import React from 'react'; import { mount } from 'enzyme'; import Form from '..'; describe('Form', () => { // Mock of `querySelector` const originQuerySelector = HTMLElement.prototype.querySelector; HTMLElement.prototype.querySelector = function(str) { const match = str.match(/^\[id=('|")(.*)('|")]$/); const id = match && match[2]; // Use origin logic if (id) { const [input] = this.getElementsByTagName('input'); if (input && === id) { return input; } } return, str); }; afterAll(() => { HTMLElement.prototype.querySelector = originQuerySelector; }); it('should remove duplicated user input colon', () => { const wrapper = mount(
input input
, ); expect( wrapper .find('.ant-form-item-label label') .at(0) .text(), ).not.toContain(':'); expect( wrapper .find('.ant-form-item-label label') .at(1) .text(), ).not.toContain(':'); }); it('should not remove duplicated user input colon when props colon is false', () => { const wrapper = mount(
input input
, ); expect( wrapper .find('.ant-form-item-label label') .at(0) .text(), ).toContain(':'); expect( wrapper .find('.ant-form-item-label label') .at(1) .text(), ).toContain(':'); }); it('should not remove duplicated user input colon when layout is vertical', () => { const wrapper = mount(
input input
, ); expect( wrapper .find('.ant-form-item-label label') .at(0) .text(), ).toContain(':'); expect( wrapper .find('.ant-form-item-label label') .at(1) .text(), ).toContain(':'); }); it('should has dom with .ant-form-item-control-wrapper', () => { const formItemLayout = { labelCol: { span: 6 }, wrapperCol: { span: 14 }, }; const wrapper = mount(
input input
, ); expect(wrapper.find('.ant-form-item-control-wrapper').hostNodes().length).toBe(2); expect(wrapper.find('.ant-form-item-control-wrapper.ant-col-14').length).toBe(1); }); // it('focus correct input when click label', () => { const Form1 = Form.create()(({ form }) => (
)); const Form2 = Form.create()(({ form }) => (
)); const wrapper = mount(
, ); wrapper .find('Form label') .at(0) .simulate('click'); expect( wrapper .find('Form input') .at(0) .getDOMNode(), ).toBe(document.activeElement); wrapper .find('Form label') .at(1) .simulate('click'); expect( wrapper .find('Form input') .at(1) .getDOMNode(), ).toBe(document.activeElement); }); // it('should not throw error when is not a valid id', () => { const Form1 = Form.create()(({ form }) => (
)); const wrapper = mount(); expect(() => { wrapper .find('Form label') .at(0) .simulate('click'); }).not.toThrow(); expect( wrapper .find('Form input') .at(0) .getDOMNode(), ).toBe(document.activeElement); }); });