feat: Exposes additional props for pagination component on transfer (#33954)
* Exposes additional props for pagination component on transfer
* feat: Improve transfer pagination customization
* feat: Improve transfer pagination customization
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ One or more elements can be selected from either column, one click on the proper
| oneWay | Display as single direction style | boolean | false | 4.3.0 |
| operations | A set of operations that are sorted from top to bottom | string\[] | \[`>`, `<`] | |
| operationStyle | A custom CSS style used for rendering the operations column | object | - | |
| pagination | Use pagination. Not work in render props | boolean \| { pageSize: number } | false | 4.3.0 |
| pagination | Use pagination. Not work in render props | boolean \| { pageSize: number, simple: boolean, showSizeChanger?: boolean, showLessItems?: boolean } | false | 4.3.0 |
| render | The function to generate the item shown on a column. Based on an record (element of the dataSource array), this function should return a React element which is generated from that record. Also, it can return a plain object with `value` and `label`, `label` is a React element and `value` is for title | (record) => ReactNode | - | |
| selectAllLabels | A set of customized labels for select all checkboxs on the header | (ReactNode \| (info: { selectedCount: number, totalCount: number }) => ReactNode)\[] | - | |
| selectedKeys | A set of keys of selected items | string\[] | \[] | |