In real project development, you may need data flow solutions such as Redux or MobX. Ant Design React is a UI library that can be used with data flow solutions and application frameworks in any React ecosystem. Based on the business scenario, we launched a pluggable enterprise-level application framework umi, which is recommended for use in the project.
And [umi]( is a routing-based framework that supports [next.js-like conventional routing]( and various advanced routing functions, such as [routing-level on-demand loading]( With a complete [plugin system]( that covers every life cycle from source code to build product, umi is able to support various functional extensions and business needs; meanwhile [Umi UI]( is provided to enhance the development experience and development efficiency through Visual Aided Programming (VAP).
And [umi]( is a routing-based framework that supports [next.js-like conventional routing]( and various advanced routing functions, such as [routing-level on-demand loading]( With a complete [plugin system]( that covers every life cycle from source code to build product, umi is able to support various functional extensions and business needs; meanwhile [Umi UI]( is provided to enhance the development experience and development efficiency through Visual Aided Programming (VAP).
> You may also be interested in [Ant Design Pro](, an Out-of-box UI solution for enterprise applications based on umi, dva and ant design.
@ -17,20 +17,11 @@ It is recommended to use yarn to create an application and execute the following
$ mkdir myapp && cd myapp
$ yarn create umi
$ yarn create @umijs/umi-app
$ yarn
> If you use npm, you can execute `npx create-umi` with the same effect.
## Install presets
Execute the following command, install presets(including the antd, dva, locale plugins):
# 或 npm i @umijs/preset-react -D
$ yarn add @umijs/preset-react -D
> If you use npm, you can execute `npx @umijs/create-umi-app` with the same effect.
> And if you want to use a fixed version of antd, you can install additional antd dependency in your project, and the antd dependencies declared in package.json will be used first.