@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ This document contains the correspondence between all the less variables related
<!-- ## 全局变量 -->
## 组件变量
## Component Token
<!-- ### Alert -->
@ -39,20 +39,18 @@ This document contains the correspondence between all the less variables related
<!-- ### Divider -->
## Drawer
### Drawer
<!-- prettier - ignore -->
| Less variables | Component Token | Note |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `@drawer-bg` | `colorBgElevated` | - |
| `@drawer-header-padding` | `padding` 、`paddingLG` | `${padding}px ${paddingLG}px` |
| `@drawer-title-font-size` | `fontSizeLG` | - |
| `@drawer-title-line-height` | `lineHeightLG` | - |
| `@drawer-body-padding` | `paddingLG` | - |
| `@drawer-footer-padding-vertical` | `drawerFooterPaddingVertical` | `drawerFooterPaddingVertical` is a number without units, `@drawer-footer-padding-vertical` with units |
| `@drawer-footer-padding-horizontal` | `drawerFooterPaddingHorizontal` | `drawerFooterPaddingHorizontal` is a number without units, `@drawer-footer-padding-horizontal` with units |
| `@drawer-bg` | `colorBgElevated` | GlobalToken |
| `@drawer-header-padding` | `padding` 、`paddingLG` | GlobalToken, used as `${padding}px ${paddingLG}px` |
| `@drawer-title-font-size` | `fontSizeLG` | GlobalToken |
| `@drawer-title-line-height` | `lineHeightLG` | GlobalToken |
| `@drawer-body-padding` | `paddingLG` | GlobalToken |
| `@drawer-footer-padding-vertical` | `footerPaddingBlock` | `footerPaddingBlock` is a number without units, `@drawer-footer-padding-vertical` with units |
| `@drawer-footer-padding-horizontal` | `footerPaddingInline` | `footerPaddingInline` is a number without units, `@drawer-footer-padding-horizontal` with units |
<!-- ### Dropdown -->
@ -72,16 +70,16 @@ This document contains the correspondence between all the less variables related
<!-- ### Menu -->
## Message
### Message
<!-- prettier - ignore -->
| Less variables | Component Token | Note |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `@zindex-message` | `zIndexPopup` | - |
| `@message-notice-content-padding` | `messageNoti ceC ontentPadding` | - |
| `@message-notice-content-bg` | `messageNoti ceC ontentBg` | - |
| `@message-notice-content-padding` | `contentPadding` | - |
| `@message-notice-content-bg` | `contentBg` | - |
## Modal
### Modal
<!-- prettier - ignore -->
| Less variables | Component Token | Note |
@ -89,40 +87,29 @@ This document contains the correspondence between all the less variables related
| `@modal-header-padding-vertical` | - | Deprecated for style change |
| `@modal-header-padding-horizontal` | - | Deprecated for style change |
| `@modal-body-padding` | - | Deprecated for style change |
| `@modal-header-bg` | `modalH eaderBg` | - |
| `@modal-header-bg` | `h eaderBg` | - |
| `@modal-header-padding` | - | Deprecated for style change |
| `@modal-header-border-width` | - | Deprecated for style change |
| `@modal-header-border-style` | - | Deprecated for style change |
| `@modal-header-title-line-height` | `modalHeaderT itleLineHeight` | - |
| `@modal-header-title-font-size` | `modalHeaderT itleFontSize` | - |
| `@modal-header-title-line-height` | `t itleLineHeight` | - |
| `@modal-header-title-font-size` | `t itleFontSize` | - |
| `@modal-header-border-color-split` | - | Deprecated for style change |
| `@modal-header-close-size` | - | Deprecated for style change |
| `@modal-content-bg` | `modalC ontentBg` | - |
| `@modal-heading-color` | `modalHeading Color` | - |
| `@modal-close-color` | `modalCloseIconColor` | - |
| `@modal-footer-bg` | `modalF ooterBg` | - |
| `@modal-content-bg` | `c ontentBg` | - |
| `@modal-heading-color` | `title Color` | - |
| `@modal-close-color` | `colorIcon` | GlobalToken |
| `@modal-footer-bg` | `f ooterBg` | - |
| `@modal-footer-border-color-split` | - | Deprecated for style change |
| `@modal-footer-border-style` | - | Deprecated for style change |
| `@modal-footer-padding-vertical` | - | Deprecated for style change |
| `@modal-footer-padding-horizontal` | - | Deprecated for style change |
| `@modal-footer-border-width` | - | Deprecated for style change |
| `@modal-mask-bg` | `colorBgMask` | - |
| `@modal-mask-bg` | `colorBgMask` | GlobalToken |
| `@modal-confirm-body-padding` | - | Deprecated for style change |
| `@modal-confirm-title-font-size` | `modalHeaderTitleFontSize` | - |
| `@modal-border-radius` | `borderRadiusLG` | - |
## Notification
| `@modal-confirm-title-font-size` | `titleFontSize` | - |
| `@modal-border-radius` | `borderRadiusLG` | GlobalToken |
<!-- prettier - ignore -->
| Less variables | Component Token | Note |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `@notification-width` | `width` | - |
| `@notification-padding` | `notificationPadding` | - |
| `@notification-padding-vertical` | `notificationPaddingVertical` | - |
| `@notification-padding-horizontal` | `notificationPaddingHorizontal` | - |
| `@notification-margin-bottom` | `notificationMarginBottom` | - |
| `@notification-margin-edge` | `notificationMarginEdge` | - |
| `@notification-bg` | `notificationBg` | - |
<!-- ### Notification -->
<!-- ### Pagination -->
@ -134,17 +121,15 @@ This document contains the correspondence between all the less variables related
<!-- ### Rate -->
## Result
### Result
<!-- prettier - ignore -->
| Less variables | Component Token | Note |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `@result-icon-font-size` | `resultIconFontSize` | - |
| `@result-title-font-size` | `resultTitleFontSize` | - |
| `@result-subtitle-font-size` | `resultSubtitleFontSize` | - |
| `@result-extra-margin` | `resultExtraMargin` | - |
| `@result-icon-font-size` | `iconFontSize` | - |
| `@result-title-font-size` | `titleFontSize` | - |
| `@result-subtitle-font-size` | `subtitleFontSize` | - |
| `@result-extra-margin` | `extraMargin` | - |
<!-- ### Segment -->
@ -154,43 +139,41 @@ This document contains the correspondence between all the less variables related
<!-- ### Slider -->
## Statistic
### Statistic
<!-- prettier - ignore -->
| Less variables | Component Token | Note |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `@statistic-title-font-size` | `statisticTitleFontSize` | - |
| `@statistic-content-font-size` | `statisticContentFontSize` | - |
| `@statistic-font-family` | `statisticFontFamily` | - |
| `@statistic-title-font-size` | `titleFontSize` | - |
| `@statistic-content-font-size` | `contentFontSize` | - |
| `@statistic-font-family` | `fontFamily` | GlobalToken |
## Step
### Step
<!-- prettier - ignore -->
| Less variables | Component Token | Note |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `@process-tail-color` | `processTailColor` | - |
| `@steps-nav-arrow-color` | `stepsN avArrowColor` | - |
| `@steps-background` | - | Deprecated for style change |
| `@steps-icon-size` | `stepsI conSize` | - |
| `@steps-icon-custom-size` | `stepsIconCustom Size` | - |
| `@steps-icon-custom-top` | `stepsIconCustom Top` | - |
| `@steps-icon-custom-font-size` | `stepsIconCustom FontSize` | - |
| `@steps-icon-top` | `stepsI conTop` | - |
| `@steps-icon-font-size` | `stepsI conFontSize` | - |
| `@steps-icon-margin` | - | Deprecated for style change |
| `@steps-title-line-height` | `s tepsT itleLineHeight` | - |
| `@steps-small-icon-size` | `stepsSmallIconSize ` | - |
| `@steps-small-icon-margin` | - | Deprecated for style change |
| `@steps-dot-size` | `stepsD otSize` | - |
| `@steps-dot-top` | - | Deprecated for style change |
| `@steps-current-dot-size` | `stepsCurrentDo tSize` | - |
| `@steps-description-max-width` | `stepsNavContent MaxWidth` | - |
| `@steps-nav-content-max-width` | - | Deprecated for style change |
| `@steps-vertical-icon-width` | - | Deprecated for style change |
| `@steps-vertical-tail-width` | - | Deprecated for style change |
| `@steps-vertical-tail-width-sm` | - | Deprecated for style change |
| `@process-tail-color` | `colorSplit` | GlobalToken |
| `@steps-nav-arrow-color` | `n avArrowColor` | - |
| `@steps-background` | `colorBgContainer` | - |
| `@steps-icon-size` | `i conSize` | - |
| `@steps-icon-custom-size` | `customIcon Size` | - |
| `@steps-icon-custom-top` | `customIcon Top` | - |
| `@steps-icon-custom-font-size` | `customIcon FontSize` | - |
| `@steps-icon-top` | `i conTop` | - |
| `@steps-icon-font-size` | `i conFontSize` | - |
| `@steps-icon-margin` | - | Deprecated |
| `@steps-title-line-height` | `titleLineHeight` | - |
| `@steps-small-icon-size` | `iconSizeSM ` | - |
| `@steps-small-icon-margin` | - | Deprecated |
| `@steps-dot-size` | `d otSize` | - |
| `@steps-dot-top` | - | Deprecated |
| `@steps-current-dot-size` | `dotCurren tSize` | - |
| `@steps-description-max-width` | `description MaxWidth` | - |
| `@steps-nav-content-max-width` | `stepsNavContentMaxWidth` | - |
| `@steps-vertical-icon-width` | `iconSize` | - |
| `@steps-vertical-tail-width` | - | Deprecated |
| `@steps-vertical-tail-width-sm` | - | Deprecated |
<!-- ### Switch -->