In September we brought an update for `3.9.0`. There are many new features in `3.9.0`, Ant Design is getting stronger and stronger, getting closer to the world's first component library.
- 🔥🔥🔥 Since version 3.9.0, we have rewritten the Icon component. Deprecate the original css font icon to fully use the SVG icon.
- 💄 The `SVG` icon will now be rendered.
- 💄 You can now render a two-color icon.
- 🌟 Add the `theme` attribute to set the theme style of the icon. [#11971](
- 🌟 Added `component` attribute, you can externally pass a component to customize the control rendering result. [#11322](
- 🌟 The `twoToneColor` property is added to control the theme color of the two-color icon. [#11971](
- 🌟 Added static methods `Icon.getTowToneColor()` and `Icon.setTwoToneColor(...)` to globally get and set the theme color of all two-color icons. [#11971](
- 🌟 The new static method `Icon.createFromIconfontCN({...})` is added to make it easier to use icons hosted on [``]( For more usage, please refer to [Ant Design Pro - Introduction to Business Icons]( [#11322](
- 🔥 Added a new component [Skeleton](
- 🔥 Menu will automatically close up to fit width in `horizontal` mode.
- 🔥 The `placement` of the drawer supports `top` and `bottom` to accommodate more scenes.
### Bugfix/Feature:
- 🌟 The Anchor component adds the `onClik` attribute. [#11898](
- 🌟 The Tab component adds the `renderTabBar` property. [#11856](
- 🌟 The Input component adds the `select` method. [#11906](
- 🌟 Steps adds the `initial` attribute. [#11180](
- 🌟 adds the configuration of `getContainer`. [#11377](
- 🐞 Fixed an issue where setting fontSize in the `headStyle` of the Card does not work. [#11995](
- 🐞 Fixed an issue where the Button component wave animation was mix up. [#11985](
- 🐞 Fixed an issue where the Modal.confirm setting `centered` attribute didn't work. [#11969](
- 🐞 Fixed an issue where setting the `suffix` and `prefix` of the second Input in the `compact` mode of Input.Group would cause the right border to disappear. [#11965](
- 🐞 Fixed an issue where Upload components might cause misplaced images when uploading many images. [#11183](