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694 lines
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694 lines
31 KiB
2 years ago
* my_coupon
* [Laike System] Copyright (c) 2017-2020
* Laike is not a free software, it under the license terms, visited for more details.
class CouponAction extends BaseAction
// 获取小程序优惠券活动
public function index()
$db = DBAction::getInstance();
// 根据活动为开启状态,查询活动列表,根据开始时间降序排列
$sql = "select * from lkt_coupon_activity where status = 1 and recycle = 0 order by start_time desc";
$r_1 = $db->select($sql);
if ($r_1) {
foreach ($r_1 as $k => $v) {
$v = $this->index_coupon($v);
$v->point = '领取';
echo json_encode(array('list' => $r_1));
public function index_coupon($v)
$db = DBAction::getInstance();
$activity_type = $v->activity_type; // 活动类型
$product_class_id = $v->product_class_id; // 商品类型
$product_id = $v->product_id; // 商品id
$v->start_time = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($v->start_time)); // 活动开始时间
$v->end_time = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($v->end_time)); // 活动结束时间
if ($activity_type == 1) {//注册
$v->limit = '无门槛使用'; // 限制
$v->end_time = '永久有效';// 活动结束时间
} else if ($activity_type == 2) {//节假日活动
if ($product_class_id == 0) {
$v->limit = '无门槛使用'; // 限制
} else {
if ($product_class_id != 0) {
$arr_1 = explode('-', $product_class_id);
$arr_1 = array_filter($arr_1);
$arr_1 = array_values($arr_1);
$count = count($arr_1) - 1;
$product_class_id = $arr_1[$count];
// 根据商品分类id,查询分类id、分类名称
$sql = "select cid,pname from lkt_product_class where cid = '$product_class_id' ";
$rr = $db->select($sql);
$v->cid = $rr[0]->cid; // 商品分类id
$v->pname = $rr[0]->pname; // 商品分类名称
if ($product_id != 0) {
$sql = "select id,product_title from lkt_product_list where id = '$product_id'";
$rrr = $db->select($sql);
$v->p_id = $rrr[0]->id;
$v->product_title = $rrr[0]->product_title;
$v->limit = '只能在' . $rrr[0]->product_title . '商品中使用'; // 限制
} else {
$v->p_id = 0;
$v->product_title = '';
$v->limit = '只能在' . $v->pname . '类使用'; // 限制
} else {
$v->cid = 0; // 商品分类id
$v->pname = ''; // 商品分类名称
$v->limit = '无门槛使用'; // 限制
return $v;
// 点击领取
public function receive()
$db = DBAction::getInstance();
$request = $this->getContext()->getRequest();
$openid = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('openid'))); // 微信id
$id = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('id'))); // 活动id
// 查询用户id
$sql = "select user_id,Register_data from lkt_user where wx_id = '$openid' ";
$user = $db->select($sql);
$user_id = $user[0]->user_id; // 用户id
$time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // 当前时间
// 根据活动id,查询活动
$sql = "select * from lkt_coupon_activity where id = '$id'";
$r_1 = $db->select($sql);
if ($r_1) {
$activity_type = $r_1[0]->activity_type; // 活动类型
$money = $r_1[0]->money; // 金额
$num = $r_1[0]->num; // 数量
$end_time = $r_1[0]->end_time; // 活动结束时间
// 根据用户id,活动id ,查询优惠券表,该用户是否领取过优惠券
$sql = "select * from lkt_coupon where user_id = '$user_id' and hid = '$id' ";
$r_2 = $db->select($sql);
if ($r_2) {//已经领取了
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'info' => '已经领取了'));
} else {//未领取
if ($activity_type == 1) {//注册
$sql = "select * from lkt_coupon_config where id = 1 ";
$r = $db->select($sql);
$coupon_validity = $r[0]->coupon_validity;
$time = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+' . $coupon_validity . ' day'));
// 在优惠券表里添加一条数据
$sql = "insert into lkt_coupon(user_id,money,add_time,expiry_time,hid) values('$user_id','$money',CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,'$time','$id')";
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'info' => '您领取了' . $money . '!'));
} else {//节假日
if ($num > 0) {//有库存
if ($time > $end_time) {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'info' => '您来晚了'));
} else {
// 根据活动id,修改活动信息
$sql = "update lkt_coupon_activity set num='$num'-1 where id = '$id'";
// 在优惠券表里添加一条数据
$sql = "insert into lkt_coupon(user_id,money,add_time,expiry_time,hid) values('$user_id','$money',CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,'$end_time','$id')";
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'info' => '您领取了' . $money . '!'));
} else {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'info' => '领完了'));
} else {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'info' => '参数错误!'));
// 我的优惠券
public function mycoupon()
$db = DBAction::getInstance();
$request = $this->getContext()->getRequest();
$openid = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('openid'))); // 微信id
// 根据微信id,查询用户id
$sql = "select user_id from lkt_user where wx_id = '$openid' ";
$r = $db->select($sql);
if (!$r) {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'info' => '暂无数据'));
$user_id = $r[0]->user_id;
// 查询配置表(公司logo)
$sql = "select * from lkt_config where id = 1";
$r_c = $db->select($sql);
$company = $r_c[0]->company; // 公司名称
$list = array();
// 查询优惠券插件配置
$sql = "select * from lkt_coupon_config where id = 1";
$r = $db->select($sql);
if ($r) {
$coupon_overdue = $r[0]->coupon_overdue; // 优惠券过期删除时间
// 根据用户id,查询优惠券表
$sql = "select * from lkt_coupon where user_id = '$user_id' order by type,add_time";
$rr = $db->select($sql);
if ($rr) {
foreach ($rr as $k => $v) {
$id = $v->id; // 优惠券id
$hid = $v->hid; // 活动id
$expiry_time = $v->expiry_time; // 优惠券到期时间
$time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()); // 当前时间
$v->add_time = substr($v->add_time, 0, 10);//pdd
$v->expiry_time = substr($v->expiry_time, 0, 10);//pdd
if ($v->type == 0) {
$v->point = '立即使用';
} else if ($v->type == 1) {
$v->point = '使用中';
} else if ($v->type == 2) {
$v->point = '已使用';
} else if ($v->type == 3) {
$v->point = '已过期';
// 根据活动id,查询活动信息
$sql = "select * from lkt_coupon_activity where id = '$hid'";
$rrr = $db->select($sql);
if ($rrr) {
$v->name = $rrr[0]->name; // 活动名称
$activity_type = $rrr[0]->activity_type; // 类型
$z_money = $rrr[0]->z_money;
$product_class_id = $rrr[0]->product_class_id; // 分类id
$product_id = $rrr[0]->product_id; // 商品id
if ($activity_type == 1) {
$v->limit = '无门槛使用'; // 限制
} else if ($activity_type == 2) {
if ($product_class_id == 0) {
$v->limit = '无门槛使用'; // 限制
} else {
if ($product_class_id != 0) {
$arr_1 = explode('-', $product_class_id);
$arr_1 = array_filter($arr_1);
$arr_1 = array_values($arr_1);
$count = count($arr_1) - 1;
$product_class_id = $arr_1[$count];
// 根据商品分类id,查询分类id、分类名称
$sql = "select cid,pname from lkt_product_class where cid = '$product_class_id' ";
$rr = $db->select($sql);
$v->cid = $rr[0]->cid; // 商品分类id
$v->pname = $rr[0]->pname; // 商品分类名称
if ($product_id != 0) {
$sql = "select id,product_title from lkt_product_list where id = '$product_id'";
$rrr = $db->select($sql);
$v->p_id = $rrr[0]->id;
$v->product_title = $rrr[0]->product_title;
$v->limit = '只能在' . $rrr[0]->product_title . '商品中使用'; // 限制
} else {
$v->p_id = 0;
$v->product_title = '';
$v->limit = '只能在' . $v->pname . '类使用'; // 限制
} else {
$v->cid = 0; // 商品分类id
$v->pname = ''; // 商品分类名称
$v->limit = '无门槛使用'; // 限制
} else {
$v->limit = '满' . $z_money; // 限制
} else {
$v->name = $company;
if ($expiry_time < $time) { // 已过期
// 根据用户id,修改优惠券表的状态
$sql = "update lkt_coupon set type = 3 where user_id = '$user_id' and id = '$id' and type != 2 ";
$v->type = 3;
if ($coupon_overdue != 0) {
$time_r = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("$expiry_time +$coupon_overdue day")); // 优惠券过期删除时间
// 过期时间超过1天,删除这条信息
if ($time_r < $time) {
// 根据用户id、优惠券id、优惠券类型为过期,删除这条信息
$sql = "delete from lkt_coupon where user_id = '$user_id' and id = '$id'";
$list[] = $v;
if ($list != '') {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'list' => $list));
} else {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'info' => '暂无数据'));
// 立即使用
public function immediate_use()
$db = DBAction::getInstance();
$request = $this->getContext()->getRequest();
$id = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('id'))); // 优惠券id
$openid = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('openid'))); // 微信id
// 根据微信id,查询用户id
$sql = "select user_id from lkt_user where wx_id = '$openid' ";
$r = $db->select($sql);
$user_id = $r[0]->user_id;
// 根据用户id,查询优惠券表里在使用中的优惠券
$sql = "select * from lkt_coupon where user_id = '$user_id' and type = 1";
$rr = $db->select($sql);
if ($rr) {
foreach ($rr as $k => $v) {
$coupon_id = $v->id; // 优惠券id
$hid = $v->hid; // 活动id
// 根据优惠券id,查询订单表
$sql = "select id from lkt_order where coupon_id = '$coupon_id' ";
$rr = $db->select($sql);
if (empty($rr)) {
// 优惠券没有绑定
if ($coupon_id == $id) { // 传过来的优惠券id 与 查询没绑定的优惠券id 相等
// 根据优惠券id,修改优惠券状态(未使用)
$sql = "update lkt_coupon set type = 0 where id = '$id'";
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0));
} else { // 传过来的优惠券id 与 查询没绑定的优惠券id 不相等
// 根据查询没绑定的优惠券id,修改优惠券状态(未使用)
$sql = "update lkt_coupon set type = 0 where id = '$coupon_id'";
// 根据传过来的优惠券id,修改优惠券状态(未使用)
$sql = "update lkt_coupon set type = 1 where id = '$id'";
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1));
} else {
// 没有数据,就直接把优惠券状态改成(使用中)
$sql = "update lkt_coupon set type = 1 where id = '$id'";
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1));
// 我的优惠券(可以使用的)
public function my_coupon()
$db = DBAction::getInstance();
$request = $this->getContext()->getRequest();
$openid = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('openid'))); // 微信id
$cart_id = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('cart_id'))); // 购物车id
$typestr = trim($cart_id, ','); // 移除两侧的逗号
$typeArr = explode(',', $typestr); // 字符串打散为数组
$zong = 0;
// 根据微信id,查询用户id
$sql = "select user_id from lkt_user where wx_id = '$openid' ";
$r = $db->select($sql);
$user_id = $r[0]->user_id; // 用户id
// 根据用户id,查询收货地址
$sql_a = 'select id from lkt_user_address where uid=\'' . $user_id . '\'';
$r_a = $db->select($sql_a);
$address = [];
$yunfei = 0;
if (!empty($r_a)) {
// 根据用户id、默认地址,查询收货地址信息
$sql_e = 'select * from lkt_user_address where uid=\'' . $user_id . '\' and is_default = 1';
$r_e = $db->select($sql_e);
if (!empty($r_e)) {
$address = (array)$r_e['0']; // 收货地址
} else {
// 根据用户id、默认地址,查询收货地址信息
$aaaid = $r_a[0]->id;
$sql_q = "select * from lkt_user_address where id= '$aaaid'";
$r_e = $db->select($sql_q);
if ($r_e) {
$address = (array)$r_e['0']; // 收货地址
$sql_u = "update lkt_user_address set is_default = 1 where id = '$aaaid'";
foreach ($typeArr as $key => $value) {
// 联合查询返回购物信息
$sql_c = "select a.Goods_num,a.Goods_id,,m.product_title,m.volume,c.price,c.attribute,c.img,c.yprice,m.freight,m.product_class from lkt_cart AS a LEFT JOIN lkt_product_list AS m ON a.Goods_id = LEFT JOIN lkt_configure AS c ON a.Size_id = where c.num >0 and m.status ='0' and = '$value'";
$r_c = $db->select($sql_c);
if ($r_c) {
$product = (array)$r_c['0']; // 转数组
$attribute = unserialize($product['attribute']);
$product_id[] = $product['Goods_id']; // 商品id数组
$product_class[] = $product['product_class']; // 商品分类数组
$size = '';
foreach ($attribute as $ka => $va) {
$size .= ' ' . $va;
$num = $product['Goods_num']; // 产品数量
$price = $product['price']; // 产品价格
$product['size'] = $size; // 产品价格
$zong += $num * $price; // 产品总价
$yunfei = $yunfei + $this->freight($product['freight'], $product['Goods_num'], $address, $db);
$res[$key] = $product;
$order_zong = $zong + $yunfei; // 订单总价
$rew_1 = 0;
// 根据用户id,查询优惠券状态为使用中的数据
$sql = "select * from lkt_coupon where user_id = '$user_id' and type = 1";
$r_1 = $db->select($sql);
if ($r_1) {
foreach ($r_1 as $k => $v) {
$id = $v->id; // 优惠券id
$hid = $v->hid;
// 根据优惠券id,查询订单
$sql = "select id from lkt_order where coupon_id = '$id' ";
$rr = $db->select($sql);
if (empty($rr)) { // 没有数据,表示该优惠券没绑定
// 根据用户id,查询优惠券状态为使用中的数据
$sql = "select id,money from lkt_coupon where user_id = '$user_id' and id = '$id'";
$r_2 = $db->select($sql);
if ($r_2) {
$r_2[0]->point = '正在使用';
$arr[0] = $r_2[0];
// 根据用户id,查询优惠券状态为(未使用),以优惠券过期时间顺序排列
$sql = "select id,money,hid from lkt_coupon where user_id = '$user_id' and type = 0 order by expiry_time";
$rr = $db->select($sql);
if ($rr) {
foreach ($rr as $k => $v) {
$rew_2 = ++$rew_1;
$hid = $v->hid;
$money = $v->money; // 优惠券金额
// 根据优惠券活动id,查询活动
$sql = "select * from lkt_coupon_activity where id = '$hid'";
$rr1 = $db->select($sql);
$activity_type = $rr1[0]->activity_type; // 类型
$product_class_id = $rr1[0]->product_class_id; // 分类id
$product_id1 = $rr1[0]->product_id; // 商品id
$z_money = $rr1[0]->z_money; // 满减金额
if ($activity_type == 1) {
if ($money < $order_zong) {
$v->point = '立即使用';
$arr[$rew_2] = $v;
} else if ($activity_type == 3) {
if ($order_zong > $z_money) {
$v->point = '立即使用';
$arr[$rew_2] = $v;
} else {
if ($product_class_id == 0) { // 当没设置商品分类
if ($money < $order_zong) {
$v->point = '立即使用';
$arr[$rew_2] = $v;
} else { // 当设置商品分类
// 根据活动指定的商品分类查询所有商品的分类
$sql = "select product_class from lkt_product_list where product_class like '%$product_class_id%'";
$rr_1 = $db->select($sql);
if ($rr_1) {
$calss_status = 1; // 商品属于优惠券指定的分类
foreach ($rr_1 as $k1 => $v1) {
$rr_list[$k1] = $v1->product_class;
foreach ($product_class as $k2 => $v2) {
if (!in_array($v2, $rr_list)) {
$calss_status = 0; // 商品不属于优惠券指定的分类
if ($calss_status == 1) { // 当商品属于优惠券指定的分类
$product_status = 1; // 商品属于优惠券指定商品
if ($product_id1 != 0) { // 当优惠券指定了商品
foreach ($product_id as $k3 => $v3) {
if ($product_id1 != $v3) {
$product_status = 0;
if ($product_status == 1) {
if ($money < $order_zong) {
$v->point = '立即使用';
$arr[$rew_2] = $v;
} else {
$arr = '';
if ($arr != '') {
echo json_encode(array('list' => $arr));
} else {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'info' => '暂无数据'));
// 选择优惠券
public function getvou()
$db = DBAction::getInstance();
$request = $this->getContext()->getRequest();
$cart_id = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('cart_id'))); // 购物车id
$coupon_money = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('coupon_money'))); // 付款金额
$openid = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('openid'))); // 微信id
$coupon_id = addslashes(trim($request->getParameter('coupon_id'))); // 优惠券id
// 根据活动id,查询活动信息
$sql = "select user_id from lkt_user where wx_id = '$openid' ";
$r = $db->select($sql);
if (!$r) {
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'info' => '暂无数据'));
$user_id = $r[0]->user_id; // 用户id
$typestr = trim($cart_id, ','); // 移除两侧的逗号
$typeArr = explode(',', $typestr); // 字符串打散为数组
$zong = 0;
foreach ($typeArr as $key => $value) {
// 联合查询返回购物信息
$sql_c = 'select a.Goods_num,a.Goods_id,,c.price from lkt_cart AS a LEFT JOIN lkt_product_list AS m ON a.Goods_id = LEFT JOIN lkt_configure AS c ON a.Size_id = where = \'' . $value . '\'';
$r_c = $db->select($sql_c);
if ($r_c) {
$product = (array)$r_c['0']; // 转数组
$num = $product['Goods_num']; // 产品数量
$price = $product['price']; // 产品价格
$zong += $num * $price; // 产品总价
$res[$key] = $product;
// 根据用户id、优惠劵状态为使用中,查询没绑定的优惠劵
$sql = "select a.* from lkt_coupon as a where (select count(1) AS num from lkt_order as b where = b.coupon_id) = 0 and user_id = '$user_id' and a.type = 1";
$r_1 = $db->select($sql);
if ($r_1) { // 有没绑定的优惠劵id
$r_1 = $r_1;
// break;
} else {
$r_1 = '';
if ($r_1) { // 有没绑定的优惠劵id
$id = $r_1[0]->id; // 没绑定的优惠劵id
if ($coupon_id) { // 传过来的优惠劵id
if ($id == $coupon_id) { // 当前在使用的优惠劵id与传过来的优惠劵相等
$money = $r_1[0]->money; // 优惠券金额
$coupon_money = $coupon_money + $money; // 付款金额+上优惠卷金额
// 当获取的优惠券id 与 状态为(使用中的id) 相等时,改状态为(未使用)
$sql = "update lkt_coupon set type = 0 where id = '$coupon_id'";
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'id' => '', 'money' => '', 'zong' => $zong, 'coupon_money' => $coupon_money));
} else { // 当前在使用的优惠劵id与传过来的优惠劵不相等
// 查询当前在使用的优惠券金额
$sql = "select * from lkt_coupon where id = '$id'";
$r_3 = $db->select($sql);
$ymoney = $r_3[0]->money; // 原优惠券金额
$coupon_money = $coupon_money + $ymoney; // 优惠后金额 加上 原优惠金额
// 查询传过来的优惠券金额
$sql = "select * from lkt_coupon where id = '$coupon_id'";
$r_2 = $db->select($sql);
if ($r_2) {
$money = $r_2[0]->money; // 优惠券金额
} else {
$money = 0;
if ($coupon_money > $money) { // 当付款金额大于优惠劵金额
// 改原状态为(使用中 变为 未使用)
$sql = "update lkt_coupon set type = 0 where id = '$id'";
// 改获取id状态为(未使用 变为 使用中)
$sql = "update lkt_coupon set type = 1 where id = '$coupon_id'";
$coupon_money = $coupon_money - $money;
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'id' => $coupon_id, 'money' => $money, 'zong' => $zong, 'coupon_money' => $coupon_money));
} else { // 当付款金额大于优惠劵金额
$coupon_money = $coupon_money - $ymoney;
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'id' => $id, 'money' => $ymoney, 'zong' => $zong, 'coupon_money' => $coupon_money, 'err' => '优惠券金额太大!'));
} else { // 传过来的优惠劵id,不存在
// 查询优惠券金额
$sql = "select * from lkt_coupon where id = '$id'";
$r_2 = $db->select($sql);
if ($r_2) {
$money = $r_2[0]->money; // 优惠券金额
} else {
$money = 0;
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'id' => $id, 'money' => $money, 'zong' => $zong, 'coupon_money' => $coupon_money));
} else { // 没有没绑定的优惠劵
if ($coupon_id) { // 传过来的优惠劵id存在
// 根据传过来的优惠劵id,查询优惠金额
$sql = "select * from lkt_coupon where id = '$coupon_id'";
$r = $db->select($sql);
if ($r) {
$money = $r[0]->money; // 优惠劵金额
} else {
$money = 0; // 优惠劵金额
if ($money < $coupon_money) {
$coupon_money = $coupon_money - $money; // 付款金额-优惠劵金额
// 根据传过来的优惠劵id, 修改优惠劵状态(使用中)
$sql = "update lkt_coupon set type = 1 where id = '$coupon_id'";
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'id' => $coupon_id, 'money' => $money, 'zong' => $zong, 'coupon_money' => $coupon_money));
} else {
$coupon_money = $coupon_money;
echo json_encode(array('status' => 0, 'id' => '', 'money' => '', 'zong' => $zong, 'coupon_money' => $coupon_money, 'err' => '优惠券金额太大!'));
} else { // 没有传优惠劵id过来
echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'id' => '', 'money' => '', 'zong' => $zong, 'coupon_money' => $coupon_money));
public function freight($freight, $num, $address, $db)
$sql = "select * from lkt_freight where id = '$freight'";
$r_1 = $db->select($sql);
if ($r_1) {
$rule = $r_1[0];
$yunfei = 0;
if (empty($address)) {
return 0;
} else {
$sheng = $address['sheng'];
$sql2 = "select G_CName from admin_cg_group where GroupID = '$sheng'";
$r_2 = $db->select($sql2);
if ($r_2) {
$city = $r_2[0]->G_CName;
$rule_1 = $r_1[0]->freight;
$rule_2 = unserialize($rule_1);
foreach ($rule_2 as $key => $value) {
$citys_str = $value['name'];
$citys_array = explode(',', $citys_str);
$citys_arrays = [];
foreach ($citys_array as $k => $v) {
$citys_arrays[$v] = $v;
if (array_key_exists($city, $citys_arrays)) {
if ($num > $value['three']) {
$yunfei += $value['two'];
$yunfei += ($num - $value['three']) * $value['four'];
} else {
$yunfei += $value['two'];
return $yunfei;
} else {
return 0;
} else {
return 0;