--- category: Components type: Other cols: 1 title: ConfigProvider --- `ConfigProvider` provides a uniform configuration support for components. ## Usage This component provides a configuration to all React components underneath itself via the [context API](https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/context.html). In the render tree all components will have access to the provided config. ```jsx import { ConfigProvider } from 'antd'; // ... return ( ); ``` ### Content Security Policy Some components use dynamic style to support wave effect. You can config `csp` prop if Content Security Policy (CSP) is enabled: ```jsx ``` ## API | Property | Description | Type | Default | Version | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | autoInsertSpaceInButton | Set `false` to remove space between 2 chinese characters on Button | boolean | true | | | componentSize | Config antd component size | `small` \| `middle` \| `large` | - | | | csp | Set [Content Security Policy](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CSP) config | { nonce: string } | - | | | form | Set Form common props | { validateMessages?: [ValidateMessages](/components/form/#validateMessages) } | - | | | renderEmpty | set empty content of components. Ref [Empty](/components/empty/) | Function(componentName: string): ReactNode | - | | | getPopupContainer | to set the container of the popup element. The default is to create a `div` element in `body`. | Function(triggerNode) | `() => document.body` | | | locale | language package setting, you can find the packages in [antd/es/locale](http://unpkg.com/antd/es/locale/) | object | | | prefixCls | set prefix class. `Note:` This will discard default styles from `antd`. | string | ant | | | pageHeader | Unify the ghost of PageHeader, ref [PageHeader](/components/page-header) | { ghost:boolean } | 'true' | | | direction | set direction of layout. See [demo](#components-config-provider-demo-direction) | `ltr` \| `rtl` | `ltr` | | | space | set Space `size`, ref [Space](/components/space) | { size: `small` \| `middle` \| `large` \| `number` } | - | 4.1.0 | ## FAQ #### Does the locale problem still exist in DatePicker even if ConfigProvider `locale` is used? Please make sure you set moment locale by `moment.locale('zh-cn')` or that you don't have two different versions of moment. #### Modal throw error when setting `getPopupContainer`? Related issue: https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/19974 When you config `getPopupContainer` to parentNode globally, Modal will throw error of `triggerNode is undefined` because it did not have a triggerNode. You can try the [fix](https://github.com/afc163/feedback-antd/commit/3e4d1ad1bc1a38460dc3bf3c56517f737fe7d44a) below. ```diff triggerNode.parentNode} + getPopupContainer={node => { + if (node) { + return node.parentNode; + } + return document.body; + }} > ```