* docs: add api first appearance
* docs: fix auto-complete doc
* docs: replace Version Added with Version
* docs: date picker common method
* docs: date picker common method
* docs: tree
* docs: remove meaningless 3.0.0
* use `ContentState` instead of `EditorState`, selection events won't trigger
onChange anymore.
* deprecated `Mention.toEditorState`, instead of `Mention.toContentState`,
* `Mention.toEditorState` are compatibled, but have a warnning in console.
* `disabled` and `readOnly` props supported.
* fixed controlled mode bug.
* close#5788
* close#5175
* close #https://github.com/react-component/editor-mention/issues/7
* Unify name of ReactNode type in document
* Lowser all string type name
* Lowercase all number type name
* Lowercase all boolean type name
* Unify array type
* Lowercase all object type name
* Unify mutilple types
+ add `getSuggestionContainer` callback function, which allow users modify the
container element of suggestions dropdown.
+ the suggestions dropdown will mount on `document.body` defaultly, instead of
on editor.
+ close#3588