import * as React from 'react'; import RcDropdown from 'rc-dropdown'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import DropdownButton from './dropdown-button'; import warning from '../_util/warning'; import Icon from '../icon'; export interface DropDownProps { trigger?: ('click' | 'hover' | 'contextMenu')[]; overlay: React.ReactNode; onVisibleChange?: (visible?: boolean) => void; visible?: boolean; disabled?: boolean; align?: Object; getPopupContainer?: (triggerNode: Element) => HTMLElement; prefixCls?: string; className?: string; transitionName?: string; placement?: 'topLeft' | 'topCenter' | 'topRight' | 'bottomLeft' | 'bottomCenter' | 'bottomRight'; forceRender?: boolean; } export default class Dropdown extends React.Component { static Button: typeof DropdownButton; static defaultProps = { prefixCls: 'ant-dropdown', mouseEnterDelay: 0.15, mouseLeaveDelay: 0.1, placement: 'bottomLeft', }; getTransitionName() { const { placement = '', transitionName } = this.props; if (transitionName !== undefined) { return transitionName; } if (placement.indexOf('top') >= 0) { return 'slide-down'; } return 'slide-up'; } componentDidMount() { const { overlay } = this.props; if (overlay) { const overlayProps = (overlay as React.ReactElement).props; warning( !overlayProps.mode || overlayProps.mode === 'vertical', `mode="${overlayProps.mode}" is not supported for Dropdown\'s Menu.`, ); } } render() { const { children, prefixCls, overlay: overlayElements, trigger, disabled } = this.props; const child = React.Children.only(children); const overlay = React.Children.only(overlayElements); const dropdownTrigger = React.cloneElement(child, { className: classNames(child.props.className, `${prefixCls}-trigger`), disabled, }); // menu cannot be selectable in dropdown defaultly // menu should be focusable in dropdown defaultly const { selectable = false, focusable = true } = overlay.props; const expandIcon = ( ); const fixedModeOverlay = typeof overlay.type === 'string' ? overlay : React.cloneElement(overlay, { mode: 'vertical', selectable, focusable, expandIcon, }); const triggerActions = disabled ? [] : trigger; let alignPoint; if (triggerActions && triggerActions.indexOf('contextMenu') !== -1) { alignPoint = true; } return ( {dropdownTrigger} ); } }