// pages/aftersales/aftersales.js var app = getApp() var WXAPI = require('../../utils/server.js'); Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { refund_only_status:false, return_refund_status:false, exchange_goods_status:false, isbatch: false, orderType:'', orderId: '', }, actionSheetTap: function () { var that = this; wx.showActionSheet({ itemList: that.data.itemList, success: function (e) { var arrayType = that.data.arrayType, itemList = that.data.itemList; for (var i = 0; i < arrayType.length; i++) { if (itemList[e.tapIndex] == arrayType[i].text){ that.setData({ tapIndex: arrayType[i].id, }) } } that.setData({ itemList_text: itemList[e.tapIndex] }) } }) }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad: function (options) { // var otype = options.type ? options.type:false; console.log(options) // this.setData({ // id: options.id, // oid:options.oid, // otype: otype // }); this.loadData(options.orderId); }, loadData: function (orderId) { var that = this; WXAPI.returnMethod({ accessId: app.globalData.accessId, storeId: 239, storeType: 1, order_details_id: orderId, }).then(res => { if (res.code == 200) { var data = res.data that.setData({ orderId: orderId, order: data.list, status: data.status, refund_only_status: data.refund_only_status, return_refund_status: data.return_refund_status, exchange_goods_status: data.exchange_goods_status, orderType: data.orderType }); } }) }, remarkInput: function (e) { this.setData({ remark: e.detail.value, }); }, submitReturnData: function(e){ var remark = e.detail.value.remark; var that = this; var formId = e.detail.formId; if (remark.length < 1) { wx.showToast({ title: '退款原因不能为空!', icon: 'none', duration: 2000 }); return; } if (formId != 'the formId is a mock one') { app.request.wxRequest({ url: '&action=product&m=save_formid', data: { from_id: formId, userid: app.globalData.userInfo.openid }, method: 'post', success: function (res) { console.log(res) } }) } }, navToApply: function(e){ console.log(e) var type = e.currentTarget.dataset.type; var that = this wx.navigateTo({ url:"/pages/aftersales/apply?refund_type=" + type + "&orderId=" + that.data.orderId }) } })