ruby',
life: 3000
} else {
} else {
// for demo purpose
target: el,
animate: true,
overlayColor: 'none'
window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
// load ajax data on page init
$('.portlet .portlet-title a.reload[data-load="true"]').click();
$('body').on('click', '.portlet > .portlet-title > .tools > .collapse, .portlet .portlet-title > .tools > .expand', function (e) {
var el = $(this).closest(".portlet").children(".portlet-body");
if ($(this).hasClass("collapse")) {
} else {
// Handles custom checkboxes & radios using jQuery Uniform plugin
var handleUniform = function () {
if (!$().uniform) {
var test = $("input[type=checkbox]:not(.toggle, .md-check, .md-radiobtn, .make-switch, .icheck), input[type=radio]:not(.toggle, .md-check, .md-radiobtn, .star, .make-switch, .icheck)");
if (test.size() > 0) {
test.each(function () {
if ($(this).parents(".checker").size() === 0) {
// Handlesmaterial design checkboxes
var handleMaterialDesign = function () {
// Material design ckeckbox and radio effects
$('body').on('click', '.md-checkbox > label, .md-radio > label', function () {
var the = $(this);
// find the first span which is our circle/bubble
var el = $(this).children('span:first-child');
// add the bubble class (we do this so it doesnt show on page load)
// clone it
var newone = el.clone(true);
// add the cloned version before our original
// remove the original so that it is ready to run on next click
$("." + el.attr("class") + ":last", the).remove();
if ($('body').hasClass('page-md')) {
// Material design click effect
// credit where credit's due; http://thecodeplayer.com/walkthrough/ripple-click-effect-google-material-design
var element, circle, d, x, y;
$('body').on('click', 'a.btn, button.btn, input.btn, label.btn', function (e) {
element = $(this);
if (element.find(".md-click-circle").length == 0) {
element.prepend("<span class='md-click-circle'></span>");
circle = element.find(".md-click-circle");
if (!circle.height() && !circle.width()) {
d = Math.max(element.outerWidth(), element.outerHeight());
circle.css({height: d, width: d});
x = e.pageX - element.offset().left - circle.width() / 2;
y = e.pageY - element.offset().top - circle.height() / 2;
circle.css({top: y + 'px', left: x + 'px'}).addClass("md-click-animate");
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
// Floating labels
var handleInput = function (el) {
if (el.val() != "") {
} else {
$('body').on('keydown', '.form-md-floating-label .form-control', function (e) {
$('body').on('blur', '.form-md-floating-label .form-control', function (e) {
$('.form-md-floating-label .form-control').each(function () {
if ($(this).val().length > 0) {
// Handles custom checkboxes & radios using jQuery iCheck plugin
var handleiCheck = function () {
if (!$().iCheck) {
$('.icheck').each(function () {
var checkboxClass = $(this).attr('data-checkbox') ? $(this).attr('data-checkbox') : 'icheckbox_minimal-grey';
var radioClass = $(this).attr('data-radio') ? $(this).attr('data-radio') : 'iradio_minimal-grey';
if (checkboxClass.indexOf('_line') > -1 || radioClass.indexOf('_line') > -1) {
checkboxClass: checkboxClass,
radioClass: radioClass,
insert: '<div class="icheck_line-icon"></div>' + $(this).attr("data-label")
} else {
checkboxClass: checkboxClass,
radioClass: radioClass
// Handles Bootstrap switches
var handleBootstrapSwitch = function () {
if (!$().bootstrapSwitch) {
// Handles Bootstrap confirmations
var handleBootstrapConfirmation = function () {
if (!$().confirmation) {
container: 'body',
btnOkClass: 'btn btn-sm btn-success',
btnCancelClass: 'btn btn-sm btn-danger'
// Handles Bootstrap Accordions.
var handleAccordions = function () {
$('body').on('shown.bs.collapse', '.accordion.scrollable', function (e) {
// Handles Bootstrap Tabs.
var handleTabs = function () {
//activate tab if tab id provided in the URL
if (location.hash) {
var tabid = encodeURI(location.hash.substr(1));
$('a[href="#' + tabid + '"]').parents('.tab-pane:hidden').each(function () {
var tabid = $(this).attr("id");
$('a[href="#' + tabid + '"]').click();
$('a[href="#' + tabid + '"]').click();
if ($().tabdrop) {
$('.tabbable-tabdrop .nav-pills, .tabbable-tabdrop .nav-tabs').tabdrop({
text: '<i class="fa fa-ellipsis-v"></i>&nbsp;<i class="fa fa-angle-down"></i>'
// Handles Bootstrap Modals.
var handleModals = function () {
// fix stackable modal issue: when 2 or more modals opened, closing one of modal will remove .modal-open class.
$('body').on('hide.bs.modal', function () {
if ($('.modal:visible').size() > 1 && $('html').hasClass('modal-open') === false) {
} else if ($('.modal:visible').size() <= 1) {
// fix page scrollbars issue
$('body').on('show.bs.modal', '.modal', function () {
if ($(this).hasClass("modal-scroll")) {
// fix page scrollbars issue
$('body').on('hide.bs.modal', '.modal', function () {
// remove ajax content and remove cache on modal closed
$('body').on('hidden.bs.modal', '.modal:not(.modal-cached)', function () {
// Handles Bootstrap Tooltips.
var handleTooltips = function () {
// global tooltips
// portlet tooltips
$('.portlet > .portlet-title .fullscreen').tooltip({
container: 'body',
title: 'Fullscreen'
$('.portlet > .portlet-title > .tools > .reload').tooltip({
container: 'body',
title: 'Reload'
$('.portlet > .portlet-title > .tools > .remove').tooltip({
container: 'body',
title: 'Remove'
$('.portlet > .portlet-title > .tools > .config').tooltip({
container: 'body',
title: 'Settings'
$('.portlet > .portlet-title > .tools > .collapse, .portlet > .portlet-title > .tools > .expand').tooltip({
container: 'body',
title: 'Collapse/Expand'
// Handles Bootstrap Dropdowns
var handleDropdowns = function () {
Hold dropdown on click
$('body').on('click', '.dropdown-menu.hold-on-click', function (e) {
var handleAlerts = function () {
$('body').on('click', '[data-close="alert"]', function (e) {
$('body').on('click', '[data-close="note"]', function (e) {
$('body').on('click', '[data-remove="note"]', function (e) {
// Handle Hower Dropdowns
var handleDropdownHover = function () {
$('[data-hover="dropdown"]').not('.hover-initialized').each(function () {
// Handle textarea autosize
var handleTextareaAutosize = function () {
if (typeof(autosize) == "function") {
// Handles Bootstrap Popovers
// last popep popover
var lastPopedPopover;
var handlePopovers = function () {
// close last displayed popover
$(document).on('click.bs.popover.data-api', function (e) {
if (lastPopedPopover) {
// Handles scrollable contents using jQuery SlimScroll plugin.
var handleScrollers = function () {
// Handles Image Preview using jQuery Fancybox plugin
var handleFancybox = function () {
if (!jQuery.fancybox) {
if ($(".fancybox-button").size() > 0) {
groupAttr: 'data-rel',
prevEffect: 'none',
nextEffect: 'none',
closeBtn: true,
helpers: {
title: {
type: 'inside'
// Handles counterup plugin wrapper
var handleCounterup = function () {
if (!$().counterUp) {
delay: 10,
time: 1000
// Fix input placeholder issue for IE8 and IE9
var handleFixInputPlaceholderForIE = function () {
//fix html5 placeholder attribute for ie7 & ie8
if (isIE8 || isIE9) { // ie8 & ie9
// this is html5 placeholder fix for inputs, inputs with placeholder-no-fix class will be skipped(e.g: we need this for password fields)
$('input[placeholder]:not(.placeholder-no-fix), textarea[placeholder]:not(.placeholder-no-fix)').each(function () {
var input = $(this);
if (input.val() === '' && input.attr("placeholder") !== '') {
input.focus(function () {
if (input.val() == input.attr('placeholder')) {
input.blur(function () {
if (input.val() === '' || input.val() == input.attr('placeholder')) {
// Handle Select2 Dropdowns
var handleSelect2 = function () {
if ($().select2) {
$.fn.select2.defaults.set("theme", "bootstrap");
placeholder: "Select",
width: 'auto',
allowClear: true
// handle group element heights
var handleHeight = function () {
$('[data-auto-height]').each(function () {
var parent = $(this);
var items = $('[data-height]', parent);
var height = 0;
var mode = parent.attr('data-mode');
var offset = parseInt(parent.attr('data-offset') ? parent.attr('data-offset') : 0);
items.each(function () {
if ($(this).attr('data-height') == "height") {
$(this).css('height', '');
} else {
$(this).css('min-height', '');
var height_ = (mode == 'base-height' ? $(this).outerHeight() : $(this).outerHeight(true));
if (height_ > height) {
height = height_;
height = height + offset;
items.each(function () {
if ($(this).attr('data-height') == "height") {
$(this).css('height', height);
} else {
$(this).css('min-height', height);
if (parent.attr('data-related')) {
$(parent.attr('data-related')).css('height', parent.height());
return {
//add by xue lei on 2018-3-18
resize: function () {
//main function to initiate the theme
init: function () {
//IMPORTANT!!!: Do not modify the core handlers call order.
//Core handlers
handleInit(); // initialize core variables
handleOnResize(); // set and handle responsive
//UI Component handlers
handleMaterialDesign(); // handle material design
handleUniform(); // hanfle custom radio & checkboxes
handleiCheck(); // handles custom icheck radio and checkboxes
handleBootstrapSwitch(); // handle bootstrap switch plugin
handleScrollers(); // handles slim scrolling contents
handleFancybox(); // handle fancy box
handleSelect2(); // handle custom Select2 dropdowns
handlePortletTools(); // handles portlet action bar functionality(refresh, configure, toggle, remove)
handleAlerts(); //handle closabled alerts
handleDropdowns(); // handle dropdowns
handleTabs(); // handle tabs
handleTooltips(); // handle bootstrap tooltips
handlePopovers(); // handles bootstrap popovers
handleAccordions(); //handles accordions
handleModals(); // handle modals
handleBootstrapConfirmation(); // handle bootstrap confirmations
handleTextareaAutosize(); // handle autosize textareas
handleCounterup(); // handle counterup instances
//Handle group element heights
this.addResizeHandler(handleHeight); // handle auto calculating height on window resize
// Hacks
handleFixInputPlaceholderForIE(); //IE8 & IE9 input placeholder issue fix
//main function to initiate core javascript after ajax complete
initAjax: function () {
handleUniform(); // handles custom radio & checkboxes
handleiCheck(); // handles custom icheck radio and checkboxes
handleBootstrapSwitch(); // handle bootstrap switch plugin
handleDropdownHover(); // handles dropdown hover
handleScrollers(); // handles slim scrolling contents
handleSelect2(); // handle custom Select2 dropdowns
handleFancybox(); // handle fancy box
handleDropdowns(); // handle dropdowns
handleTooltips(); // handle bootstrap tooltips
handlePopovers(); // handles bootstrap popovers
handleAccordions(); //handles accordions
handleBootstrapConfirmation(); // handle bootstrap confirmations
handleFullScreen: function () {
if (isFullScreen) {
isFullScreen = false;
} else {
isFullScreen = true;
fixIframeTab: function () {
getIframeLayoutHeight: function () {
return handleIframeLayoutHeight();
//init main components
initComponents: function () {
fixIframeCotent: function () {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 50);
//public function to remember last opened popover that needs to be closed on click
setLastPopedPopover: function (el) {
lastPopedPopover = el;
//public function to add callback a function which will be called on window resize
addResizeHandler: function (func) {
//public functon to call _runresizeHandlers
runResizeHandlers: function () {
// wrApper function to scroll(focus) to an element
scrollTo: function (el, offeset) {
var pos = (el && el.size() > 0) ? el.offset().top : 0;
if (el) {
if ($('body').hasClass('page-header-fixed')) {
pos = pos - $('.page-header').height();
} else if ($('body').hasClass('page-header-top-fixed')) {
pos = pos - $('.page-header-top').height();
} else if ($('body').hasClass('page-header-menu-fixed')) {
pos = pos - $('.page-header-menu').height();
pos = pos + (offeset ? offeset : -1 * el.height());
scrollTop: pos
}, 'slow');
initSlimScroll: function (el) {
$(el).each(function () {
if ($(this).attr("data-initialized")) {
return; // exit
var height;
if ($(this).attr("data-height")) {
height = $(this).attr("data-height");
} else {
height = $(this).css('height');
allowPageScroll: true, // allow page scroll when the element scroll is ended
size: '7px',
color: ($(this).attr("data-handle-color") ? $(this).attr("data-handle-color") : '#bbb'),
wrapperClass: ($(this).attr("data-wrapper-class") ? $(this).attr("data-wrapper-class") : 'slimScrollDiv'),
railColor: ($(this).attr("data-rail-color") ? $(this).attr("data-rail-color") : '#eaeaea'),
position: isRTL ? 'left' : 'right',
height: height,
alwaysVisible: ($(this).attr("data-always-visible") == "1" ? true : false),
railVisible: ($(this).attr("data-rail-visible") == "1" ? true : false),
disableFadeOut: true
$(this).attr("data-initialized", "1");
destroySlimScroll: function (el) {
$(el).each(function () {
if ($(this).attr("data-initialized") === "1") { // destroy existing instance before updating the height
var attrList = {};
// store the custom attribures so later we will reassign.
if ($(this).attr("data-handle-color")) {
attrList["data-handle-color"] = $(this).attr("data-handle-color");
if ($(this).attr("data-wrapper-class")) {
attrList["data-wrapper-class"] = $(this).attr("data-wrapper-class");
if ($(this).attr("data-rail-color")) {
attrList["data-rail-color"] = $(this).attr("data-rail-color");
if ($(this).attr("data-always-visible")) {
attrList["data-always-visible"] = $(this).attr("data-always-visible");
if ($(this).attr("data-rail-visible")) {
attrList["data-rail-visible"] = $(this).attr("data-rail-visible");
wrapperClass: ($(this).attr("data-wrapper-class") ? $(this).attr("data-wrapper-class") : 'slimScrollDiv'),
destroy: true
var the = $(this);
// reassign custom attributes
$.each(attrList, function (key, value) {
the.attr(key, value);
// function to scroll to the top
scrollTop: function () {
// wrApper function to block element(indicate loading)
blockUI: function (options) {
options = $.extend(true, {}, options);
var html = '';
if (options.animate) {
html = '<div class="loading-message ' + (options.boxed ? 'loading-message-boxed' : '') + '">' + '<div class="block-spinner-bar"><div class="bounce1"></div><div class="bounce2"></div><div class="bounce3"></div></div>' + '</div>';
} else if (options.iconOnly) {
html = '<div class="loading-message ' + (options.boxed ? 'loading-message-boxed' : '') + '"><img src="' + this.getGlobalImgPath() + 'loading/loading-spinner-grey.gif" align=""></div>';
} else if (options.textOnly) {
html = '<div class="loading-message ' + (options.boxed ? 'loading-message-boxed' : '') + '"><span>&nbsp;&nbsp;' + (options.message ? options.message : 'LOADING...') + '</span></div>';
} else {
html = '<div class="loading-message ' + (options.boxed ? 'loading-message-boxed' : '') + '"><img src="' + this.getGlobalImgPath() + 'loading/loading-spinner-grey.gif" align=""><span>&nbsp;&nbsp;' + (options.message ? options.message : 'LOADING...') + '</span></div>';
if (options.target) { // element blocking
var el = $(options.target);
if (el.height() <= ($(window).height())) {
options.cenrerY = true;
message: html,
baseZ: options.zIndex ? options.zIndex : 1000,
centerY: options.cenrerY !== undefined ? options.cenrerY : false,
css: {
top: '10%',
border: '0',
padding: '0',
backgroundColor: 'none'
overlayCSS: {
backgroundColor: options.overlayColor ? options.overlayColor : '#555',
opacity: options.boxed ? 0.05 : 0.1,
cursor: 'wait'
} else { // page blocking
message: html,
baseZ: options.zIndex ? options.zIndex : 1000,
css: {
border: '0',
padding: '0',
backgroundColor: 'none'
overlayCSS: {
backgroundColor: options.overlayColor ? options.overlayColor : '#555',
opacity: options.boxed ? 0.05 : 0.1,
cursor: 'wait'
// wrApper function to un-block element(finish loading)
unblockUI: function (target) {
if (target) {
onUnblock: function () {
$(target).css('position', '');
$(target).css('zoom', '');
} else {
startPageLoading: function (options) {
if (options && options.animate) {
$('body').append('<div class="page-spinner-bar"><div class="bounce1"></div><div class="bounce2"></div><div class="bounce3"></div></div>');
} else {
$('body').append('<div class="page-loading"><img src="' + this.getGlobalImgPath() + 'loading/loading-spinner-grey.gif"/>&nbsp;&nbsp;<span>' + (options && options.message ? options.message : 'Loading...') + '</span></div>');
stopPageLoading: function () {
$('.page-loading, .page-spinner-bar').remove();
alert: function (options) {
options = $.extend(true, {
container: "", // alerts parent container(by default placed after the page breadcrumbs)
place: "append", // "append" or "prepend" in container
type: 'success', // alert's type
message: "", // alert's message
close: true, // make alert closable
reset: true, // close all previouse alerts first
focus: true, // auto scroll to the alert after shown
closeInSeconds: 0, // auto close after defined seconds
icon: "" // put icon before the message
}, options);
var id = App.getUniqueID("App_alert");
var html = '<div id="' + id + '" class="custom-alerts alert alert-' + options.type + ' fade in">' + (options.close ? '<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-hidden="true"></button>' : '') + (options.icon !== "" ? '<i class="fa-lg fa fa-' + options.icon + '"></i> ' : '') + options.message + '</div>';
if (options.reset) {
if (!options.container) {
if ($('.page-fixed-main-content').size() === 1) {
} else if (($('body').hasClass("page-container-bg-solid") || $('body').hasClass("page-content-white")) && $('.page-head').size() === 0) {
} else {
if ($('.page-bar').size() > 0) {
} else {
$('.page-breadcrumb, .breadcrumbs').after(html);
} else {
if (options.place == "append") {
} else {
if (options.focus) {
App.scrollTo($('#' + id));
if (options.closeInSeconds > 0) {
setTimeout(function () {
$('#' + id).remove();
}, options.closeInSeconds * 1000);
return id;
// initializes uniform elements
initUniform: function (els) {
if (els) {
$(els).each(function () {
if ($(this).parents(".checker").size() === 0) {
} else {
//wrApper function to update/sync jquery uniform checkbox & radios
updateUniform: function (els) {
$.uniform.update(els); // update the uniform checkbox & radios UI after the actual input control state changed
//public function to initialize the fancybox plugin
initFancybox: function () {
//public helper function to get actual input value(used in IE9 and IE8 due to placeholder attribute not supported)
getActualVal: function (el) {
el = $(el);
if (el.val() === el.attr("placeholder")) {
return "";
return el.val();
//public function to get a paremeter by name from URL
getURLParameter: function (paramName) {
var searchString = window.location.search.substring(1),
i, val, params = searchString.split("&");
for (i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
val = params[i].split("=");
if (val[0] == paramName) {
return unescape(val[1]);
return null;
// check for device touch support
isTouchDevice: function () {
try {
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
// To get the correct viewport width based on http://andylangton.co.uk/articles/javascript/get-viewport-size-javascript/
getViewPort: function () {
var e = window,
a = 'inner';
if (!('innerWidth' in window)) {
a = 'client';
e = document.documentElement || document.body;
return {
width: e[a + 'Width'],
height: e[a + 'Height']
getUniqueID: function (prefix) {
return 'prefix_' + Math.floor(Math.random() * (new Date()).getTime());
// check IE8 mode
isIE8: function () {
return isIE8;
// check IE9 mode
isIE9: function () {
return isIE9;
//check RTL mode
isRTL: function () {
return isRTL;
// check IE8 mode
isAngularJsApp: function () {
return (typeof angular == 'undefined') ? false : true;
getbasePath: function () {
return basePath;
setbasePath: function (path) {
basePath = path;
setGlobalImgPath: function (path) {
globalImgPath = path;
getGlobalImgPath: function () {
return basePath + globalImgPath;
setGlobalPluginsPath: function (path) {
globalPluginsPath = path;
getGlobalPluginsPath: function () {
return basePath + globalPluginsPath;
getGlobalCssPath: function () {
return basePath + globalCssPath;
// get layout color code by color name
getBrandColor: function (name) {
if (brandColors[name]) {
return brandColors[name];
} else {
return '';
getResponsiveBreakpoint: function (size) {
// bootstrap responsive breakpoints
var sizes = {
'xs': 480, // extra small
'sm': 768, // small
'md': 992, // medium
'lg': 1200 // large
return sizes[size] ? sizes[size] : 0;
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
//App.init(); // init metronic core componets
* Context.js
* Copyright Jacob Kelley
* MIT License
* Modified by Joshua Christman
context = (function () {
var options = {
fadeSpeed: 100,
filter: function ($obj) {
// Modify $obj, Do not return
above: 'auto',
left: 'auto',
preventDoubleContext: true,
compress: false
function initialize(opts) {
options = $.extend({}, options, opts);
$(document).on('click', function () {
$('.dropdown-context').fadeOut(options.fadeSpeed, function () {
$('.dropdown-context').css({display: ''}).find('.drop-left').removeClass('drop-left');
if (options.preventDoubleContext) {
$(document).on('contextmenu', '.dropdown-context', function (e) {
$(document).on('mouseenter', '.dropdown-submenu', function () {
var $sub = $(this).find('.dropdown-context-sub:first'),
subWidth = $sub.width(),
subLeft = $sub.offset().left,
collision = (subWidth + subLeft) > window.innerWidth;
if (collision) {
function updateOptions(opts) {
options = $.extend({}, options, opts);
function buildMenu(data, id, subMenu) {
var subClass = (subMenu) ? ' dropdown-context-sub' : '',
compressed = options.compress ? ' compressed-context' : '',
$menu = $('<ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-context' + subClass + compressed + '" id="dropdown-' + id + '"></ul>');
return buildMenuItems($menu, data, id, subMenu);
function buildMenuItems($menu, data, id, subMenu, addDynamicTag) {
var linkTarget = '';
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (typeof data[i].divider !== 'undefined') {
var divider = '<li class="divider';
divider += (addDynamicTag) ? ' dynamic-menu-item' : '';
divider += '"></li>';
} else if (typeof data[i].header !== 'undefined') {
var header = '<li class="nav-header';
header += (addDynamicTag) ? ' dynamic-menu-item' : '';
header += '">' + data[i].header + '</li>';
} else if (typeof data[i].menu_item_src !== 'undefined') {
var funcName;
if (typeof data[i].menu_item_src === 'function') {
if (data[i].menu_item_src.name === "") { // The function is declared like "foo = function() {}"
for (var globalVar in window) {
if (data[i].menu_item_src == window[globalVar]) {
funcName = globalVar;
} else {
funcName = data[i].menu_item_src.name;
} else {
funcName = data[i].menu_item_src;
$menu.append('<li class="dynamic-menu-src" data-src="' + funcName + '"></li>');
} else {
if (typeof data[i].href == 'undefined') {
data[i].href = '#';
if (typeof data[i].target !== 'undefined') {
linkTarget = ' target="' + data[i].target + '"';
if (typeof data[i].subMenu !== 'undefined') {
var sub_menu = '<li class="dropdown-submenu';
sub_menu += (addDynamicTag) ? ' dynamic-menu-item' : '';
sub_menu += '"><a tabindex="-1" href="' + data[i].href + '">' + data[i].text + '</a></li>'
$sub = (sub_menu);
} else {
var element = '<li';
element += (addDynamicTag) ? ' class="dynamic-menu-item"' : '';
element += '><a tabindex="-1" href="' + data[i].href + '"' + linkTarget + '>';
if (typeof data[i].icon !== 'undefined')
element += '<span class="glyphicon ' + data[i].icon + '"></span> ';
element += data[i].text + '</a></li>';
$sub = $(element);
if (typeof data[i].action !== 'undefined') {
$action = data[i].action;
.on('click', createCallback($action));
if (typeof data[i].subMenu != 'undefined') {
var subMenuData = buildMenu(data[i].subMenu, id, true);
if (typeof options.filter == 'function') {
return $menu;
function addContext(selector, data) {
if (typeof data.id !== 'undefined' && typeof data.data !== 'undefined') {
var id = data.id;
$menu = $('body').find('#dropdown-' + id)[0];
if (typeof $menu === 'undefined') {
$menu = buildMenu(data.data, id);
} else {
var d = new Date(),
id = d.getTime(),
$menu = buildMenu(data, id);
$(selector).on('contextmenu', function (e) {
rightClickEvent = e;
currentContextSelector = $(this);
$dd = $('#dropdown-' + id);
$dd.find('.dynamic-menu-item').remove(); // Destroy any old dynamic menu items
$dd.find('.dynamic-menu-src').each(function (idx, element) {
var menuItems = window[$(element).data('src')]($(selector));
$parentMenu = $(element).closest('.dropdown-menu.dropdown-context');
$parentMenu = buildMenuItems($parentMenu, menuItems, id, undefined, true);
if (typeof options.above == 'boolean' && options.above) {
top: e.pageY - 20 - $('#dropdown-' + id).height(),
left: e.pageX - 13
} else if (typeof options.above == 'string' && options.above == 'auto') {
var autoH = $dd.height() + 12;
if ((e.pageY + autoH) > $('html').height()) {
top: e.pageY - 20 - autoH,
left: e.pageX - 13
} else {
top: e.pageY + 10,
left: e.pageX - 13
if (typeof options.left == 'boolean' && options.left) {
left: e.pageX - $dd.width()
} else if (typeof options.left == 'string' && options.left == 'auto') {
var autoL = $dd.width() - 12;
if ((e.pageX + autoL) > $('html').width()) {
left: e.pageX - $dd.width() + 13
function destroyContext(selector) {
$(document).off('contextmenu', selector).off('click', '.context-event');
return {
init: initialize,
settings: updateOptions,
attach: addContext,
destroy: destroyContext
var createCallback = function (func) {
return function (event) {
func(event, currentContextSelector,rightClickEvent)
var currentContextSelector = undefined;
var rightClickEvent = undefined;
/*! Copyright (c) 2011 Piotr Rochala (http://rocha.la)
* Dual licensed under the MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)
* and GPL (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php) licenses.
* Version: 1.3.8
(function($) {
slimScroll: function(options) {
var defaults = {
// width in pixels of the visible scroll area
width : 'auto',
// height in pixels of the visible scroll area
height : '250px',
// width in pixels of the scrollbar and rail
size : '7px',
// scrollbar color, accepts any hex/color value
color: '#000',
// scrollbar position - left/right
position : 'right',
// distance in pixels between the side edge and the scrollbar
distance : '1px',
// default scroll position on load - top / bottom / $('selector')
start : 'top',
// sets scrollbar opacity
opacity : .4,
// enables always-on mode for the scrollbar
alwaysVisible : false,
// check if we should hide the scrollbar when user is hovering over
disableFadeOut : false,
// sets visibility of the rail
railVisible : false,
// sets rail color
railColor : '#333',
// sets rail opacity
railOpacity : .2,
// whether we should use jQuery UI Draggable to enable bar dragging
railDraggable : true,
// defautlt CSS class of the slimscroll rail
railClass : 'slimScrollRail',
// defautlt CSS class of the slimscroll bar
barClass : 'slimScrollBar',
// defautlt CSS class of the slimscroll wrapper
wrapperClass : 'slimScrollDiv',
// check if mousewheel should scroll the window if we reach top/bottom
allowPageScroll : false,
// scroll amount applied to each mouse wheel step
wheelStep : 20,
// scroll amount applied when user is using gestures
touchScrollStep : 200,
// sets border radius
borderRadius: '7px',
// sets border radius of the rail
railBorderRadius : '7px'
var o = $.extend(defaults, options);
// do it for every element that matches selector
var isOverPanel, isOverBar, isDragg, queueHide, touchDif,
barHeight, percentScroll, lastScroll,
divS = '<div></div>',
minBarHeight = 30,
releaseScroll = false;
// used in event handlers and for better minification
var me = $(this);
// ensure we are not binding it again
if (me.parent().hasClass(o.wrapperClass))
// start from last bar position
var offset = me.scrollTop();
// find bar and rail
bar = me.siblings('.' + o.barClass);
rail = me.siblings('.' + o.railClass);
// check if we should scroll existing instance
if ($.isPlainObject(options))
// Pass height: auto to an existing slimscroll object to force a resize after contents have changed
if ( 'height' in options && options.height == 'auto' ) {
me.parent().css('height', 'auto');
me.css('height', 'auto');
var height = me.parent().parent().height();
me.parent().css('height', height);
me.css('height', height);
} else if ('height' in options) {
var h = options.height;
me.parent().css('height', h);
me.css('height', h);
if ('scrollTo' in options)
// jump to a static point
offset = parseInt(o.scrollTo);
else if ('scrollBy' in options)
// jump by value pixels
offset += parseInt(o.scrollBy);
else if ('destroy' in options)
// remove slimscroll elements
// scroll content by the given offset
scrollContent(offset, false, true);
else if ($.isPlainObject(options))
if ('destroy' in options)
// optionally set height to the parent's height
o.height = (o.height == 'auto') ? me.parent().height() : o.height;
// wrap content
var wrapper = $(divS)
position: 'relative',
overflow: 'hidden',
width: o.width,
height: o.height
// update style for the div
overflow: 'hidden',
width: o.width,
height: o.height
// create scrollbar rail
var rail = $(divS)
width: o.size,
height: '100%',
position: 'absolute',
top: 0,
display: (o.alwaysVisible && o.railVisible) ? 'block' : 'none',
'border-radius': o.railBorderRadius,
background: o.railColor,
opacity: o.railOpacity,
zIndex: 90
// create scrollbar
var bar = $(divS)
background: o.color,
width: o.size,
position: 'absolute',
top: 0,
opacity: o.opacity,
display: o.alwaysVisible ? 'block' : 'none',
'border-radius' : o.borderRadius,
BorderRadius: o.borderRadius,
MozBorderRadius: o.borderRadius,
WebkitBorderRadius: o.borderRadius,
zIndex: 99
// set position
var posCss = (o.position == 'right') ? { right: o.distance } : { left: o.distance };
// wrap it
// append to parent div
// make it draggable and no longer dependent on the jqueryUI
if (o.railDraggable){
bar.bind("mousedown", function(e) {
var $doc = $(document);
isDragg = true;
t = parseFloat(bar.css('top'));
pageY = e.pageY;
$doc.bind("mousemove.slimscroll", function(e){
currTop = t + e.pageY - pageY;
bar.css('top', currTop);
scrollContent(0, bar.position().top, false);// scroll content
$doc.bind("mouseup.slimscroll", function(e) {
isDragg = false;hideBar();
return false;
}).bind("selectstart.slimscroll", function(e){
return false;
// on rail over
}, function(){
// on bar over
isOverBar = true;
}, function(){
isOverBar = false;
// show on parent mouseover
isOverPanel = true;
}, function(){
isOverPanel = false;
// support for mobile
me.bind('touchstart', function(e,b){
if (e.originalEvent.touches.length)
// record where touch started
touchDif = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY;
me.bind('touchmove', function(e){
// prevent scrolling the page if necessary
if (e.originalEvent.touches.length)
// see how far user swiped
var diff = (touchDif - e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY) / o.touchScrollStep;
// scroll content
scrollContent(diff, true);
touchDif = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY;
// set up initial height
// check start position
if (o.start === 'bottom')
// scroll content to bottom
bar.css({ top: me.outerHeight() - bar.outerHeight() });
scrollContent(0, true);
else if (o.start !== 'top')
// assume jQuery selector
scrollContent($(o.start).position().top, null, true);
// make sure bar stays hidden
if (!o.alwaysVisible) { bar.hide(); }
// attach scroll events
function _onWheel(e)
// use mouse wheel only when mouse is over
if (!isOverPanel) { return; }
var e = e || window.event;
var delta = 0;
if (e.wheelDelta) { delta = -e.wheelDelta/120; }
if (e.detail) { delta = e.detail / 3; }
var target = e.target || e.srcTarget || e.srcElement;
if ($(target).closest('.' + o.wrapperClass).is(me.parent())) {
// scroll content
scrollContent(delta, true);
// stop window scroll
if (e.preventDefault && !releaseScroll) { e.preventDefault(); }
if (!releaseScroll) { e.returnValue = false; }
function scrollContent(y, isWheel, isJump)
releaseScroll = false;
var delta = y;
var maxTop = me.outerHeight() - bar.outerHeight();
if (isWheel)
// move bar with mouse wheel
delta = parseInt(bar.css('top')) + y * parseInt(o.wheelStep) / 100 * bar.outerHeight();
// move bar, make sure it doesn't go out
delta = Math.min(Math.max(delta, 0), maxTop);
// if scrolling down, make sure a fractional change to the
// scroll position isn't rounded away when the scrollbar's CSS is set
// this flooring of delta would happened automatically when
// bar.css is set below, but we floor here for clarity
delta = (y > 0) ? Math.ceil(delta) : Math.floor(delta);
// scroll the scrollbar
bar.css({ top: delta + 'px' });
// calculate actual scroll amount
percentScroll = parseInt(bar.css('top')) / (me.outerHeight() - bar.outerHeight());
delta = percentScroll * (me[0].scrollHeight - me.outerHeight());
if (isJump)
delta = y;
var offsetTop = delta / me[0].scrollHeight * me.outerHeight();
offsetTop = Math.min(Math.max(offsetTop, 0), maxTop);
bar.css({ top: offsetTop + 'px' });
// scroll content
// fire scrolling event
me.trigger('slimscrolling', ~~delta);
// ensure bar is visible
// trigger hide when scroll is stopped
function attachWheel(target)
if (window.addEventListener)
target.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', _onWheel, false );
target.addEventListener('mousewheel', _onWheel, false );
document.attachEvent("onmousewheel", _onWheel)
function getBarHeight()
// calculate scrollbar height and make sure it is not too small
barHeight = Math.max((me.outerHeight() / me[0].scrollHeight) * me.outerHeight(), minBarHeight);
bar.css({ height: barHeight + 'px' });
// hide scrollbar if content is not long enough
var display = barHeight == me.outerHeight() ? 'none' : 'block';
bar.css({ display: display });
function showBar()
// recalculate bar height
// when bar reached top or bottom
if (percentScroll == ~~percentScroll)
//release wheel
releaseScroll = o.allowPageScroll;
// publish approporiate event
if (lastScroll != percentScroll)
var msg = (~~percentScroll == 0) ? 'top' : 'bottom';
me.trigger('slimscroll', msg);
releaseScroll = false;
lastScroll = percentScroll;
// show only when required
if(barHeight >= me.outerHeight()) {
//allow window scroll
releaseScroll = true;
if (o.railVisible) { rail.stop(true,true).fadeIn('fast'); }
function hideBar()
// only hide when options allow it
if (!o.alwaysVisible)
queueHide = setTimeout(function(){
if (!(o.disableFadeOut && isOverPanel) && !isOverBar && !isDragg)
}, 1000);
// maintain chainability
return this;
slimscroll: $.fn.slimScroll
var pageIdField = "data-pageId";
function getPageId(element) {
if (element instanceof jQuery) {
return element.attr(pageIdField);
} else {
return $(element).attr(pageIdField);
function findTabTitle(pageId) {
var $ele = null;
$(".page-tabs-content").find("a.menu_tab").each(function () {
var $a = $(this);
if ($a.attr(pageIdField) == pageId) {
$ele = $a;
return false;//退出循环
return $ele;
function findTabPanel(pageId) {
var $ele = null;
$("#tab-content").find("div.tab-pane").each(function () {
var $div = $(this);
if ($div.attr(pageIdField) == pageId) {
$ele = $div;
return false;//退出循环
return $ele;
function findIframeById(pageId) {
return findTabPanel(pageId).children("iframe");
function getActivePageId() {
var $a = $('.page-tabs-content').find('.active');
return getPageId($a);
function canRemoveTab(pageId) {
return findTabTitle(pageId).find('.fa-remove').length > 0;
var addTabs = function (options) {
var defaultTabOptions = {
id: Math.random() * 200,
urlType: "relative",
title: "新页面"
options = $.extend(true, defaultTabOptions, options);
if (options.urlType === "relative") {
// var url = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + "/";
var basePath = window.location.pathname + "/../";
options.url = basePath + options.url;
var pageId = options.id;
if (findTabPanel(pageId) === null) {
// title = '<a id="tab_' + pageId + '" data-id="' + pageId + '" class="menu_tab" >';
var $title = $('<a href="javascript:void(0);"></a>').attr(pageIdField, pageId).addClass("menu_tab");
var $text = $("<span class='page_tab_title'></span>").text(options.title).appendTo($title);
// title += '<span class="page_tab_title">' + options.title + '</span>';
if (options.close) {
var $i = $("<i class='fa fa-remove page_tab_close' style='cursor: pointer' onclick='closeTab(this);'></i>").attr(pageIdField, pageId).appendTo($title);
// title += ' <i class="fa fa-remove page_tab_close" style="cursor: pointer;" data-id="' + pageId + '" onclick="closeTab(this)"></i>';
var $tabPanel = $('<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane"></div>').attr(pageIdField, pageId);
if (options.content) {
} else {
target: '#tab-content',
boxed: true,
message: '加载中......'//,
// animate: true
var $iframe = $("<iframe></iframe>").attr("src", options.url).css("width", "100%").attr("frameborder", "no").attr("id", "iframe_" + pageId).addClass("tab_iframe").attr(pageIdField, pageId);
//frameborder="no" border="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="yes" allowtransparency="yes"
//iframe 加载完成事件
//$iframe.load(function () {
// App.unblockUI('#tab-content');//解锁界面
// App.fixIframeCotent();//修正高度
$iframe.on('load',function () {
// $tab = $(content);
//iframe 加载完成事件
/*$tab.find("iframe").load(function () {
var closeTab = function (item) {
var pageId = getPageId(item);
function closeTabByPageId(pageId) {
var $title = findTabTitle(pageId);//有tab的标题
var $tabPanel = findTabPanel(pageId);//装有iframe
if ($title.hasClass("active")) {
//要把active class传递给其它tab
var $nextTitle = $title.next();
var activePageId;
if ($nextTitle.length > 0) {
activePageId = getPageId($nextTitle);
} else {
activePageId = getPageId($title.prev());
setTimeout(function () {
}, 100);
} else {
//直接移除就可以了,不用传active class
// scrollToTab($('.menu_tab.active')[0]);
function closeTabOnly(pageId) {
var $title = findTabTitle(pageId);//有tab的标题
var $tabPanel = findTabPanel(pageId);//装有iframe
var closeCurrentTab = function () {
var pageId = getActivePageId();
if (canRemoveTab(pageId)) {
function refreshTabById(pageId) {
var $iframe = findIframeById(pageId);
var url = $iframe.attr('src');
if (url.indexOf(top.document.domain) < 0) {
$iframe.attr("src", url);// 跨域状况下,重新设置url
} else {
target: '#tab-content',
boxed: true,
message: '加载中......'//,
// animate: true
var refreshTab = function () {
var pageId = getActivePageId();
function getTabUrlById(pageId) {
var $iframe = findIframeById(pageId);
return $iframe[0].contentWindow.location.href;
function getTabUrl(element) {
var pageId = getPageId(element);
* 编辑tab的标题
* @param pageId
* @param title
function editTabTitle(pageId, title) {
var $title = findTabTitle(pageId);//有tab的标题
var $span = $title.children("span.page_tab_title");
var calSumWidth = function (element) {
var width = 0;
$(element).each(function () {
width += $(this).outerWidth(true);
return width;
var scrollToTab = function (element) {
//div.content-tabs > div.page-tabs-content
var marginLeftVal = calSumWidth($(element).prevAll()),//前面所有tab的总宽度
marginRightVal = calSumWidth($(element).nextAll());//后面所有tab的总宽度
var tabOuterWidth = calSumWidth($(".content-tabs").children().not(".menuTabs"));
// tab(a标签)显示区域的总宽度
var visibleWidth = $(".content-tabs").outerWidth(true) - tabOuterWidth;
var scrollVal = 0;
if ($(".page-tabs-content").outerWidth() < visibleWidth) {
scrollVal = 0;
} else if (marginRightVal <= (visibleWidth - $(element).outerWidth(true) - $(element).next().outerWidth(true))) {
if ((visibleWidth - $(element).next().outerWidth(true)) > marginRightVal) {
scrollVal = marginLeftVal;
var tabElement = element;
while ((scrollVal - $(tabElement).outerWidth()) > ($(".page-tabs-content").outerWidth() - visibleWidth)) {
scrollVal -= $(tabElement).prev().outerWidth();
tabElement = $(tabElement).prev();
} else if (marginLeftVal > (visibleWidth - $(element).outerWidth(true) - $(element).prev().outerWidth(true))) {
scrollVal = marginLeftVal - $(element).prev().outerWidth(true);
marginLeft: 0 - scrollVal + 'px'
}, "fast");
var scrollTabLeft = function () {
var marginLeftVal = Math.abs(parseInt($('.page-tabs-content').css('margin-left')));
var tabOuterWidth = calSumWidth($(".content-tabs").children().not(".menuTabs"));
var visibleWidth = $(".content-tabs").outerWidth(true) - tabOuterWidth;
var scrollVal = 0;
if ($(".page-tabs-content").width() < visibleWidth) {
return false;
} else {
var tabElement = $(".menu_tab:first");
var offsetVal = 0;
while ((offsetVal + $(tabElement).outerWidth(true)) <= marginLeftVal) {
offsetVal += $(tabElement).outerWidth(true);
tabElement = $(tabElement).next();
offsetVal = 0;
if (calSumWidth($(tabElement).prevAll()) > visibleWidth) {
while ((offsetVal + $(tabElement).outerWidth(true)) < (visibleWidth) && tabElement.length > 0) {
offsetVal += $(tabElement).outerWidth(true);
tabElement = $(tabElement).prev();
scrollVal = calSumWidth($(tabElement).prevAll());
marginLeft: 0 - scrollVal + 'px'
}, "fast");
var scrollTabRight = function () {
var marginLeftVal = Math.abs(parseInt($('.page-tabs-content').css('margin-left')));
var tabOuterWidth = calSumWidth($(".content-tabs").children().not(".menuTabs"));
var visibleWidth = $(".content-tabs").outerWidth(true) - tabOuterWidth;
var scrollVal = 0;
if ($(".page-tabs-content").width() < visibleWidth) {
return false;
} else {
var tabElement = $(".menu_tab:first");
var offsetVal = 0;
while ((offsetVal + $(tabElement).outerWidth(true)) <= marginLeftVal) {
offsetVal += $(tabElement).outerWidth(true);
tabElement = $(tabElement).next();
offsetVal = 0;
while ((offsetVal + $(tabElement).outerWidth(true)) < (visibleWidth) && tabElement.length > 0) {
offsetVal += $(tabElement).outerWidth(true);
tabElement = $(tabElement).next();
scrollVal = calSumWidth($(tabElement).prevAll());
if (scrollVal > 0) {
marginLeft: 0 - scrollVal + 'px'
}, "fast");
var closeOtherTabs = function (isAll) {
if (isAll) {
$('.page-tabs-content').children("[" + pageIdField + "]").find('.fa-remove').parents('a').each(function () {
var $a = $(this);
var pageId = getPageId($a);
// closeTab($a);
/*$('#' + $(this).data('id')).remove();
var firstChild = $(".page-tabs-content").children().eq(0); //选中那些删不掉的第一个菜单
if (firstChild) {
/*$('#' + firstChild.data('id')).addClass('active');
} else {
$('.page-tabs-content').children("[" + pageIdField + "]").find('.fa-remove').parents('a').not(".active").each(function () {
var $a = $(this);
var pageId = getPageId($a);
// closeTab($a);
/*$('#' + $(this).data('id')).remove();
function activeTabByPageId(pageId) {
var $title = findTabTitle(pageId).addClass('active');
// scrollToTab($('.menu_tab.active'));
$(function () {
var $tabs = $(".menuTabs");
$tabs.on("click", ".menu_tab", function () {
var pageId = getPageId(this);
$tabs.on("dblclick", ".menu_tab", function () {
// console.log("dbclick");
var pageId = getPageId(this);
function findTabElement(target) {
var $ele = $(target);
if (!$ele.is("a")) {
$ele = $ele.parents("a.menu_tab");
return $ele;
preventDoubleContext: false,//不禁用原始右键菜单
compress: true//元素更少的padding
context.attach('.page-tabs-content', [
// {header: 'Options'},
text: '刷新',
action: function (e, $selector, rightClickEvent) {
var pageId = getPageId(findTabElement(rightClickEvent.target));
text: "在新窗口打开",
action: function (e, $selector, rightClickEvent) {
var pageId = getPageId(findTabElement(rightClickEvent.target));
var url = getTabUrlById(pageId);
// {text: 'Open in new Window', href: '#'},
// {divider: true},
// {text: 'Copy', href: '#'},
// {text: 'Dafuq!?', href: '#'}
* jQuery blockUI plugin
* Version 2.70.0-2014.11.23
* Requires jQuery v1.7 or later
* Examples at: http://malsup.com/jquery/block/
* Copyright (c) 2007-2013 M. Alsup
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
* Thanks to Amir-Hossein Sobhi for some excellent contributions!
!function(){"use strict";function e(e){function t(t,n){var s,h,k=t==window,y=n&&void 0!==n.message?n.message:void 0;if(n=e.extend({},e.blockUI.defaults,n||{}),!n.ignoreIfBlocked||!e(t).data("blockUI.isBlocked")){if(n.overlayCSS=e.extend({},e.blockUI.defaults.overlayCSS,n.overlayCSS||{}),s=e.extend({},e.blockUI.defaults.css,n.css||{}),n.onOverlayClick&&(n.overlayCSS.cursor="pointer"),h=e.extend({},e.blockUI.defaults.themedCSS,n.themedCSS||{}),y=void 0===y?n.message:y,k&&p&&o(window,{fadeOut:0}),y&&"string"!=typeof y&&(y.parentNode||y.jquery)){var m=y.jquery?y[0]:y,v={};e(t).data("blockUI.history",v),v.el=m,v.parent=m.parentNode,v.display=m.style.display,v.position=m.style.position,v.parent&&v.parent.removeChild(m)}e(t).data("blockUI.onUnblock",n.onUnblock);var g,I,w,U,x=n.baseZ;g=e(r||n.forceIframe?'<iframe class="blockUI" style="z-index:'+x++ +';display:none;border:none;margin:0;padding:0;position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;top:0;left:0" src="'+n.iframeSrc+'"></iframe>':'<div class="blockUI" style="display:none"></div>'),I=e(n.theme?'<div class="blockUI blockOverlay ui-widget-overlay" style="z-index:'+x++ +';display:none"></div>':'<div class="blockUI blockOverlay" style="z-index:'+x++ +';display:none;border:none;margin:0;padding:0;width:100%;height:100%;top:0;left:0"></div>'),n.theme&&k?(U='<div class="blockUI '+n.blockMsgClass+' blockPage ui-dialog ui-widget ui-corner-all" style="z-index:'+(x+10)+';display:none;position:fixed">',n.title&&(U+='<div class="ui-widget-header ui-dialog-titlebar ui-corner-all blockTitle">'+(n.title||"&nbsp;")+"</div>"),U+='<div class="ui-widget-content ui-dialog-content"></div>',U+="</div>"):n.theme?(U='<div class="blockUI '+n.blockMsgClass+' blockElement ui-dialog ui-widget ui-corner-all" style="z-index:'+(x+10)+';display:none;position:absolute">',n.title&&(U+='<div class="ui-widget-header ui-dialog-titlebar ui-corner-all blockTitle">'+(n.title||"&nbsp;")+"</div>"),U+='<div class="ui-widget-content ui-dialog-content"></div>',U+="</div>"):U=k?'<div class="blockUI '+n.blockMsgClass+' blockPage" style="z-index:'+(x+10)+';display:none;position:fixed"></div>':'<div class="blockUI '+n.blockMsgClass+' blockElement" style="z-index:'+(x+10)+';display:none;position:absolute"></div>',w=e(U),y&&(n.theme?(w.css(h),w.addClass("ui-widget-content")):w.css(s)),n.theme||I.css(n.overlayCSS),I.css("position",k?"fixed":"absolute"),(r||n.forceIframe)&&g.css("opacity",0);var C=[g,I,w],S=e(k?"body":t);e.each(C,function(){this.appendTo(S)}),n.theme&&n.draggable&&e.fn.draggable&&w.draggable({handle:".ui-dialog-titlebar",cancel:"li"});var O=f&&(!e.support.boxModel||e("object,embed",k?null:t).length>0);if(u||O){if(k&&n.allowBodyStretch&&e.support.boxModel&&e("html,body").css("height","100%"),(u||!e.support.boxModel)&&!k)var E=d(t,"borderTopWidth"),T=d(t,"borderLeftWidth"),M=E?"(0 - "+E+")":0,B=T?"(0 - "+T+")":0;e.each(C,function(e,t){var o=t[0].style;if(o.position="absolute",2>e)k?o.setExpression("height","Math.max(document.body.scrollHeight, document.body.offsetHeight) - (jQuery.support.boxModel?0:"+n.quirksmodeOffsetHack+') + "px"'):o.setExpression("height",'this.parentNode.offsetHeight + "px"'),k?o.setExpression("width",'jQuery.support.boxModel && document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth + "px"'):o.setExpression("width",'this.parentNode.offsetWidth + "px"'),B&&o.setExpression("left",B),M&&o.setExpression("top",M);else if(n.centerY)k&&o.setExpression("top",'(document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight) / 2 - (this.offsetHeight / 2) + (blah = document.documentElement.scrollTop ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop) + "px"'),o.marginTop=0;else if(!n.centerY&&k){var i=n.css&&n.css.top?parseInt(n.css.top,10):0,s="((document.documentElement.scrollTop ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop) + "+i+') + "px"';o.setExpression("top",s)}})}if(y&&(n.theme?w.find(".ui-widget-content").append(y):w.append(y),(y.jquery||y.nodeType)&&e(y).show()),(r||n.forceIframe)&&n.showOverlay&&g.show(),n.fadeIn){var j=n.onBlock?n.onBlock:c,H=n
(function ($) {
$.fn.sidebarMenu = function (options) {
options = $.extend({}, $.fn.sidebarMenu.defaults, options || {});
var $menu_ul = $(this);
var level = 0;
// target.addClass('nav');
// target.addClass('nav-list');
if (options.data) {
init($menu_ul, options.data, level);
else {
if (!options.url) return;
$.getJSON(options.url, options.param, function (data) {
init($menu_ul, data, level);
function init($menu_ul, data, level) {
$.each(data, function (i, item) {
var $header = $('<li class="header"></li>');
if (item.isHeader !== null && item.isHeader === true) {
//var li = $('<li class="treeview " data-level="' + level + '"></li>');
var li = $('<li class="treeview "></li>');
var $a;
if (level > 0) {
//$a = $('<a style="padding-left:' + (level * 20) + 'px"></a>');
$a = $('<a></a>');
} else {
$a = $('<a></a>');
var $icon = $('<i></i>');
var $title = $('<span class="title"></span>');
var isOpen = item.isOpen;
if (isOpen === true) {
if (item.children && item.children.length > 0) {
var pullSpan = $('<span class="pull-right-container"></span>');
var pullIcon = $('<i class="fa fa-angle-left pull-right"></i>');
var menus = $('<ul></ul>');
if (isOpen === true) {
menus.css("display", "block");
} else {
menus.css("display", "none");
init(menus, item.children, level + 1);
else {
if (item.targetType != null && item.targetType === "blank") //代表打开新页面
$a.attr("href", item.url);
$a.attr("target", "_blank");
else if (item.targetType != null && item.targetType === "ajax") { //代表ajax方式打开页面
$a.attr("href", item.url);
else if (item.targetType != null && item.targetType === "iframe-tab") {
item.urlType = item.urlType ? item.urlType : 'relative';
var href = 'addTabs({id:\'' + item.id + '\',title: \'' + item.text + '\',close: true,url: \'' + item.url + '\',urlType: \'' + item.urlType + '\'});';
$a.attr('onclick', href);
else if (item.targetType != null && item.targetType === "iframe") { //代表单iframe页面
$a.attr("href", item.url);
} else {
$a.attr("href", item.url);
var badge = $("<span></span>");
// <span class="badge badge-success">1</span>
//comment by xue lei
if (item.tip != null && item.tip > 0) {
$menu_ul.on("click", "li.treeview a", function () {
var $a = $(this);
if ($a.next().length == 0) {//如果size>0,就认为它是可以展开的
//if ($(window).width() < $.AdminLTE.options.screenSizes.sm) {//小屏幕
// //触发左边菜单栏按钮点击事件,关闭菜单栏
// $($.AdminLTE.options.sidebarToggleSelector).click();
$.fn.sidebarMenu.defaults = {
url: null,
param: null,
data: null,
isHeader: false
//sidebar - menu组件封装
//在页面上面直接调用sidebar - menu的方法