getContext()->getRequest(); $ordtype = array('0'=>'全部','GOOD'=>'好评','NOTBAD'=>'中评','BAD'=>'差评'); $otype = isset($_GET['otype']) && $_GET['otype'] !== ''?$_GET['otype']:false; $status = isset($_GET['status']) && $_GET['status'] !== ''?$_GET['status']:false; $ostatus = isset($_GET['ostatus']) && $_GET['ostatus'] !== ''?$_GET['ostatus']:false; $sNo = isset($_GET['sNo']) && $_GET['sNo'] !== ''?$_GET['sNo']:false; $condition = ' where 1=1'; if($otype){ $condition .= " and c.CommentType = '$otype' "; } $pageto = $request->getParameter('pageto'); // 导出 $pagesize = $request->getParameter('pagesize'); // 每页显示多少条数据 $page = $request->getParameter('page'); // 页码 $startdate = $request->getParameter("startdate"); $enddate = $request->getParameter("enddate"); if($startdate != ''){ $condition .= " and c.add_time >= '$startdate 00:00:00' "; } if($enddate != ''){ $condition .= " and c.add_time <= '$enddate 23:59:59' "; } if(strlen($status) == 1){ if($status !== false) { $cstatus = intval($status); $condition .= " and a.r_status=$cstatus"; } }else if(strlen($status) > 1){ if($status !== false) { $cstatus = intval(substr($status, 1)); $condition .= " and a.ptstatus=$cstatus"; } } if($ostatus !== false) { $costatus = intval(substr($ostatus, 1)); $condition .= " and a.r_status=$costatus"; } if($sNo !== false) $condition .= ' and a.r_sNo like "%'.$sNo.'%" '; $sql1 = 'select as odid,a.r_sNo,a.p_price,a.p_name,a.r_status,c.*,o.otype from lkt_order_details AS a LEFT JOIN lkt_comments AS c ON a.r_sNo = c.oid LEFT JOIN lkt_order as o on a.r_sNo = o.sNo'.$condition.' and a.r_status = 5 AND a.sid = c.attribute_id order by c.add_time desc '; $res1 = $db -> select($sql1); if($res1){ foreach ($res1 as $k=>$v){ if(!$v->anonymous || $v->anonymous == ''){ $v->anonymous = '匿名'; } } if($res1[0]->id){ foreach ($res1 as $k01 => $v01) { if($v01->CommentType ==5){ $res1[$k01]->CommentType1 ='GOOD'; }elseif ($v01->CommentType ==4) { $res1[$k01]->CommentType1 ='GOOD'; }elseif ($v01->CommentType ==3) { $res1[$k01]->CommentType1 ='NOTBAD'; }elseif ($v01->CommentType ==2) { $res1[$k01]->CommentType1 ='BAD'; }elseif ($v01->CommentType ==1) { $res1[$k01]->CommentType1 ='BAD'; }elseif ($v01->CommentType =='GOOD') { $res1[$k01]->CommentType1 ='GOOD'; }elseif ($v01->CommentType =='NOTBAD') { $res1[$k01]->CommentType1 ='NOTBAD'; }else{ $res1[$k01]->CommentType1 ='BAD'; } } } $total = count($res1); $pager = new ShowPager($total,$pagesize,$page); $offset = $pager->offset; if($pageto == 'ne') { $sql1 .= " limit $offset,$pagesize"; $res1 = $db -> select($sql1); } } $request->setAttribute("startdate",$startdate); $request->setAttribute("enddate",$enddate); $request -> setAttribute("ordtype",$ordtype); $request -> setAttribute("order",$res1); $request -> setAttribute("sNo",$sNo); $request -> setAttribute("otype",$otype); $request -> setAttribute("status",$status); $request -> setAttribute("ostatus",$ostatus); $request->setAttribute('pageto',$pageto); return View :: INPUT; } public function execute() { } public function getRequestMethods(){ return Request :: NONE; } } ?>