You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1704 lines
78 KiB
1704 lines
78 KiB
* [Laike System] Copyright (c) 2017-2020
* Laike is not a free software, it under the license terms, visited for more details.
require_once(MO_LIB_DIR . '/Timer.class.php');
class productAction extends BaseAction
// 获取产品详情
public function index()
$db = DBAction::getInstance();
$request = $this->getContext()->getRequest();
// 获取产品id
$id = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('pro_id')));
$openid = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('openid')));
// 根据微信id,查询用户id
// 获取类别值id,用于区分是抽奖和其他
$type1 = addslashes($request->getParameter('type1'));
$choujiangid = addslashes($request->getParameter('choujiangid'));
$wx_id = addslashes($request->getParameter('wx_id'));
$price01 = '';
$type01 = '';
$appConfig = $this->getAppInfo();
$img = $appConfig['imageRootUrl'];
$uploadImg_domain = $appConfig['uploadImgUrl'];
$type = 0;
$collection_id = '';
$zhekou = '';
if ($openid) {
$sql = "select * from lkt_user where wx_id = '$openid'";
$r = $db->select($sql);
if ($r) {
$user_id = $r[0]->user_id;
// 根据用户id、产品id,获取收藏表信息
$sql = "select * from lkt_user_collection where user_id = '$user_id' and p_id = '$id'";
$rr = $db->select($sql);
if ($rr) {
$type = 1;
$collection_id = $rr['0']->id;
} else {
$type = 0;
$collection_id = '';
$time = date("Y-m-d");
// 根据用户id,在足迹表里插入一条数据
$sql_collection = "select * from lkt_user_footprint where user_id = '$user_id' and p_id = '$id' and add_time like '$time%' ";
$rr_collection = $db->select($sql_collection);
if (empty($rr_collection)) {
$sql = "insert into lkt_user_footprint(user_id,p_id,add_time) values('$user_id','$id',CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)";
$rrr = $db->insert($sql);
// 根据产品id,查询产品数据
$sql = "select a.*,c.price,c.yprice,c.attribute,c.img from lkt_product_list AS a LEFT JOIN lkt_configure AS c ON = where = '$id' and a.status = 0 and a.num > 0 and c.recycle = 0";
$res = $db->select($sql);
if (!$res) {
if ($collection_id) {
$res = $db->delete('delete from lkt_user_collection where id="' . $collection_id . '"');
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'err' => '该商品已下架!'));
} else {
$img_arr = [];
$sql_img = "select product_url,id from lkt_product_img where product_id = '$id'";
$r = $db->select($sql_img);
if ($r) {
foreach ($r as $key => $value) {
$img_arr[$key] = $img . $value->product_url;
} else {
$img_arr['0'] = $img . $res['0']->imgurl;
$class = $res['0']->product_class;
$typestr = trim($class, '-');
$typeArr = explode('-', $typestr);
// 取数组最后一个元素 并查询分类名称
$cid = end($typeArr);
$pname = '';
$sql_p = "select pname from lkt_product_class where cid ='" . $cid . "'";
$r_p = $db->select($sql_p);
$pname = '自营';
if ($r_p) {
$pname = $r_p['0']->pname;
$product = [];
$imgurl = $img . $res['0']->img;
$content = $res['0']->content;
$str = $uploadImg_domain;
$search = '~^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?~i';
$url = $uploadImg_domain;
$url = trim($url);
preg_match_all($search, $url, $matches);
$newa = $matches[1][0] . $matches[3][0];
$new_content = preg_replace('/(<img.+?src=")(.*?)/', "$1$newa$2", $content);
$freight_id = $res[0]->freight;
$sql = "select * from lkt_freight where id = '$freight_id'";
$r_freight = $db->select($sql);
if ($r_freight) {
$freight = unserialize($r_freight[0]->freight); // 属性
foreach ($freight as $k => $v) {
foreach ($v as $k1 => $v1) {
$freight_list[$k]['freight'] = $v['two'];
$freight_list[$k]['freight_name'] = $v['name'];
$product['freight'] = $freight[0]['two'];
} else {
$product['freight'] = 0.00;
$s_type = explode(',', $res['0']->s_type);
$xp = 0;
$rexiao = 0;
$tuijian = 0;
foreach ($s_type as $k1 => $v1) {
if ($v1 == 1) {
$xp = 1;
} else if ($v1 == 2) {
$rexiao = 1;
} else if ($v1 == 3) {
$tuijian = 1;
$product['xp'] = $xp;
$product['rexiao'] = $rexiao;
$product['tuijian'] = $tuijian;
$product['id'] = $res['0']->id;
$product['shop_id'] = $res['0']->id;
$product['name'] = $res['0']->product_title;
$product['intro'] = $res['0']->product_title;
$product['num'] = $res['0']->num;
$product['price'] = $res['0']->yprice;
$product['price_yh'] = $res['0']->price;
$product['price11'] = $price01 ? $price01 : '';
$product['type01'] = $type01 ? $type01 : '';
$product['photo_x'] = $imgurl;
$product['photo_d'] = $res['0']->imgurl;
$product['content'] = $new_content;
$product['pro_number'] = $res['0']->id;
$product['company'] = '件';
$product['cat_name'] = $pname;
$product['brand'] = '来客推';
$product['img_arr'] = $img_arr;
$product['choujiangid'] = $choujiangid ? '' : $choujiangid;
$product['volume'] = $res['0']->volume;
$product['is_zhekou'] = $res['0']->is_zhekou;
if ($type1 == 1) {
$product['type111'] = 1;
$wx_id = $wx_id;
} else {
$product['type111'] = 2;
$wx_id = '';
if (!empty($res[0]->brand_id)) {
$b_id = $res[0]->brand_id;
$sql01 = "select brand_name from lkt_brand_class where brand_id = '$b_id'";
$r01 = $db->select($sql01);
if (!empty($r01)) {
$product['brand_name'] = $r01[0]->brand_name;
} else {
$product['brand_name'] = '无';
$sql_c = "select,a.add_time,a.content,a.CommentType,a.size,m.user_name,m.headimgurl from lkt_comments AS a LEFT JOIN lkt_user AS m ON a.uid = m.user_id where = '$id'";
$r_c = $db->select($sql_c);
$arr = [];
if ($r_c) {
foreach ($r_c as $key => $value) {
$va = (array)$value;
$va['time'] = substr($va['add_time'], 0, 10);
//-------------2018-05-03 修改 作用:返回评论图片
$comments_id = $va['id'];
$comments_sql = "select comments_url from lkt_comments_img where comments_id = '$comments_id' ";
$comment_res = $db->select($comments_sql);
$va['images'] = '';
if ($comment_res) {
$va['images'] = $comment_res;
$array_c = [];
foreach ($comment_res as $kc => $vc) {
$url = $vc->comments_url;
$array_c[$kc] = array('url' => $img . $url);
$va['images'] = $array_c;
//-------------2018-07-27 修改
$ad_sql = "select content from lkt_reply_comments where cid = '$comments_id' and uid = 'admin' ";
$ad_res = $db->select($ad_sql);
if ($ad_res) {
$reply_admin = $ad_res[0]->content;
} else {
$reply_admin = '';
$va['reply'] = $reply_admin;
$obj = (object)$va;
$arr[$key] = $obj;
$commodityAttr = [];
$sql_size = "select * from lkt_configure where pid = '$id' AND num > 0 and recycle = 0";
$r_size = $db->select($sql_size);
$array_price = [];
$array_yprice = [];
$skuBeanList = [];
$attrList = [];
if ($r_size) {
// $attrList = [];
$a = 0;
$attr = [];
foreach ($r_size as $key => $value) {
$array_price[$key] = $value->price;
$array_yprice[$key] = $value->yprice;
$attribute = unserialize($value->attribute);
$attnum = 0;
$arrayName = [];
foreach ($attribute as $k => $v) {
if (!in_array($k, $arrayName)) {
if ($k != 'rid') {
array_push($arrayName, $k);
$kkk = $attnum++;
$attrList[$kkk] = array('attrName' => $k, 'attrType' => '1', 'id' => md5($k), 'attr' => [], 'all' => []);
foreach ($r_size as $key => $value) {
$attribute = unserialize($value->attribute);
$attributes = [];
$name = '';
foreach ($attribute as $k => $v) {
if ($v) {
$attributes[] = array('attributeId' => md5($k), 'attributeValId' => md5($v));
$name .= $v;
$cimgurl = $img . $value->img;
$skuBeanList[$key] = array('name' => $name, 'imgurl' => $cimgurl, 'cid' => $value->id, 'price' => $value->price, 'count' => $value->num, 'attributes' => $attributes);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($attrList); $i++) {
$attr = $attrList[$i]['attr'];
$all = $attrList[$i]['all'];
foreach ($attribute as $k => $v) {
if ($attrList[$i]['attrName'] == $k) {
$attr_array = array('attributeId' => md5($k), 'id' => md5($v), 'attributeValue' => $v, 'enable' => false, 'select' => false);
if (empty($attr)) {
array_push($attr, $attr_array);
array_push($all, $v);
} else {
if (!in_array($v, $all)) {
array_push($attr, $attr_array);
array_push($all, $v);
$attrList[$i]['all'] = $all;
$attrList[$i]['attr'] = $attr;
$qj_price = reset($array_price) == end($array_price) ? reset($array_price) : reset($array_price) . '-' . end($array_price);
$qj_yprice = reset($array_yprice) == end($array_yprice) ? reset($array_yprice) : reset($array_yprice) . '-' . end($array_yprice);
//返回JSON $skuBeanList = []; $attrList = [];
$share = array('friends' => true, 'friend' => true);
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'pro' => $product, 'qj_price' => $qj_price, 'qj_yprice' => $qj_yprice, 'attrList' => $attrList, 'skuBeanList' => $skuBeanList, 'collection_id' => $collection_id, 'comments' => $arr, 'type' => $type, 'wx_id' => $wx_id, 'share' => $share, 'zhekou' => $zhekou));
//普通商品储存from_id 用于发货 退款等操作信息推送
public function save_formid()
$db = DBAction::getInstance();
$request = $this->getContext()->getRequest();
$uid = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('userid')));
$formid = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('from_id')));
$lifetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + 7 * 24 * 3600);
if ($formid != 'the formId is a mock one' && $formid != '') {
$addsql = "insert into lkt_user_fromid(open_id,fromid,lifetime) values('$uid','$formid','$lifetime')";
$addres = $db->insert($addsql);
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'succ' => $addres));
// 加入购物车
public function add_cart()
$db = DBAction::getInstance();
$request = $this->getContext()->getRequest();
$Uid = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('uid'))); // '微信id',
$Goods_id = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('pid'))); // '产品id',
$Goods_num = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('num'))); // '数量',
$size_id = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('sizeid'))); // '商品属性id',
$plugin = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('plugin'))); // '插件类型',
if (empty($Uid) || empty($Goods_id) || empty($Goods_id) || empty($size_id)) {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'info' => '添加失败请重新提交!!'));
} else {
$sql = "select user_id from lkt_user where wx_id = '$Uid'";
$r_1 = $db->select($sql);
if ($r_1) {
$user_id = $r_1[0]->user_id;
} else {
$user_id = '';
$sql_k = "select num from lkt_configure where pid = '$Goods_id' and num >0 and recycle = 0";
$res_k = $db->select($sql_k);
if ($res_k) {
$num = $res_k[0]->num;
} else {
$num = 0;
if ($num >= $Goods_num) {
$sql = "select * from lkt_cart where user_id='$user_id' and Uid='$Uid' and Goods_id='$Goods_id' and Size_id='$size_id' ";
$rs = $db->select($sql);
$r = 0;
if (count($rs) > 0) {
$sql = "update lkt_cart set Goods_num=Goods_num+$Goods_num where user_id='$user_id' and Uid='$Uid' and Goods_id='$Goods_id' and Size_id='$size_id' ";
$r = $db->update($sql);
$sql = "select * from lkt_cart where user_id='$user_id' and Uid='$Uid' and Goods_id='$Goods_id' and Size_id='$size_id' ";
$r2 = $db->select($sql);
$r = $r2[0]->id;
} else {
$sql = "insert into lkt_cart (user_id,Uid,Goods_id,Goods_num,Create_time,Size_id,plugin) values('$user_id','$Uid','$Goods_id','$Goods_num',CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,$size_id,'$plugin') ";
$r = $db->insert($sql, 'last_insert_id');
if ($r) {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'cart_id' => $r));
} else {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'err' => '添加失败请重新提交!'));
} else {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'err' => '库存不足!'));
public function listdetail()
$db = DBAction::getInstance();
$request = $this->getContext()->getRequest();
$id = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('cid'))); // '分类ID'
$paegr = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('page'))); // '页面'
$select = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('select'))); // 选中的方式 0 默认 1 销量 2价格
if ($select == 0) {
$select = 'a.add_date';
} elseif ($select == 1) {
$select = 'a.volume';
} else {
$select = 'c.price';
$sort = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('sort'))); // 排序方式 1 asc 升序 0 desc 降序
if ($sort) {
$sort = ' asc ';
} else {
$sort = ' desc ';
$appConfig = $this->getAppInfo();
$img = $appConfig['imageRootUrl'];
if (!$paegr) {
$paegr = 1;
$start = ($paegr - 1) * 10;
$end = $paegr * 10;
$sql = 'select,a.product_title,volume,c.price,c.yprice,c.img,a.s_type, AS sizeid from lkt_product_list AS a LEFT JOIN lkt_configure AS c ON = where a.product_class like \'%-' . $id . "-%' and a.status = 0 and c.recycle = 0 order by $select $sort LIMIT $start,$end ";
$r = $db->select($sql);
if ($r) {
$product = [];
foreach ($r as $k => $v) {
$imgurl = $img . $v->img;/* end 保存*/
$product[$k] = array('id' => $v->id, 'name' => $v->product_title, 'price' => $v->yprice, 'price_yh' => $v->price, 'imgurl' => $imgurl, 'size' => $v->sizeid, 'volume' => $v->volume, 's_type' => $v->s_type);
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'pro' => $product));
} else {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'err' => '没有了!'));
// 加载更多商品
public function get_more()
$db = DBAction::getInstance();
$request = $this->getContext()->getRequest();
$id = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('cid'))); // '分类ID'
$paegr = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('page'))); // '分页显示'
// 查询系统参数
$appConfig = $this->getAppInfo();
$img = $appConfig['imageRootUrl'];
if (!$paegr) {
$paegr = 1;
$start = ($paegr - 1) * 10;
$end = $paegr * 10;
$sql = 'select,a.product_title,a.volume,c.price,c.yprice,c.img, AS sizeid from lkt_product_list AS a LEFT JOIN lkt_configure AS c ON = where a.product_class like \'%-' . $id . '-%\' and c.num >0 order by a.sort LIMIT $start,$end';
$r = $db->select($sql);
if ($r) {
$product = [];
foreach ($r as $k => $v) {
$imgurl = $img . $v->img;/* end 保存*/
$product[$k] = array('id' => $v->id, 'name' => $v->product_title, 'price' => $v->yprice, 'size' => $v->sizeid, 'price_yh' => $v->price, 'imgurl' => $imgurl, 'volume' => $v->volume);
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'pro' => $product));
} else {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'pro' => ''));
public function freight($freight, $num, $address, $db)
$sql = "select * from lkt_freight where id = '$freight'";
$r_1 = $db->select($sql);
if ($r_1) {
$rule = $r_1[0];
$yunfei = 0;
if (empty($address)) {
return 0;
} else {
$sheng = $address['sheng'];
$sql2 = "select G_CName from admin_cg_group where GroupID = '$sheng'";
$r_2 = $db->select($sql2);
if ($r_2) {
$city = $r_2[0]->G_CName;
$rule_1 = $r_1[0]->freight;
$rule_2 = unserialize($rule_1);
foreach ($rule_2 as $key => $value) {
$citys_str = $value['name'];
$citys_array = explode(',', $citys_str);
$citys_arrays = [];
foreach ($citys_array as $k => $v) {
$citys_arrays[$v] = $v;
if (array_key_exists($city, $citys_arrays)) {
if ($num > $value['three']) {
$yunfei += $value['two'];
$yunfei += ($num - $value['three']) * $value['four'];
} else {
$yunfei += $value['two'];
return $yunfei;
} else {
return 0;
} else {
return 0;
// 进入结算页面
public function Settlement()
$db = DBAction::getInstance();
$request = $this->getContext()->getRequest();
$cart_id = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('cart_id'))); // 购物车id
$uid = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('uid'))); // 微信id
$type = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('type'))); // 类型,1直接购买,0购物车购买
$num1 = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('num1'))); // 直接购买数量
$appConfig = $this->getAppInfo();
$img = $appConfig['imageRootUrl'];
$address = [];
$yunfei = 0;
// 根据微信id,查询用户id
$sql_user = 'select user_id,money,consumer_money from lkt_user where wx_id=\'' . $uid . '\' ';
$r_user = $db->select($sql_user);
if ($r_user) {
$userid = $r_user['0']->user_id; // 用户id
$user_money = $r_user['0']->money; // 用户余额
} else {
$userid = ''; // 用户id
$user_money = ''; // 用户余额
// 根据用户id,查询收货地址
$sql_a = 'select id from lkt_user_address where uid=\'' . $userid . '\'';
$r_a = $db->select($sql_a);
if (!empty($r_a)) {
$arr['addemt'] = 0; // 有收货地址
// 根据用户id、默认地址,查询收货地址信息
$sql_e = 'select * from lkt_user_address where uid=\'' . $userid . '\' and is_default = 1';
$r_e = $db->select($sql_e);
if (!empty($r_e)) {
$arr['adds'] = (array)$r_e['0']; // 收货地址
} else {
// 根据用户id、默认地址,查询收货地址信息
$aaaid = $r_a[0]->id;
$sql_q = "select * from lkt_user_address where id= '$aaaid'";
$r_e = $db->select($sql_q);
$arr['adds'] = (array)$r_e['0']; // 收货地址
$sql_u = "update lkt_user_address set is_default = 1 where id = '$aaaid'";
$address = (array)$r_e['0']; // 收货地址
} else {
$arr['addemt'] = 1; // 没有收货地址
$arr['adds'] = ''; // 收货地址
$typestr = trim($cart_id, ','); // 移除两侧的逗号
$typeArr = explode(',', $typestr); // 字符串打散为数组
//取数组最后一个元素 并查询分类名称
$zong = 0;
$status = [];
$products = [];
//查询是否是会员卡商品 限制支付方式只能为余额和微信
$distributor_products = [];
$discount = true;
$pstuat = true;
$usort = 0;
foreach ($typeArr as $key => $value) {
$r_c01 = $db->select("select m.status,c.num from lkt_cart AS a LEFT JOIN lkt_product_list AS m ON a.Goods_id = LEFT JOIN lkt_configure AS c ON a.Size_id = where = '$value'");
if ($r_c01 && $r_c01[0]->status && $r_c01[0]->status != 0) {
$db->delete('delete from lkt_cart where id="' . $value . '"');
echo json_encode(array('status' => 3, 'err' => '存在下架商品!'));
if ($r_c01 && $r_c01[0]->num && $r_c01[0]->num == 0) {
$db->delete('delete from lkt_cart where id="' . $value . '"');
echo json_encode(array('status' => 3, 'err' => '存在库存不足商品!'));
// 联合查询返回购物信息
$sql_c = "select a.Goods_num,a.Goods_id,,m.product_title,m.volume,c.price,c.attribute,c.img,c.yprice,m.freight,m.product_class from lkt_cart AS a LEFT JOIN lkt_product_list AS m ON a.Goods_id = LEFT JOIN lkt_configure AS c ON a.Size_id = where c.num >0 and m.status ='0' and = '$value'";
$r_c = $db->select($sql_c);
if ($r_c) {
$product = (array)$r_c['0']; // 转数组
$attribute = unserialize($product['attribute']);
$product_id[] = $product['Goods_id'];
$product_class[] = $product['product_class'];
$size = '';
foreach ($attribute as $ka => $va) {
if ($va) {
$size .= ' ' . $va;
$Goods_id = $product['Goods_id'];
if (in_array($Goods_id, $products)) {
$pstuat = false;
$status_id = $Goods_id;
if ($type == 1) {
$product['Goods_num'] = $num1;
$yunfei = $yunfei + $this->freight($product['freight'], $product['Goods_num'], $address, $db);
$product['yunfei'] = $yunfei;//运费
$product['photo_x'] = $img . $product['img'];/* 拼接图片链接*/
$num = $product['Goods_num']; // 产品数量
$price = $product['price']; // 产品价格
$product['size'] = $size; // 产品价格
$zong += $num * $price; // 产品总价
$res[$key] = $product;
} else {
$res[$key] = '';
$yunfei = 0;
$zong = 0;
$order_zong = $zong + $yunfei; // 订单总价
$reduce_name = '';
$reduce = 0;
$arr['name'] = $reduce_name;
$arr['reduce_money'] = $reduce;
$arr['yunfei'] = $yunfei;
$order_zong = $order_zong - $reduce;
if ($pstuat) {
$arr['price'] = $zong; // 产品总价
$arr['pro'] = $res; // 产品信息
$time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); // 当前时间
$scoresql = 'select lever,ordernum,scorenum from lkt_setscore order by lever'; //查询消费金参数
$scoremsg = $db->select($scoresql);
if ($scoremsg) {
foreach ($scoremsg as $k => $v) {
if ($v->lever < 0) {
$arr['scorebl'] = $v->ordernum;
$arr['scorebuy'] = $scoremsg;
} else {
$arr['scorebuy'] = '';
// 根据用户id,查询优惠券状态为 (使用中)
$sql = "select * from lkt_coupon where user_id = '$userid' and type = 1";
$r = $db->select($sql);
if ($r) {
$r = $r;
} else {
$r = '';
if ($r) {
foreach ($r as $k => $v) {
$id = $v->id; // 优惠券id
// 根据优惠券id,查询订单表(查看优惠券是否绑定)
$sql = "select id from lkt_order where coupon_id = '$id' ";
$rr = $db->select($sql);
if (empty($rr)) { // 没有数据,表示优惠券没绑定
$hid = $v->hid; // 活动id
$money = $v->money; // 优惠券金额
$sql = "select * from lkt_coupon_activity where id = '$hid'";
$rr1 = $db->select($sql);
$activity_type = $rr1[0]->activity_type; // 类型
$product_class_id = $rr1[0]->product_class_id; // 分类id
$product_id1 = $rr1[0]->product_id; // 商品id
$z_money = $rr1[0]->z_money; // 满减金额
if ($activity_type == 1) { // 当活动为注册类型
if ($money >= $order_zong) {
// 当优惠券金额比总价格高时,修改优惠券状态为(未使用)
$sql = "update lkt_coupon set type = 0 where id = '$id'";
$arr['coupon_id'] = ''; // 付款金额
$arr['money'] = ''; // 优惠券金额
$arr['coupon_money'] = $order_zong; // 付款金额
$arr['user_money'] = $user_money; // 用户余额
$arr['discount'] = $discount; // 优惠控制
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'arr' => $arr));
} else {
$arr['coupon_id'] = $id; // 付款金额
$arr['money'] = $v->money; // 优惠券金额
$arr['coupon_money'] = $order_zong - $money; // 付款金额
$arr['user_money'] = $user_money; // 用户余额
$arr['discount'] = $discount; // 优惠控制
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'arr' => $arr));
} else if ($activity_type == 3) { // 当活动为满减类型
if ($order_zong < $z_money) {
// 当订单总价格不满足满减金额时,修改优惠券状态为(未使用)
$sql = "update lkt_coupon set type = 0 where id = '$id'";
$arr['coupon_id'] = ''; // 付款金额
$arr['money'] = ''; // 优惠券金额
$arr['coupon_money'] = $order_zong; // 付款金额
$arr['user_money'] = $user_money; // 用户余额
$arr['discount'] = $discount; // 优惠控制
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'arr' => $arr));
} else {
$arr['coupon_id'] = $id; // 付款金额
$arr['money'] = $v->money; // 优惠券金额
$arr['coupon_money'] = $order_zong - $money; // 付款金额
$arr['user_money'] = $user_money; // 用户余额
$arr['discount'] = $discount; // 优惠控制
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'arr' => $arr));
} else { // 活动类型为节日/活动
if ($product_class_id == 0) { // 当没设置商品分类
if ($money >= $order_zong) {
// 当优惠券金额比总价格高时,修改优惠券状态为(未使用)
$sql = "update lkt_coupon set type = 0 where id = '$id'";
$arr['coupon_id'] = ''; // 付款金额
$arr['money'] = ''; // 优惠券金额
$arr['coupon_money'] = $order_zong; // 付款金额
$arr['user_money'] = $user_money; // 用户余额
$arr['discount'] = $discount; // 优惠控制
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'arr' => $arr));
} else {
$arr['coupon_id'] = $id; // 付款金额
$arr['money'] = $v->money; // 优惠券金额
$arr['coupon_money'] = $order_zong - $money; // 付款金额
$arr['user_money'] = $user_money; // 用户余额
$arr['discount'] = $discount; // 优惠控制
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'arr' => $arr));
} else { // 当设置商品分类
// 根据活动指定的商品分类查询所有商品的分类
$sql = "select product_class from lkt_product_list where product_class like '%$product_class_id%'";
$rr_1 = $db->select($sql);
if ($rr_1) {
$calss_status = 1; // 商品属于优惠券指定的分类
foreach ($rr_1 as $k1 => $v1) {
$rr_list[$k1] = $v1->product_class;
foreach ($product_class as $k2 => $v2) {
if (!in_array($v2, $rr_list)) {
$calss_status = 0; // 商品不属于优惠券指定的分类
if ($calss_status == 0) { // 当有商品不属于优惠券指定的分类
// 根据优惠券id,修改优惠券状态(未使用)
$sql = "update lkt_coupon set type = 0 where id = '$id'";
$arr['coupon_id'] = ''; // 付款金额
$arr['money'] = ''; // 优惠券金额
$arr['coupon_money'] = $order_zong; // 付款金额
$arr['user_money'] = $user_money; // 用户余额
$arr['discount'] = $discount; // 优惠控制
} else {
$product_status = 1; // 商品属于优惠券指定商品
if ($product_id1 != 0) { // 当优惠券指定了商品
foreach ($product_id as $k3 => $v3) {
if ($product_id1 != $v3) {
$product_status = 0;
if ($product_status == 0) {
// 根据优惠券id,修改优惠券状态(未使用)
$sql = "update lkt_coupon set type = 0 where id = '$id'";
$arr['coupon_id'] = ''; // 付款金额
$arr['money'] = ''; // 优惠券金额
$arr['coupon_money'] = $order_zong; // 付款金额
$arr['user_money'] = $user_money; // 用户余额
$arr['discount'] = $discount; // 优惠控制
} else {
if ($money >= $order_zong) {
// 当优惠券金额比总价格高时,修改优惠券状态为(未使用)
$sql = "update lkt_coupon set type = 0 where id = '$id'";
$arr['coupon_id'] = ''; // 付款金额
$arr['money'] = ''; // 优惠券金额
$arr['coupon_money'] = $order_zong; // 付款金额
$arr['user_money'] = $user_money; // 用户余额
$arr['discount'] = $discount; // 优惠控制
} else {
$arr['coupon_id'] = $id; // 付款金额
$arr['money'] = $v->money; // 优惠券金额
$arr['coupon_money'] = $order_zong - $money; // 付款金额
$arr['user_money'] = $user_money; // 用户余额
$arr['discount'] = $discount; // 优惠控制
} else { // 当优惠券没有指定商品
if ($money >= $order_zong) {
// 当优惠券金额比总价格高时,修改优惠券状态为(未使用)
$sql = "update lkt_coupon set type = 0 where id = '$id'";
$arr['coupon_id'] = ''; // 付款金额
$arr['money'] = ''; // 优惠券金额
$arr['coupon_money'] = $order_zong; // 付款金额
$arr['user_money'] = $user_money; // 用户余额
$arr['discount'] = $discount; // 优惠控制
} else {
$arr['coupon_id'] = $id; // 付款金额
$arr['money'] = $v->money; // 优惠券金额
$arr['coupon_money'] = $order_zong - $money; // 付款金额
$arr['user_money'] = $user_money; // 用户余额
$arr['discount'] = $discount; // 优惠控制
} else { // 有数据
$arr['coupon_id'] = ''; // 付款金额
$arr['money'] = ''; // 优惠券金额
$arr['coupon_money'] = $order_zong; // 付款金额
$arr['user_money'] = $user_money; // 用户余额
$arr['discount'] = $discount; // 优惠控制
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'arr' => $arr));
} else {
$arr['money'] = '';
$arr['coupon_id'] = '';
$arr['coupon_money'] = $order_zong; // 付款金额
$arr['user_money'] = $user_money; // 用户余额
$arr['discount'] = $discount; // 优惠控制
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'arr' => $arr));
} else {
if ($status[$status_id] == 0) {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'err' => '您有会员套餐未付款订单!'));
} else {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'err' => '存在无法购买的商品!'));
// 显示购物车列表
public function Shopping()
$db = DBAction::getInstance();
$request = $this->getContext()->getRequest();
$appConfig = $this->getAppInfo();
$img = $appConfig['imageRootUrl'];
$arr = [];
$uid = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('user_id'))); // '分类ID'
$sql_c = 'select a.*,c.price,c.attribute,c.img,c.num as pnum,m.product_title, AS sizeid from lkt_cart AS a LEFT JOIN lkt_product_list AS m ON a.Goods_id = LEFT JOIN lkt_configure AS c ON a.Size_id = where c.num >0 and a.Uid = \'' . $uid . '\' order by Create_time desc';
$r_c = $db->select($sql_c);
if ($r_c) {
foreach ($r_c as $key => $value) {
$imgurl = $img . $value->img;/* end 保存*/
$attribute = unserialize($value->attribute);
$size = '';
foreach ($attribute as $ka => $va) {
$size .= ' ' . $va;
$arr[$key] = array('id' => $value->id, 'uid' => $uid, 'pnum' => $value->pnum, 'sizeid' => $value->sizeid, 'pid' => $value->Goods_id, 'size' => $size, 'price' => $value->price, 'num' => $value->Goods_num, 'pro_name' => $value->product_title, 'imgurl' => $imgurl);
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'cart' => $arr));
// 清空购物车
public function delAll_cart()
$db = DBAction::getInstance();
$request = $this->getContext()->getRequest();
$user_id = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('user_id')));
$sql = 'delete from lkt_cart where Uid="' . $user_id . '"';
$res = $db->delete($sql);
if ($res) {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'succ' => '操作成功!'));
} else {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'err' => '操作失败!'));
// 删除购物车指定商品
public function delcart()
$db = DBAction::getInstance();
$request = $this->getContext()->getRequest();
$carts = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('carts')));
$cartstr = trim($carts, ','); // 移除两侧的逗号
$cartArr = explode(',', $cartstr); // 字符串打散为数组
foreach ($cartArr as $key => $value) {
$sql = 'delete from lkt_cart where id="' . $value . '"';
$res = $db->delete($sql);
if ($res) {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'succ' => '操作成功!'));
} else {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'err' => '操作失败!'));
// 移动购物车指定商品去收藏
public function to_Collection()
$db = DBAction::getInstance();
$request = $this->getContext()->getRequest();
$carts = addslashes($request->getParameter('carts'));
$userid = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('user_id')));
$cartstr = trim($carts, ','); // 移除两侧的逗号
$cartArr = explode(',', $cartstr); // 字符串打散为数组
foreach ($cartArr as $key => $value) {
$csql = "select Goods_id from lkt_cart where id='$value' ";
$cres = $db->select($csql);
if ($cres) {
$pid = $cres[0]->Goods_id;
} else {
$pid = 0;
$this->addFavorites($userid, $pid);
$sql = 'delete from lkt_cart where id="' . $value . '"';
$res = $db->delete($sql);
if ($res) {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'succ' => '操作成功!'));
} else {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'err' => '操作失败!'));
public function addFavorites($openid, $pid)
$db = DBAction::getInstance();
$sql = "select user_id from lkt_user where wx_id = '$openid'";
$r = $db->select($sql);
if ($r) {
$user_id = $r[0]->user_id;
// 根据用户id,产品id,查询收藏表
$sql = "select * from lkt_user_collection where user_id = '$user_id' and p_id = '$pid'";
$r = $db->select($sql);
if (!$r) {
// 在收藏表里添加一条数据
$sql = "insert into lkt_user_collection(user_id,p_id,add_time) values('$user_id','$pid',CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)";
// 用户修改购物车数量操作
public function up_cart()
$db = DBAction::getInstance();
$request = $this->getContext()->getRequest();
$cart_id = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('cart_id')));
$num = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('num')));
$user_id = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('user_id')));
$sql_num = "select c.num from lkt_cart as a LEFT JOIN lkt_configure AS c ON a.Size_id = where = '$cart_id'";
$r_num = $db->select($sql_num);
if ($r_num) {
$pnum = $r_num[0]->num;
if ($pnum > $num) {
$sql_u = "update lkt_cart set Goods_num = '$num' where id = '$cart_id' and Uid = '$user_id'";
$r_u = $db->update($sql_u);
if ($r_u) {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'succ' => '操作成功!'));
} else {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'err' => '操作失败!'));
} else {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'err' => '库存不足!'));
} else {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'err' => '网络繁忙!'));
public function wallet_pay()
$db = DBAction::getInstance();
$request = $this->getContext()->getRequest();
$uid = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('uid'))); // 微信id
$total = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('total'))); // 付款余额
// 根据微信id,查询用户列表(支付密码,钱包余额,用户id)
$sql_user = "select password,money,user_id from lkt_user where wx_id='$uid'";
$r_user = $db->select($sql_user);
if ($r_user) {
$user_money = $r_user['0']->money; // 用户余额
$userid = $r_user['0']->user_id; // 用户id
if ($user_money >= $total) {
// 根据微信id,修改用户余额
if ($total > 0) {
$sql = "update lkt_user set money = money-'$total' where user_id = '$userid'";
$r = $db->update($sql);
$event = $userid . '使用了' . $total . '元余额';
$sqll = "insert into lkt_record (user_id,money,oldmoney,event,type) values ('$userid','$total','$user_money','$event',4)";
$rr = $db->insert($sqll);
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'succ' => '扣款成功!'));
} else {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'err' => '余额不足!'));
} else {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'err' => '网络繁忙!'));
// 创建订单操作
public function payment()
$db = DBAction::getInstance();
$request = $this->getContext()->getRequest();
$cart_id = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('cart_id'))); // 购物车id
$uid = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('uid'))); // 微信id
$type = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('type'))); // 用户支付方式
$coupon_id = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('coupon_id'))); // 优惠券id
$r_name = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('name'))); // 自动满减金额名称
$reduce_money = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('reduce_money'))); // 自动满减金额
$allow = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('allow'))); // 用户使用积分
$red_packet = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('red_packet'))); // 用户使用红包
$typee = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('typee'))); // 1直接购买类型0购物车购买
$num = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('num'))); // 直接购买数量
$total = addslashes($_POST['total']); // 付款金额
$plugin = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('plugin'))); // '插件类型'
$sql = "select * from lkt_cart where id = $cart_id ";
$cart = $db->selectOne($sql);
$plugin = $cart->plugin;
$appConfig = $this->getAppInfo();
$img = $appConfig['imageRootUrl'];
if ($r_name) {
$coupon_activity_name = $r_name;
} else {
$coupon_activity_name = '';
// 根据微信id,查询用户id
$sql_user = 'select user_id,money from lkt_user where wx_id=\'' . $uid . '\'';
$r_user = $db->select($sql_user);
if ($r_user) {
$userid = $r_user['0']->user_id; // 用户id
$user_money = $r_user['0']->money; // 用户余额
} else {
$userid = ''; // 用户id
$user_money = 0; // 用户余额
if ($type == 'wallet_Pay' && $user_money < $total) { // 当余额小于付款金额
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'err' => '余额不足!'));
} else {
// 根据用户id、默认地址,查询地址信息
$sql_a = 'select * from lkt_user_address where uid=\'' . $userid . '\' and is_default = 1';
$r_a = $db->select($sql_a);
if ($r_a) {
$name = $r_a['0']->name; // 联系人
$mobile = $r_a['0']->tel; // 联系电话
$address = $r_a['0']->address_xq; // 加省市县的详细地址
$sheng = $r_a['0']->sheng; // 省
$shi = $r_a['0']->city; // 市
$xian = $r_a['0']->quyu; // 县
} else {
$name = ''; // 联系人
$mobile = ''; // 联系电话
$address = ''; // 加省市县的详细地址
$sheng = ''; // 省
$shi = ''; // 市
$xian = ''; // 县
$z_num = 0;
$z_price = 0;
$sNo = $this->order_number(); // 生成订单号
// 根据省的id,查询省名称
$sql = "select G_CName from admin_cg_group where GroupID = '$sheng'";
$r1 = $db->select($sql);
if ($r1) {
$G_CName = $r1[0]->G_CName; // 省
} else {
$G_CName = '';
$z_freight = 0; // 总运费
// 拆分购物ID 依次插入数据库
$typestr = trim($cart_id, ',');
$typeArr = explode(',', $typestr);
foreach ($typeArr as $key => $value) {
// 联合查询返回购物信息
if ($typee == 1) {//直接购买
$sql_c = "select a.Size_id,a.Goods_num,a.Goods_id,,m.product_title,m.volume,m.freight,c.price,c.attribute,c.img,c.yprice,c.unit from lkt_cart AS a LEFT JOIN lkt_product_list AS m ON a.Goods_id = LEFT JOIN lkt_configure AS c ON a.Size_id = where = '$value' and c.num >= $num ";
} else {
$sql_c = "select a.Size_id,a.Goods_num,a.Goods_id,,m.product_title,m.volume,m.freight,c.price,c.attribute,c.img,c.yprice,c.unit from lkt_cart AS a LEFT JOIN lkt_product_list AS m ON a.Goods_id = LEFT JOIN lkt_configure AS c ON a.Size_id = where = '$value' and c.num >= a.Goods_num ";
$r_c = $db->select($sql_c);
if (!empty($r_c)) {
$product = (array)$r_c['0']; // 转数组
if ($typee == 1) {//直接购买
$product['Goods_num'] = $num; // 商品价格
$product['photo_x'] = $img . $product['img'];/* 拼接图片链接*/
$num = $product['Goods_num']; // 商品数量
$z_num += $num; // 商品数量
$price = $product['price']; // 商品价格
$z_price += $num * $price; // 总价
$pid = $product['Goods_id']; // 商品id
$product_title = $product['product_title']; // 商品名称
$size_id = $product['Size_id']; // 商品Size_id
$unit = $product['unit'];
$freight_id = $r_c[0]->freight; // 运费id
$freight = 0;
if (empty($freight_id) || $freight_id == 0) { // 当运费id不存在 或者 为0 时
$freight = 0; // 运费为0
} else {
// 根据运费id,查询运费信息
$sql = "select type,freight from lkt_freight where id = '$freight_id'";
$r2 = $db->select($sql);
if ($r2) {
$freight_type = $r2[0]->type;
$freight_1 = unserialize($r2[0]->freight);
$freight_status = 0; // 表示收货地址不存在运费规则里
$weight = 1;
foreach ($freight_1 as $k2 => $v2) {
$province_arr = explode(',', $v2['name']); // 省份数组
if (in_array($G_CName, $province_arr)) {
$one = $v2['one']; // 首件/重
$two = $v2['two']; // 运费
$three = $v2['three']; // 续件/重
$four = $v2['four']; // 续费
$freight_status = 1; // 表示收货地址存在运费规则里
if ($freight_status == 1) {
if ($freight_type == 0) { // 运费为计件时
if ($num > $one) { // 当购买数量大于首件数量时
$Goods_num_1 = $num - $one;
$freight = $two;
$frequency = ceil($Goods_num_1 / $three);
$freight = $four * $frequency + $freight; // 运费
} else { // 当购买数量低于或等于首件数量时
$freight = $two; // 运费
} else { // 运费为计重时
$z_weight = $num * $weight;
if ($z_weight > $one) { // 当购买数量大于首件数量时
$z_weight_1 = $z_weight - $one;
$freight = $two;
$frequency = ceil($z_weight_1 / $three);
$freight = $four * $frequency + $freight; // 运费
} else { // 当购买数量低于或等于首件数量时
$freight = $two; // 运费
} else {
$freight = 0; // 运费
$z_freight += $freight;
$attribute = unserialize($product['attribute']);
$size = '';
foreach ($attribute as $ka => $va) {
$size .= $va . ' ';
// 循环插入订单附表
$sql_d = 'insert into lkt_order_details(user_id,p_id,p_name,p_price,num,unit,r_sNo,add_time,r_status,size,sid,freight,plugin) VALUES ' . "('$userid','$pid','$product_title','$price','$num','$unit','$sNo',CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,0,'$size','$size_id','$freight','$plugin')";
$beres = $db->insert($sql_d);
delkuncun($db, $size_id, $pid, $num);//创建订单修改库存
if ($beres < 1) {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'err' => '下单失败,请稍后再试!'));
if ($typee == 0) {
// 删除对应购物车内容
$sql_del = 'delete from lkt_cart where id="' . $value . '"';
$res_del = $db->delete($sql_del);
if ($res_del < 1) {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'err' => '下单失败,请稍后再试!'));
} else {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'err' => '下单失败,请稍后再试!'));
$spz_price = $z_price; // 商品总价
// 判断积分使用
if ($allow > 0 && $allow != 'undefined') {
$z_price = $z_price - $allow;
} else {
$allow = 0;
// 判断红包使用
if ($red_packet > 0 && $red_packet != 'undefined') {
// $z_price = $z_price - $red_packet;
} else {
$red_packet = 0;
// 判断满减金额
if ($reduce_money > 0 && $reduce_money != 'undefined') {
$z_price = $z_price - $reduce_money;
} else {
$reduce_money = 0;
if ($coupon_id) {
$sql = "select * from lkt_coupon where id = '$coupon_id'";
$r_coupon = $db->select($sql);
if ($r_coupon) {
$c_money = $r_coupon[0]->money;
} else {
$c_money = 0;
$z_price = $z_price - $c_money;
} else {
$coupon_id = 0;
$c_money = 0;
$z_price = $z_price + $z_freight; // 订单总价
// 在订单表里添加一条数据
$sql_o = 'insert into lkt_order(user_id,name,mobile,num,z_price,sNo,sheng,shi,xian,address,remark,pay,add_time,status,coupon_id,consumer_money,coupon_activity_name,spz_price,reduce_price,coupon_price,red_packet,source,plugin) VALUES ' .
"('$userid','$name','$mobile','$z_num','$z_price','$sNo','$sheng','$shi','$xian','$address',' ','$type',CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,0,'$coupon_id','$allow','$coupon_activity_name','$spz_price','$reduce_money','$c_money','$red_packet',1,'$plugin')";
$r_o = $db->insert($sql_o, "last_insert_id");
if ($r_o > 0) {
$arr = array('pay_type' => $type, 'sNo' => $sNo, 'coupon_money' => $z_price, 'coupon_id' => $coupon_id, 'order_id' => $r_o);
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'arr' => $arr));
} else {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'err' => '下单失败,请稍后再试!'));
// 生成订单号
private function order_number()
$num = date('Ymd', time()) . time() . rand(10, 99);//18位
return $num;
// 付款后修改订单状态,并修改商品库存-
public function up_order()
$db = DBAction::getInstance();
$request = $this->getContext()->getRequest();
$coupon_id = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('coupon_id'))); // 优惠券id
$allow = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('allow'))); // 用户使用消费金
$coupon_money = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('coupon_money'))); // 付款金额
$order_id = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('order_id'))); // 订单号
$user_id = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('user_id'))); // 微信id
$d_yuan = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('d_yuan'))); // 抵扣余额
$trade_no = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('trade_no'))); // 微信支付单号
$pay = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('pay')));
// 根据微信id,查询用户id
$sql_user = 'select user_id,money from lkt_user where wx_id=\'' . $user_id . '\'';
$r_user = $db->select($sql_user);
if ($r_user) {
$userid = $r_user['0']->user_id; // 用户id
$user_money = $r_user['0']->money; // 用户余额
if ($d_yuan) {
// 使用组合支付的时候 lkt_combined_pay
$sql = "update lkt_user set money = money-'$d_yuan' where user_id = '$userid'";
$r = $db->update($sql);
$weixin_pay = $coupon_money - $d_yuan;
$sqll = "insert into lkt_combined_pay (weixin_pay,balance_pay,total,order_id,add_time,user_id) values ('$weixin_pay','$d_yuan','$coupon_money','$order_id',CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,'$user_id')";
$rr = $db->insert($sqll);
// 根据修改支付方式
$sql_combined = "update lkt_order set pay = 'combined_Pay' where sNo = '$order_id' and user_id = '$userid' ";
$r_combined = $db->update($sql_combined);
$event = $userid . '使用组合支付了' . $coupon_money . '元--订单号:' . $order_id;
$sqll = "insert into lkt_record (user_id,money,oldmoney,event,type) values ('$userid','$coupon_money','$d_yuan','$event',4)";
$rr = $db->insert($sqll);
if ($trade_no) {
$event = $userid . '使用微信支付了' . $coupon_money . '元--订单号:' . $order_id;
$sqll = "insert into lkt_record (user_id,money,oldmoney,event,type) values ('$userid','$coupon_money','$d_yuan','$event',4)";
$rr = $db->insert($sqll);
if ($coupon_money <= 0 && $allow > 0) {
// 根据订单号、用户id,修改订单状态(未发货)
$sql_u = "update lkt_order set status = 1,pay = 'consumer_pay',trade_no='$trade_no' where sNo = '$order_id' and user_id = '$userid' ";
$r_u = $db->update($sql_u);
} else {
// 根据订单号、用户id,修改订单状态(未发货)
$rpay = '';
if ($pay) {
$rpay = " ,pay = '$pay'";
$sql_u = "update lkt_order set status = 1 $rpay,trade_no='$trade_no' where sNo = '$order_id' and user_id = '$userid' ";
$r_u = $db->update($sql_u);
if ($allow && $coupon_money > 0) {
// 使用组合支付的时候 lkt_combined_pay 消费金情况
if ($pay == 'wallet_Pay') {
$zpay = 'balance_pay';
} else {
$zpay = 'weixin_pay';
$total = $allow + $coupon_money;
$sqll = "insert into lkt_combined_pay ($zpay,consumer_pay,total,order_id,add_time,user_id) values ('$coupon_money','$allow','$total','$order_id',CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,'$user_id')";
$rr = $db->insert($sqll);
// 根据修改支付方式
$sql_combined = "update lkt_order set pay = 'combined_Pay' where sNo = '$order_id' and user_id = '$userid' ";
$r_combined = $db->update($sql_combined);
$event = $userid . '使用组合支付了' . $total . '元--订单号:' . $order_id;
$sqll = "insert into lkt_record (user_id,money,oldmoney,event,type) values ('$userid','$coupon_money','$d_yuan','$event',4)";
$rr = $db->insert($sqll);
// 根据用户id、优惠券id,修改优惠券状态(已使用)
$sql = "update lkt_coupon set type = 2 where user_id = '$userid' and id = '$coupon_id'";
// 根据订单号,查询商品id、商品名称、商品数量
$sql_o = "select p_id,num,p_name,sid from lkt_order_details where r_sNo = '$order_id' ";
$r_o = $db->select($sql_o);
// 根据订单号,修改订单详情状态(未发货)
$sql_d = "update lkt_order_details set r_status = 1 where r_sNo = '$order_id' ";
$r_d = $db->update($sql_d);
// 修改产品数据库数量
$pname = '';
foreach ($r_o as $key => $value) {
$pid = $value->p_id; // 商品id
$num = $value->num; // 商品数量
$p_name = $value->p_name; // 商品名称
$sid = $value->sid; // 商品属性id
$pname .= $p_name;
$time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); // 当前时间
if ($r_u >= 0) {
// 根据订单号,查询订单id、订单金额
$sql_id = "select * from lkt_order where sNo = '$order_id' ";
$r_id = $db->select($sql_id);
if ($r_id) {
$id = $r_id['0']->id; // 订单id
$time = $r_id[0]->add_time;
} else {
$id = 0;
$ds = false;
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'succ' => '操作成功!', 'sNo' => $order_id, 'coupon_money' => $coupon_money, 'id' => $id, 'pname' => $pname, 'time' => $time, 'qu' => $ds));
} else {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'err' => '操作失败!'));
} else {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'err' => '操作失败!'));
// 发送评论数据
public function comment()
$db = DBAction::getInstance();
$request = $this->getContext()->getRequest();
$order_id = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('order_id'))); // 订单号
$user_id = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('user_id'))); // 微信id
$pid = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('pid'))); // 商品id
$attribute_id = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('attribute_id'))); // 属性id
$appConfig = $this->getAppInfo();
$img = $appConfig['imageRootUrl'];
$sql_user = 'select user_id from lkt_user where wx_id=\'' . $user_id . '\'';
$r_user = $db->select($sql_user);
if ($r_user) {
if ($pid && $attribute_id) {
$sql_o = "select a.p_id as commodityId,m.img,a.size,a.sid from lkt_order_details AS a LEFT JOIN lkt_configure AS m ON a.sid = where a.r_sNo = '$order_id' and a.p_id = '$pid' and a.sid = '$attribute_id' and a.r_status = 3 ";
} else {
$sql_o = "select a.p_id as commodityId,m.img,a.size,a.sid from lkt_order_details AS a LEFT JOIN lkt_configure AS m ON a.sid = where a.r_sNo = '$order_id' and (a.r_status = 3 or a.r_status = 1 or a.r_status = -1)";
$r_o = $db->select($sql_o);
if ($r_o) {
foreach ($r_o as $key => $value) {
$arr = (array)$value;
$imgurl = $arr['img'];/* end 保存*/
$arr['commodityIcon'] = $img . $imgurl;
$obj = (object)$arr;
$res[$key] = $obj;
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'commentList' => $res));
public function t_comment()
$db = DBAction::getInstance();
$request = $this->getContext()->getRequest();
$type = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('type')));
if ($type == 'file') {
$id = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('id')));//评论ID
// 查询配置表信息
$sql = "select * from lkt_config where id = '1'";
$r = $db->select($sql);
if ($r) {
$uploadImg = $r[0]->uploadImg;
// 图片上传位置
if (empty($uploadImg)) {
$uploadImg = "../LKT/images";
} else {
$uploadImg = "../LKT/images";
$imgURL = ($_FILES['imgFile']['tmp_name']);
$type = str_replace('image/', '.', $_FILES['imgFile']['type']);
$imgURL_name = time() . mt_rand(1, 1000) . $type;
move_uploaded_file($imgURL, $uploadImg . $imgURL_name);
$sql = "insert into lkt_comments_img(comments_url,comments_id,add_time) VALUES ('$imgURL_name','$id',CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)";
$res = $db->insert($sql);
if ($res) {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'err' => '修改成功', 'sql' => $sql));
} else {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'err' => '修改失败'));
} else {
$json = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'));
$comments = $json->comments;
$r_d = 0;
$oid = '';
// 查询配置表信息
$sql = "select * from lkt_config where id = '1'";
$r = $db->select($sql);
if ($r) {
$uploadImg = $r[0]->uploadImg;
// 图片上传位置
if (empty($uploadImg)) {
$uploadImg = "../LKT/images";
} else {
$uploadImg = "../LKT/images";
foreach ($comments as $key => $value) {
$oid = $value->orderId; // 订单号
$uid = $value->userid; // 微信id
$pid = $value->commodityId; // 商品id
$images = $value->images; // 商品id
$size = $value->size; // 属性名称
$attribute_id = $value->attribute_id; // 属性id
$content = $value->content; // 评论内容
$badword1 = array_combine($badword, array_fill(0, count($badword), '*'));
$content = preg_replace("/\s(?=\s)/", "\\1", $this->strtr_array($content, $badword1));
$content = htmlentities($content);
$CommentType = $value->score; // 评论类型
$sql = "select user_id from lkt_user where wx_id = '$uid'";
$r_name = $db->select($sql);
if ($r_name) {
$user_id = $r_name[0]->user_id;
} else {
$user_id = '';
$arr = array();
if ($content != '' || count($images) != 0) {
$sql_c = "select oid from lkt_comments where oid = '$oid' and pid = '$pid' and attribute_id = '$attribute_id' ";
$r_c = $db->select($sql_c);
if (empty($r_c['0'])) {
$sql_d = 'insert into lkt_comments(oid,uid,pid,attribute_id,size,content,CommentType,add_time) VALUES ' . "('$oid','$user_id','$pid','$attribute_id','$size','$content','$CommentType',CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)";
$lcid = $db->insert($sql_d, 'last_insert_id');
$cid[$value->pingid] = $lcid;
if ($lcid > 0) {
$sql_d = "update lkt_order_details set r_status = 5 where r_sNo = '$oid' and sid = '$attribute_id'";
$r_d = $db->update($sql_d);
$sql = "select r_status from lkt_order_details where r_sNo = '$oid'";
$rr = $db->select($sql);
if ($rr) {
foreach ($rr as $k => $v) {
$r_status[] = $v->r_status;
$arr = array_count_values($r_status);
if ($arr[5] == count($rr)) {
$sql = "update lkt_order set status = 5 where sNo = '$oid'";
} else {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'err' => '修改失败'));
} else {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'err' => '亲!评论过了1'));
} else {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'err' => '修改失败'));
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'succ' => '评论成功!', 'arrid' => $cid));
function strtr_array($str, $replace_arr)
$maxlen = 0;
$minlen = 1024 * 128;
if (empty($replace_arr)) return $str;
foreach ($replace_arr as $k => $v) {
$len = strlen($k);
if ($len < 1) continue;
if ($len > $maxlen) $maxlen = $len;
if ($len < $minlen) $minlen = $len;
$len = strlen($str);
$pos = 0;
$result = '';
while ($pos < $len) {
if ($pos + $maxlen > $len) $maxlen = $len - $pos;
$found = false;
$key = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $maxlen; ++$i) $key .= $str[$i + $pos];
for ($i = $maxlen; $i >= $minlen; --$i) {
$key1 = substr($key, 0, $i);
if (isset($replace_arr[$key1])) {
$result .= $replace_arr[$key1];
$pos += $i;
$found = true;
if (!$found) $result .= $str[$pos++];
return $result;
public function new_product()
$db = DBAction::getInstance();
$request = $this->getContext()->getRequest();
$id = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('cid'))); // '分类ID'
$paegr = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('page'))); // '页面'
$select = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('select'))); // 选中的方式 0 默认 1 销量 2价格
if ($select == 0) {
$select = 'a.add_date';
} elseif ($select == 1) {
$select = 'a.volume';
} else {
$select = 'price';
$sort = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('sort'))); // 排序方式 1 asc 升序 0 desc 降序
if ($sort) {
$sort = ' asc ';
} else {
$sort = ' desc ';
$appConfig = $this->getAppInfo();
$img = $appConfig['imageRootUrl'];
if (!$paegr) {
$paegr = 1;
$start = ($paegr - 1) * 10;
$end = 10;
$sql = "select a.s_type,,a.product_title,a.volume,a.imgurl,c.price,a.sort
from lkt_product_list AS a RIGHT JOIN (select min(price) price,pid from lkt_configure group by pid) AS c ON =
where a.status = 0 and a.num >0 and s_type like '%$id%'
order by a.sort asc,$select $sort LIMIT $start,$end ";
$r = $db->select($sql);
if ($r) {
$product = [];
foreach ($r as $k => $v) {
$imgurl = $img . $v->imgurl;
$pid = $v->id;
$sql_ttt = "select price,yprice from lkt_configure where pid ='$pid' order by price asc ";
$r_ttt = $db->select($sql_ttt);
$price = $r_ttt[0]->yprice;
$price_yh = $r_ttt[0]->price;
$product[$k] = array('id' => $v->id, 'name' => $v->product_title, 'price' => $price, 'price_yh' => $price_yh, 'imgurl' => $imgurl, 'volume' => $v->volume, 's_type' => $v->s_type);
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'pro' => $product));
} else {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'err' => '没有了!'));