name: Ant Design trigger: none pr: autoCancel: true branches: exclude: - gh-pages pool: vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest' stages: - stage: site jobs: - job: Build_Site steps: - checkout: self displayName: 'Checkout' clean: true fetchDepth: 1 - task: NodeTool@0 displayName: 'Install Node.js' inputs: versionSpec: '12.13.1' - script: npm install displayName: 'Install modules' - script: | node ./scripts/azure-github-comment.js '![Prepare preview](' displayName: 'Comment on github' - script: npm run site displayName: 'Build sites' - script: ls -al _site/ displayName: 'List build' - script: | export DEPLOY_DOMAIN=https://preview-${SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_PULLREQUESTNUMBER} echo "Deploy to $DEPLOY_DOMAIN" npx surge --project ./_site --domain $DEPLOY_DOMAIN displayName: 'Deploy Site' - script: | node ./scripts/azure-github-comment.js "Preview deployed to https://preview-${SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_PULLREQUESTNUMBER}" displayName: 'Update comment on github'