You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
452 lines
35 KiB
452 lines
35 KiB
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/* 9cn头部导航 start */
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/* 9cn头部导航 end */
/* 首页 banner start */
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/* 旗下产品 start */
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.n-products .item:hover .name { color: #0db252; }
/* 旗下产品 end */
/* 海量小程序,等你体验 start */
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/* 发现小程序 */
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/* 小程序评测 */
.show-content.pc { overflow: visible }
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.show-content.pc a.n-more { margin-top: 14px }
/* 排行榜 */
| { overflow: visible; }
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| a.item .cont .child img { width: 100%; }
| a.item span.btn:hover + .child { display: block }
| a.n-more { margin-top: 44px }
/* 海量小程序,等你体验 end */
/* 九应用 start */
.n-solution { padding-bottom: 90px }
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/* 断点轮播 */
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.slide-bp ul li .child .more:hover{background-color: #0db252;color: #fff;}
.slide-bp ul li:hover .child { display: block }
/* 九应用 end */
/* 第九程序 start*/
.n-home { background: #fafafa; }
.n-home .cont { margin-top: 46px; padding-bottom: 38px; }
.n-home .intro { margin-left: 126px; }
.n-home p.tit { font-size: 26px; font-weight: bold; color: #51535d; margin-top: 120px; }
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.n-home p.tit_s { font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; color: #b8c1ce; }
/* 第九程序 end*/
/* 淘小程序 start*/
.n-taoxcx { padding-bottom: 50px }
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.n-taoxcx .item:hover .line { background-color: #6b7179 }
/* 淘小程序 end*/
/* 行业热文 start */
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margin-top: 14px;
/* 行业热文 end */
/* 公司 start */
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/*~~~ 弹出大图 ~~~*/
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/* 公司 end */
/* 资讯 end */
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.right-content .content p img { max-width: 100%; }
/* 资讯 end */
/* 加入 end */
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/* 加入 start */
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/*媒体报道 start*/
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/*媒体报道 end*/
/* 福利页面相关样式 start */
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/* 福利页面相关样式 end */
/* 项目孵化 start */
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.main-wrapper.project .show .item.xiaoli .ewm-wrap { position: absolute; top: 300px; left: 50%; margin-left: 52px }
/* 项目孵化 end */
/* 媒体矩阵 start */
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/* 媒体矩阵 end */