--- order: 6 title: zh-CN: 无限加载 en-US: infinite load --- ## zh-CN 无限加载样例。 ## en-US The example of infinite load. ````jsx import { List, Card, message } from 'antd'; let countId = 1; function mockData() { const data = []; for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { const id = countId; data.push({ id: `id-${id}`, title: `List Item Title ${id}`, content: `List Item Content ${id}`, }); countId++; } return data; } class InfiniteList extends React.Component { state = { data: mockData(), loading: false, } handleInfiniteOnLoad = (done) => { let data = this.state.data; if (data.length > 15) { message.warning('Loaded All'); return; } this.setState({ loading: true, }); setTimeout(() => { data = data.concat(mockData()); this.setState({ data, loading: false, }); // reset the infinite onLoad callback flag // so can trigger onLoad callback again done(); }, 1000); } render() { return ( { this.state.data.map(item => ( {item.content} )) } ); } } ReactDOM.render(, mountNode); ````