* rename .stylelintrc to .stylelintrc.json for explicit file type
* add new npm script lint-fix:style
* fix pseudo-element with double colon
* function name should be lower except ignored functions
* support stylelint declaration-block-no-ignored-properties rule
* support sorted CSS properties order for readability and consistency
* autofix order of all styles by lint-fix:style script
* remove double slash comments after selector
* replace .stylelintignore with ignoreFiles in .stylelintrc.json
* Enhanced InputNumber props with HTMLInputElement attributes.
It is possibile to use additional props supported by the inner input
const inputEl = <InputNumber autoFocus />
Before this commit the type checker did not recognize the `autoFocus`
Some attributes must be omitted because they conflict with props
defined on `InputNumberProps` interface
* Renamed type
Probably they conflicts with a reserved name?
> components/input-number/index.tsx(9,93): error TS4022: 'extends' clause of exported interface 'InputNumberProps' has or is using private name 'OmitAttributes'.
* Replace InputNumber onKeyDown typing with the typed one.
Extending HTMLInputElement attributes the `onKeyDown` props now have a
better typing.
For example before this commit accessing to the event `key` attribute resulted
in a type error.
* Exporting type OmitAttrs on InputNumber component.
This is an attempt to solve the ci error:
> components/input-number/index.tsx(9,93): error TS4022: 'extends' clause of exported
> interface 'InputNumberProps' has or is using private name 'OmitAttrs'.