--- order: 6 title: zh-CN: 建议渲染父节点 en-US: SuggestionContainer --- ## zh-CN 指定提示渲染的父节点。 ## en-US To set the container of the suggestion. ````jsx import { Mention, Popover, Button } from 'antd'; const { toString, toContentState } = Mention; function onChange(editorState) { console.log(toString(editorState)); } function onSelect(suggestion) { console.log('onSelect', suggestion); } class PopoverContainer extends React.Component { getSuggestionContainer = () => this.popover.getPopupDomNode() visibleChange = (visible) => { if (visible && this.mention) { this.mention.focus(); } } render() { const mention = ( this.mention = ele} style={{ width: '100%' }} onChange={onChange} defaultValue={toContentState('@afc163')} suggestions={['afc163', 'benjycui', 'yiminghe', 'RaoHai', '中文', 'にほんご']} onSelect={onSelect} getSuggestionContainer={this.getSuggestionContainer} /> ); return ( this.popover = popover} onVisibleChange={this.visibleChange} > ); } } ReactDOM.render(, mountNode); ````