@import '../../style/themes/index'; @import '../../style/mixins/index'; @import './mixin'; // Input styles .@{ant-prefix}-input { .reset-component; .input; } //== Style for input-group: input with label, with button or dropdown... .@{ant-prefix}-input-group { .reset-component; .input-group(~'@{ant-prefix}-input'); &-wrapper { display: inline-block; width: 100%; text-align: start; vertical-align: top; // https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/6403 } } // Input with affix: prefix or suffix .@{ant-prefix}-input-affix-wrapper { .reset-component; .input-affix-wrapper(~'@{ant-prefix}-input'); // https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/6144 .@{ant-prefix}-input { min-height: 100%; // use min-height, assume that no smaller height to override } } .@{ant-prefix}-input-password-icon { color: @text-color-secondary; cursor: pointer; transition: all 0.3s; &:hover { color: @input-icon-hover-color; } } .@{ant-prefix}-input-clear-icon { .clear-icon; vertical-align: 0; } .@{ant-prefix}-input-textarea-clear-icon { .clear-icon; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; margin: 8px 8px 0 0; } @import './search-input';