import pkg from '../package.json'; const testDist = process.env.LIB_DIR === 'dist'; describe('antd dist files', () => { // // it('exports modules correctly', () => { // eslint-disable-next-line global-require,import/no-unresolved const antd = testDist ? require('../dist/antd') : require('../components'); expect(Object.keys(antd)).toMatchSnapshot(); }); // // if (testDist) { it('antd.js should export version', () => { // eslint-disable-next-line global-require,import/no-unresolved const antd = require('../dist/antd'); expect(antd).toBeTruthy(); expect(antd.version).toBe(pkg.version); }); it('antd.min.js should export version', () => { // eslint-disable-next-line global-require,import/no-unresolved const antd = require('../dist/antd.min'); expect(antd).toBeTruthy(); expect(antd.version).toBe(pkg.version); }); /* eslint-disable global-require,import/no-unresolved */ const defaultTheme = require('../dist/default-theme'); const darkTheme = require('../dist/dark-theme'); const compactTheme = require('../dist/compact-theme'); const { getThemeVariables } = require('../dist/theme'); /* eslint-enable global-require,import/no-unresolved */ const expectThemeWithoutDark = theme => { expect(theme['blue-3']).toBe("color(~`colorPalette('@{blue-6}', 3) `)"); expect(theme['body-background']).toBe('#fff'); }; const expectDarkTheme = theme => { expect(theme['blue-3']).toBe('mix(@blue-base, @component-background, 30%)'); expect(theme['body-background']).toBe('@black'); }; const expectThemeWithoutCompact = theme => { expect(theme['padding-lg']).toBe('24px'); expect(theme['padding-md']).toBe('16px'); }; const expectCompactTheme = theme => { expect(theme['padding-lg']).toBe('16px'); expect(theme['padding-md']).toBe('8px'); }; describe('theme variables', () => { it('should be get default theme', () => { expectThemeWithoutDark(defaultTheme); expectThemeWithoutCompact(defaultTheme); }); it('should be get dark theme', () => { expectDarkTheme(darkTheme); expectThemeWithoutCompact(darkTheme); }); it('should be get compact theme', () => { expectCompactTheme(compactTheme); expectThemeWithoutDark(compactTheme); }); it('shoule get default variables by getThemeVariables()', () => { const theme = getThemeVariables(); expectThemeWithoutCompact(theme); expectThemeWithoutDark(theme); }); it('shoule get dark variables by getThemeVariables({ dark: true })', () => { const theme = getThemeVariables({ dark: true }); expectDarkTheme(theme); expectThemeWithoutCompact(theme); }); it('shoule get compact variables by getThemeVariables({ compact: true })', () => { const theme = getThemeVariables({ compact: true }); expectThemeWithoutDark(theme); expectCompactTheme(theme); }); it('shoule get compact&dark variables by getThemeVariables({ compact: true, dark: true })', () => { const theme = getThemeVariables({ compact: true, dark: true }); expectDarkTheme(theme); expectCompactTheme(theme); }); }); } });