--- order: 4 title: zh-CN: 排版 en-US: Typesetting --- ## zh-CN 布局基础。 子元素根据不同的值 `start`,`center`,`end`,`space-between`,`space-around`,分别定义其在父节点里面的排版方式。 ## en-US Child elements depending on the value of the `start`,`center`, `end`,`space-between`, `space-around`, which are defined in its parent node typesetting mode. ```jsx import { Row, Col, Divider } from 'antd'; ReactDOM.render( <> sub-element align left col-4 col-4 col-4 col-4 sub-element align center col-4 col-4 col-4 col-4 sub-element align right col-4 col-4 col-4 col-4 sub-element monospaced arrangement col-4 col-4 col-4 col-4 sub-element align full col-4 col-4 col-4 col-4 , mountNode, ); ``` ```css #components-grid-demo-flex [class~='ant-row'] { background: rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.08); } ```