import * as React from 'react'; import * as moment from 'moment'; import { polyfill } from 'react-lifecycles-compat'; import RcTimePicker from 'rc-time-picker/lib/TimePicker'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import LocaleReceiver from '../locale-provider/LocaleReceiver'; import defaultLocale from './locale/en_US'; import interopDefault from '../_util/interopDefault'; import Icon from '../icon'; export function generateShowHourMinuteSecond(format: string) { // Ref: return { showHour: ( format.indexOf('H') > -1 || format.indexOf('h') > -1 || format.indexOf('k') > -1 ), showMinute: format.indexOf('m') > -1, showSecond: format.indexOf('s') > -1, }; } export interface TimePickerProps { className?: string; size?: 'large' | 'default' | 'small'; value?: moment.Moment; defaultValue?: moment.Moment | moment.Moment[]; open?: boolean; format?: string; onChange?: (time: moment.Moment, timeString: string) => void; onOpenChange?: (open: boolean) => void; disabled?: boolean; placeholder?: string; prefixCls?: string; hideDisabledOptions?: boolean; disabledHours?: () => number[]; disabledMinutes?: (selectedHour: number) => number[]; disabledSeconds?: (selectedHour: number, selectedMinute: number) => number[]; style?: React.CSSProperties; getPopupContainer?: (triggerNode: Element) => HTMLElement; addon?: Function; use12Hours?: boolean; focusOnOpen?: boolean; hourStep?: number; minuteStep?: number; secondStep?: number; allowEmpty?: boolean; inputReadOnly?: boolean; clearText?: string; defaultOpenValue?: moment.Moment; popupClassName?: string; suffixIcon?: React.ReactNode; } export interface TimePickerLocale { placeholder: string; } class TimePicker extends React.Component { static defaultProps = { prefixCls: 'ant-time-picker', align: { offset: [0, -2], }, disabled: false, disabledHours: undefined, disabledMinutes: undefined, disabledSeconds: undefined, hideDisabledOptions: false, placement: 'bottomLeft', transitionName: 'slide-up', focusOnOpen: true, }; static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps: TimePickerProps) { if ('value' in nextProps) { return { value: nextProps.value }; } return null; } private timePickerRef: typeof RcTimePicker; constructor(props: TimePickerProps) { super(props); const value = props.value || props.defaultValue; if (value && !interopDefault(moment).isMoment(value)) { throw new Error( 'The value/defaultValue of TimePicker must be a moment object after `antd@2.0`, ' + 'see:', ); } this.state = { value, }; } handleChange = (value: moment.Moment) => { if (!('value' in this.props)) { this.setState({ value }); } const { onChange, format = 'HH:mm:ss' } = this.props; if (onChange) { onChange(value, (value && value.format(format)) || ''); } } handleOpenClose = ({ open }: { open: boolean }) => { const { onOpenChange } = this.props; if (onOpenChange) { onOpenChange(open); } } saveTimePicker = (timePickerRef: typeof RcTimePicker) => { this.timePickerRef = timePickerRef; } focus() { this.timePickerRef.focus(); } blur() { this.timePickerRef.blur(); } getDefaultFormat() { const { format, use12Hours } = this.props; if (format) { return format; } else if (use12Hours) { return 'h:mm:ss a'; } return 'HH:mm:ss'; } renderTimePicker = (locale: TimePickerLocale) => { const props = { ...this.props, }; delete props.defaultValue; const format = this.getDefaultFormat(); const className = classNames(props.className, { [`${props.prefixCls}-${props.size}`]: !!props.size, }); const addon = (panel: React.ReactElement) => ( props.addon ? (
) : null ); const { suffixIcon, prefixCls } = props; const clockIcon = suffixIcon && ( React.isValidElement<{ className?: string }>(suffixIcon) ? React.cloneElement( suffixIcon, { className: classNames({ [suffixIcon.props.className!]: suffixIcon.props.className, [`${prefixCls}-clock-icon`]: true, }), }, ) : {suffixIcon}) || ( ); const inputIcon = ( {clockIcon} ); const clearIcon = ( ); return ( ); } render() { return ( {this.renderTimePicker} ); } } polyfill(TimePicker); export default TimePicker;