You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

137 lines
5.3 KiB

2 years ago
class showPager {
public $total_record; //记录总数
public $pagesize; //每一页显示的记录数
public $total_pages; //总页数
public $cur_page; //当前页码
public $offset; //记录偏移量
public $_pernum = 10; //页码偏移量,这里可随意更改
public function __construct($total, $pagesize, $cur_page) {
$this->total_record = intval($total);
$this->pagesize = intval($pagesize);
$this->cur_page = intval($cur_page);
private function _count() //计算
if($this->total_record <= 0 || $this->pagesize <= 0){
$this->total_record = 0;
$this->pagesize = 0;
$this->total_pages = 0;
$this->cur_page = 0;
$this->offset = 0;
$this->total_pages = ceil($this->total_record / $this->pagesize);
if($this->cur_page < 1 || $this->cur_page > $this->total_pages ){
$this->cur_page = 1;
$this->offset = ($this->cur_page - 1) * $this->pagesize;
public function num_link($url) {
if($this->total_pages == 0){
return '';
if($this->total_pages == 1){
return '';
$start = floor(($this->cur_page - 1) / $this->_pernum) * $this->_pernum + 1;
$end = $start + $this->_pernum;
$text[] = '共有 ' . $this->total_record . '条记录 | 当前' .$this->cur_page."/". $this->total_pages . '页';
if($this->total_pages > $this->_pernum){
if( $this->cur_page != 1){
$text[] = "[<a class='page' href='index.php?{$url}&page=1'>首页</a>]";
} else {
$text[] = '[<a>首页</a>]';
$up = $start - $this->_pernum;
if( $up > 0 ){
$text[] = "[<a class='page' href='index.php?{$url}&page=$up'></a>]";
} else {
$text[] = '[<a></a>]';
for($i = $start;$i<$end&&$i<=$this->total_pages;$i++){
if($i != $this->cur_page){
$text[] = "<a class='page' href='index.php?{$url}&page=$i'>$i</a>";
} else {
$text[] = "<a><strong>$i</strong></a>";
if($this->total_pages > $this->_pernum){
$down = $this->total_pages - $end;
if($down >= 0){
$text[] = "[<a class='page' href='index.php?{$url}&page=$end'></a>]";
} else {
$text[] = '[<a></a>]';
if($this->cur_page != $this->total_pages){
$text[] = "[<a class='page' href='index.php?{$url}&page=" .
$this->total_pages . "'>尾页</a>]";
} else {
$text[] = '[<a>尾页</a>]';
return implode(' ',$text);
* @param $maxpage 总页数
* @param $page 当前页
* @param string $para 翻页参数(不需要写$page),如,$para参数就应该设为'&id=1'
* @return string 返回的输出分页html内容
function multipage($url,$total, $page,$pagesize,$start, $para = '') {
$maxpage = ceil($total/$pagesize);
$end = $start+$pagesize;
$start = $start+1;
if($end >= $total){
$end = $total;
$multipage = ''; //输出的分页内容
$listnum = 5; //同时显示的最多可点击页面
if ($maxpage < 2) {
return '';
$offset = 2;
if ($maxpage <= $listnum) {
$from = 1;
$to = $maxpage;
} else {
$from = $page - $offset; //起始页
$to = $from + $listnum - 1; //终止页
if($from < 1) {
$to = $page + 1 - $from;
$from = 1;
if($to - $from < $listnum) {
$to = $listnum;
} elseif($to > $maxpage) {
$from = $maxpage - $listnum + 1;
$to = $maxpage;
$multipage .= ($page - $offset > 1 && $maxpage >= $page ? "<li><a href='$url&page=1".$para."' >首页</a></li>" : '').
($page > 1 ? "<li><a style='width:80px' href='$url&page=".($page - 1).$para.'\' >上一页</a></li>' : '');
for($i = $from; $i <= $to; $i++) {
$multipage .= ($i == $page|| ($i == 1 && !$page)) ? "<li class='active'><a href='$url&page=".$i.$para.'\' >'.$i.'</a></li>' : "<li ><a href='$url&page=".$i.$para.'\' >'.$i. '</a></li>';
$page = $page==0?1:$page;
$multipage .= ($page < $maxpage ? "<li><a style='width:80px' href='$url&page=".($page + 1).$para.'\' >下一页</a></li>' : '').
($to < $maxpage ? "<li><a href='$url&page=".$maxpage.$para.'\' class="last" >尾页</a></li>' : '');
$multipage = $multipage ? '<div class="paginationDiv"> <div class="showDataNum">显示'.$start.'到'.$end.',共'.$total.'条</div><ul class="pagination"><li class=""></li>'.$multipage.'<li></li></ul><div class="clearfix"></div></div>' : '';
return $multipage;