import * as React from 'react'; import DownOutlined from '@ant-design/icons/DownOutlined'; import { FixedType } from 'rc-table/lib/interface'; import Checkbox, { CheckboxProps } from '../../checkbox'; import Dropdown from '../../dropdown'; import Menu from '../../menu'; import Radio from '../../radio'; import warning from '../../_util/warning'; import { TableRowSelection, Key, ColumnsType, GetRowKey, TableLocale, SelectionItem, TransformColumns, ExpandType, GetPopupContainer, } from '../interface'; const EMPTY_LIST: any[] = []; // TODO: warning if use ajax!!! export const SELECTION_ALL = 'SELECT_ALL'; export const SELECTION_INVERT = 'SELECT_INVERT'; function getFixedType(column: ColumnsType[number]): FixedType | undefined { return column && column.fixed; } interface UseSelectionConfig { prefixCls: string; pageData: RecordType[]; data: RecordType[]; getRowKey: GetRowKey; getRecordByKey: (key: Key) => RecordType; expandType: ExpandType; childrenColumnName: string; expandIconColumnIndex?: number; locale: TableLocale; getPopupContainer?: GetPopupContainer; } type INTERNAL_SELECTION_ITEM = SelectionItem | typeof SELECTION_ALL | typeof SELECTION_INVERT; function flattenData( data: RecordType[] | undefined, childrenColumnName: string, ): RecordType[] { let list: RecordType[] = []; (data || []).forEach(record => { list.push(record); if (childrenColumnName in record) { list = [ ...list, ...flattenData((record as any)[childrenColumnName], childrenColumnName), ]; } }); return list; } export default function useSelection( rowSelection: TableRowSelection | undefined, config: UseSelectionConfig, ): [TransformColumns, Set] { const { selectedRowKeys, getCheckboxProps, onChange: onSelectionChange, onSelect, onSelectAll, onSelectInvert, onSelectMultiple, columnWidth: selectionColWidth = 60, type: selectionType, selections, fixed, renderCell: customizeRenderCell, } = rowSelection || {}; const { prefixCls, data, pageData, getRecordByKey, getRowKey, expandType, childrenColumnName, locale: tableLocale, expandIconColumnIndex, getPopupContainer, } = config; const [innerSelectedKeys, setInnerSelectedKeys] = React.useState(); const mergedSelectedKeys = selectedRowKeys || innerSelectedKeys || EMPTY_LIST; const mergedSelectedKeySet = React.useMemo(() => { const keys = selectionType === 'radio' ? mergedSelectedKeys.slice(0, 1) : mergedSelectedKeys; return new Set(keys); }, [mergedSelectedKeys, selectionType]); // Save last selected key to enable range selection const [lastSelectedKey, setLastSelectedKey] = React.useState(null); // Reset if rowSelection reset React.useEffect(() => { if (!rowSelection) { setInnerSelectedKeys([]); } }, [!!rowSelection]); const setSelectedKeys = React.useCallback( (keys: Key[]) => { setInnerSelectedKeys(keys); const records = => getRecordByKey(key)); if (onSelectionChange) { onSelectionChange(keys, records); } }, [setInnerSelectedKeys, getRecordByKey, onSelectionChange], ); // Trigger single `onSelect` event const triggerSingleSelection = React.useCallback( (key: Key, selected: boolean, keys: Key[], event: Event) => { if (onSelect) { const rows = => getRecordByKey(k)); onSelect(getRecordByKey(key), selected, rows, event); } setSelectedKeys(keys); }, [onSelect, getRecordByKey, setSelectedKeys], ); const mergedSelections = React.useMemo(() => { if (!selections) { return null; } const selectionList: INTERNAL_SELECTION_ITEM[] = selections === true ? [SELECTION_ALL, SELECTION_INVERT] : selections; return INTERNAL_SELECTION_ITEM) => { if (selection === SELECTION_ALL) { return { key: 'all', text: tableLocale.selectionAll, onSelect() { setSelectedKeys(, index) => getRowKey(record, index))); }, }; } if (selection === SELECTION_INVERT) { return { key: 'invert', text: tableLocale.selectInvert, onSelect() { const keySet = new Set(mergedSelectedKeySet); pageData.forEach((record, index) => { const key = getRowKey(record, index); if (keySet.has(key)) { keySet.delete(key); } else { keySet.add(key); } }); const keys = Array.from(keySet); setSelectedKeys(keys); if (onSelectInvert) { warning( false, 'Table', '`onSelectInvert` will be removed in future. Please use `onChange` instead.', ); onSelectInvert(keys); } }, }; } return selection as SelectionItem; }); }, [selections, mergedSelectedKeySet, pageData, getRowKey]); const transformColumns = React.useCallback( (columns: ColumnsType): ColumnsType => { if (!rowSelection) { return columns; } // Get flatten data const flattedData = flattenData(pageData, childrenColumnName); // Support selection const keySet = new Set(mergedSelectedKeySet); // Get all checkbox props const checkboxPropsMap = new Map>(); flattedData.forEach((record, index) => { const key = getRowKey(record, index); const checkboxProps = (getCheckboxProps ? getCheckboxProps(record) : null) || {}; checkboxPropsMap.set(key, checkboxProps); if ( process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && ('checked' in checkboxProps || 'defaultChecked' in checkboxProps) ) { warning( false, 'Table', 'Do not set `checked` or `defaultChecked` in `getCheckboxProps`. Please use `selectedRowKeys` instead.', ); } }); // Record key only need check with enabled const recordKeys = flattedData .map(getRowKey) .filter(key => !checkboxPropsMap.get(key)!.disabled); const checkedCurrentAll = recordKeys.every(key => keySet.has(key)); const checkedCurrentSome = recordKeys.some(key => keySet.has(key)); const onSelectAllChange = () => { const changeKeys: Key[] = []; if (checkedCurrentAll) { recordKeys.forEach(key => { keySet.delete(key); changeKeys.push(key); }); } else { recordKeys.forEach(key => { keySet.add(key); changeKeys.push(key); }); } const keys = Array.from(keySet); setSelectedKeys(keys); if (onSelectAll) { onSelectAll( !checkedCurrentAll, => getRecordByKey(k)), => getRecordByKey(k)), ); } }; // ===================== Render ===================== // Title Cell let title: React.ReactNode; if (selectionType !== 'radio') { let customizeSelections: React.ReactNode; if (mergedSelections) { const menu = ( {, index) => { const { key, text, onSelect: onSelectionClick } = selection; return ( { if (onSelectionClick) { onSelectionClick(recordKeys); } }} > {text} ); })} ); customizeSelections = (
); } const allDisabled = flattedData.every((record, index) => { const key = getRowKey(record, index); const checkboxProps = checkboxPropsMap.get(key) || {}; return checkboxProps.disabled; }); title = (
); } // Body Cell let renderCell: ( _: RecordType, record: RecordType, index: number, ) => { node: React.ReactNode; checked: boolean }; if (selectionType === 'radio') { renderCell = (_, record, index) => { const key = getRowKey(record, index); const checked = keySet.has(key); return { node: ( e.stopPropagation()} onChange={event => { if (!keySet.has(key)) { triggerSingleSelection(key, true, [key], event.nativeEvent); } }} /> ), checked, }; }; } else { renderCell = (_, record, index) => { const key = getRowKey(record, index); const checked = keySet.has(key); // Record checked return { node: ( e.stopPropagation()} onChange={({ nativeEvent }) => { const { shiftKey } = nativeEvent; let startIndex: number = -1; let endIndex: number = -1; // Get range of this if (shiftKey) { const pointKeys = new Set([lastSelectedKey, key]); recordKeys.some((recordKey, recordIndex) => { if (pointKeys.has(recordKey)) { if (startIndex === -1) { startIndex = recordIndex; } else { endIndex = recordIndex; return true; } } return false; }); } if (endIndex !== -1 && startIndex !== endIndex) { // Batch update selections const rangeKeys = recordKeys.slice(startIndex, endIndex + 1); const changedKeys: Key[] = []; if (checked) { rangeKeys.forEach(recordKey => { if (keySet.has(recordKey)) { changedKeys.push(recordKey); keySet.delete(recordKey); } }); } else { rangeKeys.forEach(recordKey => { if (!keySet.has(recordKey)) { changedKeys.push(recordKey); keySet.add(recordKey); } }); } const keys = Array.from(keySet); setSelectedKeys(keys); if (onSelectMultiple) { onSelectMultiple( !checked, => getRecordByKey(recordKey)), => getRecordByKey(recordKey)), ); } } else { // Single record selected if (checked) { keySet.delete(key); } else { keySet.add(key); } triggerSingleSelection(key, !checked, Array.from(keySet), nativeEvent); } setLastSelectedKey(key); }} /> ), checked, }; }; } const renderSelectionCell = (_: any, record: RecordType, index: number) => { const { node, checked } = renderCell(_, record, index); if (customizeRenderCell) { return customizeRenderCell(checked, record, index, node); } return node; }; // Columns const selectionColumn = { width: selectionColWidth, className: `${prefixCls}-selection-column`, title: rowSelection.columnTitle || title, render: renderSelectionCell, }; if (expandType === 'row' && columns.length && !expandIconColumnIndex) { const [expandColumn, ...restColumns] = columns; const selectionFixed = fixed || getFixedType(restColumns[0]); if (selectionFixed) { expandColumn.fixed = selectionFixed; } return [expandColumn, { ...selectionColumn, fixed: selectionFixed }, ...restColumns]; } return [{ ...selectionColumn, fixed: fixed || getFixedType(columns[0]) }, ...columns]; }, [ getRowKey, pageData, rowSelection, innerSelectedKeys, mergedSelectedKeys, selectionColWidth, mergedSelections, expandType, lastSelectedKey, onSelectMultiple, triggerSingleSelection, ], ); return [transformColumns, mergedSelectedKeySet]; }