* fix: get label should use childrenKeyName for arrayTreeFilter when use customer fieldNames otherwise It can not get correct label array
* feat: add fieldNames test case in Cascader
* fix: cli fail
* fix: cil fail again
This PR intends to solve issue #11404 (Multiple row selection in table component).
The Chinese documentation is missing from the PR. Could someone please add it ?
First of all, thank you for your contribution! :-)
Please makes sure that these checkboxes are checked before submitting your PR, thank you!
* [ ] Make sure that you propose PR to right branch: bugfix for `master`, feature for latest active branch `feature-x.x`.
* [ ] Make sure that you follow antd's [code convention](https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/wiki/Code-convention-for-antd).
* [ ] Run `npm run lint` and fix those errors before submitting in order to keep consistent code style.
* [ ] Rebase before creating a PR to keep commit history clear.
* [ ] Add some descriptions and refer relative issues for you PR.
Extra checklist:
**if** *isBugFix* **:**
* [ ] Make sure that you add at least one unit test for the bug which you had fixed.
**elif** *isNewFeature* **:**
* [ ] Update API docs for the component.
* [ ] Update/Add demo to demonstrate new feature.
* [ ] Update TypeScript definition for the component.
* [ ] Add unit tests for the feature.