--- order: 4 title: zh-CN: 全选 en-US: Check all --- ## zh-CN 在实现全选效果时,你可能会用到 `indeterminate` 属性。 ## en-US The `indeterminate` property can help you to achieve a 'check all' effect. ```jsx import { Checkbox } from 'antd'; const CheckboxGroup = Checkbox.Group; const plainOptions = ['Apple', 'Pear', 'Orange']; const defaultCheckedList = ['Apple', 'Orange']; class App extends React.Component { state = { checkedList: defaultCheckedList, indeterminate: true, checkAll: false, }; onChange = checkedList => { this.setState({ checkedList, indeterminate: !!checkedList.length && checkedList.length < plainOptions.length, checkAll: checkedList.length === plainOptions.length, }); }; onCheckAllChange = e => { this.setState({ checkedList: e.target.checked ? plainOptions : [], indeterminate: false, checkAll: e.target.checked, }); }; render() { return (
Check all

); } } ReactDOM.render(, mountNode); ``` ```css .site-checkbox-all-wrapper { border-bottom: 1px solid #e9e9e9; } ```