You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

237 lines
10 KiB

* [Laike System] Copyright (c) 2017-2020
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class modifyAction extends PluginAction
public function getDefaultView()
$db = DBAction::getInstance();
$request = $this->getContext()->getRequest();
$id = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('id'))); // 商品id
$product_class = $request->getParameter('cid'); // 分类名称
$appConfig = $this->getAppInfo();
$img = $appConfig['imageRootUrl'];
$sql = "select MIN(b.group_title) AS group_title,MIN( AS id,MIN(b.g_status) AS g_status,b.group_id, MIN(b.group_data) AS group_data, MIN(b.group_level) AS group_level,min(b.is_show) as is_show,min(c.price) price,min(c.num) num,min(c.attribute) attribute,min(p.product_title) product_title, min(b.product_id) product_id from lkt_group_product as b
left join lkt_configure as c on
left join lkt_product_list as p on
where b.group_id=$id group by group_id";
$res = $db->select($sql);
$msg = $res[0];
$pid = $msg->product_id;
$group_data = unserialize($msg->group_data);
if ($group_data->endtime == 'changqi') {
$dt = $group_data->starttime;
$dt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime("$dt+1year"));
$group_data->endtime = $dt;
$group_level = unserialize($msg->group_level);
$g_status = $msg->g_status;
$is_show = $msg->is_show;
$firstkey = array_keys($group_level)[0];
$lastset = reset($group_level);
$lastset = explode('~', $lastset);
$lastset[] = $firstkey;
$levelstr = '';
if (count($group_level) > 0) {
foreach ($group_level as $k => $v) {
$num = $k;
$price = explode('~', $v);
if ($g_status == 2 && $is_show == 1) {
$levelstr .= '
<div class="manlevel">
<input type="number" max="50" min="1" class="input-text ct-rs" value="' . $num . '" name="min_man" style="width:60px;" onkeyup="onkeyup1(this)" disabled >&nbsp;&nbsp;人团&nbsp;&nbsp;<span style="margin-left:17px;">折扣价: 参团</span>
<input type="number" class="input-text" value="' . $price[0] . '" name="canprice" style="width:80px;margin-left:5px;" onkeyup="onkeyup1(this)" disabled >&nbsp;%<span style="margin-left: 5px;">开团</span>
<input type="number" class="input-text" value="' . $price[1] . '" name="memberprice" style="width:80px;margin-left:5px;" onkeyup="onkeyup1(this)" disabled >&nbsp;%<input class="btn btn-primary radius" type="button" onclick="removepro(event)" value="删除" style="margin-left:10px;height: 36px!important;" disabled>
} else {
$levelstr .= '
<div class="manlevel">
<input type="number" max="50" min="1" class="input-text ct-rs" value="' . $num . '" name="min_man" style="width:60px;" onkeyup="onkeyup1(this)">&nbsp;&nbsp;人团&nbsp;&nbsp;<span style="margin-left:17px;">折扣价: 参团</span>
<input type="number" class="input-text" value="' . $price[0] . '" name="canprice" style="width:80px;margin-left:5px;" onkeyup="onkeyup1(this)">&nbsp;%<span style="margin-left: 5px;">开团</span>
<input type="number" class="input-text" value="' . $price[1] . '" name="memberprice" style="width:80px;margin-left:5px;" onkeyup="onkeyup1(this)">&nbsp;%<input class="btn btn-primary radius" type="button" onclick="removepro(event)" value="删除" style="margin-left:10px;height: 36px!important;">
$prosql = "select a.num,a.attribute,a.price, as attr_id,,b.product_title,b.imgurl
from lkt_configure as a
left join lkt_product_list as b on =
where b.recycle = 0 and b.num >0 and a.num > 0 and = $pid and a.recycle = 0 ";
$proattr = $db->select($prosql);
if (!empty($proattr)) {
foreach ($proattr as $k => $v) {
$attrtype1 = unserialize($v->attribute);
$attrtype1 = array_values($attrtype1);
$attrtype1 = implode(' ', $attrtype1);
$proattr[$k]->attrtype = $attrtype1;
$proattr[$k]->imgurl = $img . $v->imgurl;
$sel_hava_attr_sql = "select * from lkt_group_product where attr_id = $v->attr_id";
$sel_hava_attr_res = $db->select($sel_hava_attr_sql);
if ($sel_hava_attr_res) {
$proattr[$k]->select = true;
} else {
$proattr[$k]->select = false;
$sql01 = "select cid,pname from lkt_product_class where sid = 0 and recycle = 0";
$rr = $db->select($sql01);
$res_ = '';
foreach ($rr as $key => $value) {
$c = '-' . $value->cid . '-';
//判断所属类别 添加默认标签
if ($product_class == $c) {
$res_ .= '<option selected="selected" value="' . $c . '">' . $value->pname . '</option>';
} else {
$res_ .= '<option value="' . $c . '">' . $value->pname . '</option>';
$sql_e = "select cid,pname from lkt_product_class where sid = $value->cid and recycle = 0 ";
$r_e = $db->select($sql_e);
if ($r_e) {
$hx = '-----';
foreach ($r_e as $ke => $ve) {
$cone = $c . $ve->cid . '-';
//判断所属类别 添加默认标签
if ($product_class == $cone) {
$res_ .= '<option selected="selected" value="' . $cone . '">' . $hx . $ve->pname . '</option>';
} else {
$res_ .= '<option value="' . $cone . '">' . $hx . $ve->pname . '</option>';
$sql_t = "select cid,pname from lkt_product_class where sid = $ve->cid and recycle = 0";
$r_t = $db->select($sql_t);
if ($r_t) {
$hxe = $hx . '-----';
foreach ($r_t as $k => $v) {
$ctow = $cone . $v->cid . '-';
//判断所属类别 添加默认标签
if ($product_class == $ctow) {
$res_ .= '<option selected="selected" value="' . $ctow . '">' . $hxe . $v->pname . '</option>';
} else {
$res_ .= '<option value="' . $ctow . '">' . $hxe . $v->pname . '</option>';
$brandsql = "select brand_id,brand_name from lkt_brand_class where recycle = 0";
$brandres = $db->select($brandsql);
$request->setAttribute("brandres", $brandres);
$request->setAttribute("class", $res_);
$request->setAttribute("group_data", $group_data);
$request->setAttribute("g_status", $g_status);
$request->setAttribute("is_show", $is_show);
$request->setAttribute("list", $res);
$request->setAttribute("proattr", $proattr);
$request->setAttribute("lastset", $lastset);
$request->setAttribute("levelstr", $levelstr);
$request->setAttribute("goods_id", $id);
return View :: INPUT;
public function execute()
$db = DBAction::getInstance();
$request = $this->getContext()->getRequest();
// 接收信息
$gdata = json_decode($request->getParameter('gdata'));
$goods_id = $request->getParameter('goods_id');
$glevel = $request->getParameter('glevel');
$old_goods_id = $request->getParameter('old_goods_id');
$g_status = $request->getParameter('g_status');
$group_title = $request->getParameter('group_title');
$tuanZ = json_decode($request->getParameter('tuanZ'));
if ($gdata->endtime == '') {
$gdata->endtime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime("+1years"));
if ($group_title == '') {
$goods_sql = "select product_title from lkt_product_list where id=$goods_id";
$goods_res = $db->select($goods_sql);
$group_title = $goods_res[0]->product_title;
if ($g_status == 3) $g_status = 1;
$gdata = serialize($gdata);
$glevel = serialize($glevel);
$time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$delsql = "delete from lkt_group_product where group_id=$old_goods_id ";
$delres = $db->delete($delsql);
$str = '';
$code = true;
$nu = $db->select("select max(group_id) as a from lkt_group_product ");
if ($nu) {
$group_id = $nu[0]->a + 1;
} else {
$group_id = 1;
if ($delres > 0) {
$str = 'insert into lkt_group_product(attr_id,product_id,group_level,group_data,group_title,group_id) values';
foreach ($tuanZ as $k => $v) {
$str .= "($k,$goods_id,'$glevel','$gdata','$group_title','$group_id'),";
$str = substr($str, 0, strlen($str) - 1);
$respro = $db->insert($str);
if ($respro < 0) {
echo json_encode(array('code' => 0));
} else {
echo json_encode(array('code' => 1));
} else {
$code = false;
if ($code) {
echo json_encode(array('code' => 1));
} else {
echo json_encode(array('code' => 0));
public function getRequestMethods()
return Request :: POST;