@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ When data is in the form of dates, such as schedules, timetables, prices calenda
| mode | The display mode of the calendar | `month` \| `year` | `month` | |
| monthCellRender | Customize the display of the month cell, the returned content will be appended to the cell | function(date: moment): ReactNode | - | |
| monthFullCellRender | Customize the display of the month cell, the returned content will override the cell | function(date: moment): ReactNode | - | |
| validRange | to set valid range | \[[moment](http://momentjs.com/), [moment](http://momentjs.com/)] | - | 3.3.0 |
| validRange | to set valid range | \[[moment](http://momentjs.com/), [moment](http://momentjs.com/)] | - | |
| value | The current selected date | [moment](http://momentjs.com/) | current date | |
| onPanelChange | Callback for when panel changes | function(date: moment, mode: string) | - | |
| onSelect | Callback for when a date is selected | function(date: moment) | - | |
| onChange | Callback for when date changes | function(date: moment) | - | 3.8.0 |
@ -20,20 +20,20 @@ A content area which can be collapsed and expanded.
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| activeKey | Key of the active panel | string\[]\|string\| number\[]\|number | No default value. In `accordion` mode, it's the key of the first panel. | |
| defaultActiveKey | Key of the initial active panel | string\[]\|string\| number\[]\|number | - | |
| bordered | Toggles rendering of the border around the collapse block | boolean | `true` | 3.6.5 |
| accordion | If `true`, `Collapse` renders as `Accordion` | boolean | `false` | 3.6.5 |
| bordered | Toggles rendering of the border around the collapse block | boolean | `true` | |
| accordion | If `true`, `Collapse` renders as `Accordion` | boolean | `false` | |
| onChange | Callback function executed when active panel is changed | Function | - | |
@ -17,18 +17,18 @@ Commonly displayed on the details page.
| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| title | The title of the description list, placed at the top | ReactNode | - | 3.19.0 |
| bordered | whether to display the border | boolean | false | 3.19.0 |
| column | the number of `DescriptionItems` in a row,could be a number or a object like `{ xs: 8, sm: 16, md: 24}`,(Only set `bordered={true}` to take effect) | number | 3 | 3.19.0 |
| size | set the size of the list. Can be set to `middle`,`small`, or not filled | `default | middle | small` | false | 3.19.0 |
| colon | change default props `colon` value of `Descriptions.Item` | boolean | true | 3.21.0 |
| title | The title of the description list, placed at the top | ReactNode | - | |
| bordered | whether to display the border | boolean | false | |
| column | the number of `DescriptionItems` in a row,could be a number or a object like `{ xs: 8, sm: 16, md: 24}`,(Only set `bordered={true}` to take effect) | number | 3 | |
| size | set the size of the list. Can be set to `middle`,`small`, or not filled | `default | middle | small` | false | |
| itemLayout | The layout of list, default is `horizontal`, If a vertical list is desired, set the itemLayout property to `vertical` | string | - | |
| rowKey | Item's unique key, could be a string or function that returns a string | string\|Function(record):string | `key` | 3.12.0 |
| rowKey | Item's unique key, could be a string or function that returns a string | string\|Function(record):string | `key` | |
| loading | Shows a loading indicator while the contents of the list are being fetched | boolean\|[object](https://ant.design/components/spin-cn/#API) ([more](https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/8659)) | false | |
| loadMore | Shows a load more content | string\|ReactNode | - | |
| locale | i18n text including empty text | object | emptyText: 'No Data' <br> | 3.4.2 |
| locale | i18n text including empty text | object | emptyText: 'No Data' <br> | |
| pagination | Pagination [config](https://ant.design/components/pagination/), hide it by setting it to false | boolean \| object | false | |
| split | Toggles rendering of the split under the list item | boolean | true | |
| dataSource | dataSource array for list | any[] | - | 3.20.1 |
| renderItem | customize list item when using `dataSource` | `item => ReactNode` | - | 3.20.1 |
| dataSource | dataSource array for list | any[] | - | |
| renderItem | customize list item when using `dataSource` | `item => ReactNode` | - | |