🏆 Ant Design 5.0.0 is released, welcome to try it out!
**Read it before migration**
#### Read it before migration
- 🌟 If you want to migrate to Ant Design 5.0, please check [V4 to V5](/docs/react/migration-v5).
🌟 If you want to migrate to Ant Design 5.0, please check [V4 to V5](/docs/react/migration-v5).
**Major Changes**
#### Major Changes
- 🔥 New Components
- 🔥 FloatButton component, and refactor BackTop as child component of FloatButton. [#37520](https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/pull/37520) [@li-jia-nan](https://github.com/li-jia-nan)