import { defineConfig } from 'dumi'; import path from 'path'; import rehypeAntd from './.dumi/rehypeAntd'; import { version } from './package.json'; export default defineConfig({ conventionRoutes: { // to avoid generate routes for .dumi/pages/index/components/xx exclude: [new RegExp('index/components/')], }, ssr: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? {} : false, hash: true, outputPath: '_site', favicons: [''], resolve: { docDirs: [{ type: 'doc', dir: 'docs' }], atomDirs: [{ type: 'component', dir: 'components' }], codeBlockMode: 'passive', }, locales: [ { id: 'en-US', name: 'English', suffix: '' }, { id: 'zh-CN', name: '中文', suffix: '-cn' }, ], define: { antdReproduceVersion: version, }, alias: { 'antd/lib': path.join(__dirname, 'components'), 'antd/es': path.join(__dirname, 'components'), 'antd/locale': path.join(__dirname, 'components/locale'), // Change antd from `index.js` to `.dumi/theme/antd.js` to remove deps of root style antd: require.resolve('./.dumi/theme/antd.js'), }, extraRehypePlugins: [rehypeAntd], extraBabelPresets: ['@emotion/babel-preset-css-prop'], mfsu: false, metas: [{ name: 'theme-color', content: '#1677ff' }], analytics: { ga_v2: 'UA-72788897-1', }, headScripts: [ ` (function () { function isLocalStorageNameSupported() { const testKey = 'test'; const storage = window.localStorage; try { storage.setItem(testKey, '1'); storage.removeItem(testKey); return true; } catch (error) { return false; } } // 优先级提高到所有静态资源的前面,语言不对,加载其他静态资源没意义 const pathname = location.pathname; function isZhCN(pathname) { return /-cn\\/?$/.test(pathname); } function getLocalizedPathname(path, zhCN) { const pathname = path.indexOf('/') === 0 ? path : '/' + path; if (!zhCN) { // to enUS return /\\/?index(-cn)?/.test(pathname) ? '/' : pathname.replace('-cn', ''); } else if (pathname === '/') { return '/index-cn'; } else if (pathname.indexOf('/') === pathname.length - 1) { return pathname.replace(/\\/$/, '-cn/'); } return pathname + '-cn'; } // 兼容旧的 URL, \`?locale=...\` const queryString =; if (queryString) { const isZhCNConfig = queryString.indexOf('zh-CN') > -1; if (isZhCNConfig && !isZhCN(pathname)) { location.pathname = getLocalizedPathname(pathname, isZhCNConfig); } } // 首页无视链接里面的语言设置 if (isLocalStorageNameSupported() && (pathname === '/' || pathname === '/index-cn')) { const lang = (window.localStorage && localStorage.getItem('locale')) || ((navigator.language || navigator.browserLanguage).toLowerCase() === 'zh-cn' ? 'zh-CN' : 'en-US'); // safari is 'zh-cn', while other browser is 'zh-CN'; if ((lang === 'zh-CN') !== isZhCN(pathname)) { location.pathname = getLocalizedPathname(pathname, lang === 'zh-CN'); } } document.documentElement.className += isZhCN(pathname) ? 'zh-cn' : 'en-us'; })(); `, ], });