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import { TinyColor } from '@ctrl/tinycolor';
function isStableColor(color: number): boolean {
return color >= 0 && color <= 255;
function getAlphaColor(frontColor: string, backgroundColor: string): string {
const { r: fR, g: fG, b: fB, a: originAlpha } = new TinyColor(frontColor).toRgb();
if (originAlpha < 1) {
return frontColor;
const { r: bR, g: bG, b: bB } = new TinyColor(backgroundColor).toRgb();
for (let fA = 0.01; fA <= 1; fA += 0.01) {
const r = Math.round((fR - bR * (1 - fA)) / fA);
const g = Math.round((fG - bG * (1 - fA)) / fA);
const b = Math.round((fB - bB * (1 - fA)) / fA);
if (isStableColor(r) && isStableColor(g) && isStableColor(b))
return new TinyColor({ r, g, b, a: Math.round(fA * 100) / 100 }).toRgbString();
// fallback
/* istanbul ignore next */
return new TinyColor({ r: fR, g: fG, b: fB, a: 1 }).toRgbString();
export default getAlphaColor;