diff --git a/components/divider/index.en-US.md b/components/divider/index.en-US.md
index 83ec022380..9774e03971 100644
--- a/components/divider/index.en-US.md
+++ b/components/divider/index.en-US.md
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ A divider line separates different content.
| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| className | className of container | string | - | |
-| dashed | whether line is dashed | boolean | false | |
-| orientation | position of title inside divider | `left` \| `right` \| `center` | `center` | |
-| style | style object of container | CSSProperties | - | |
-| type | direction type of divider | `horizontal` \| `vertical` | `horizontal` | |
-| plain | divider text show as plain style | boolean | true | 4.2.0 |
+| className | The className of container | string | - | |
+| dashed | Whether line is dashed | boolean | false | |
+| orientation | The position of title inside divider | `left` \| `right` \| `center` | `center` | |
+| style | The style object of container | CSSProperties | - | |
+| type | The direction type of divider | `horizontal` \| `vertical` | `horizontal` | |
+| plain | Divider text show as plain style | boolean | true | 4.2.0 |
diff --git a/components/grid/index.en-US.md b/components/grid/index.en-US.md
index f4d1a65f4e..6aaf6fcf5b 100644
--- a/components/grid/index.en-US.md
+++ b/components/grid/index.en-US.md
@@ -89,26 +89,26 @@ If the Ant Design grid layout component does not meet your needs, you can use th
| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| align | vertical alignment | `top` \| `middle` \| `bottom` | `top` | |
-| gutter | spacing between grids, could be a number or a object like `{ xs: 8, sm: 16, md: 24}`. or you can use array to make horizontal and vertical spacing work at the same time `[horizontal, vertical]` | number/object/array | 0 | | |
-| justify | horizontal arrangement | `start` \| `end` \| `center` \| `space-around` \| `space-between` | `start` | |
+| align | Vertical alignment | `top` \| `middle` \| `bottom` | `top` | |
+| gutter | Spacing between grids, could be a number or a object like `{ xs: 8, sm: 16, md: 24}`. or you can use array to make horizontal and vertical spacing work at the same time `[horizontal, vertical]` | number \| object \| array | 0 | | |
+| justify | Horizontal arrangement | `start` \| `end` \| `center` \| `space-around` \| `space-between` | `start` | |
### Col
| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| flex | flex layout style | string \| number | - | |
-| offset | the number of cells to offset Col from the left | number | 0 | |
-| order | raster order | number | 0 | |
-| pull | the number of cells that raster is moved to the left | number | 0 | |
-| push | the number of cells that raster is moved to the right | number | 0 | |
-| span | raster number of cells to occupy, 0 corresponds to `display: none` | number | none | |
-| xs | `<576px` and also default setting, could be a `span` value or an object containing above props | number\|object | - | |
-| sm | `≥576px`, could be a `span` value or an object containing above props | number\|object | - | |
-| md | `≥768px`, could be a `span` value or an object containing above props | number\|object | - | |
-| lg | `≥992px`, could be a `span` value or an object containing above props | number\|object | - | |
-| xl | `≥1200px`, could be a `span` value or an object containing above props | number\|object | - | |
-| xxl | `≥1600px`, could be a `span` value or an object containing above props | number\|object | - | |
+| flex | Flex layout style | string \| number | - | |
+| offset | The number of cells to offset Col from the left | number | 0 | |
+| order | Raster order | number | 0 | |
+| pull | The number of cells that raster is moved to the left | number | 0 | |
+| push | The number of cells that raster is moved to the right | number | 0 | |
+| span | Raster number of cells to occupy, 0 corresponds to `display: none` | number | none | |
+| xs | `<576px` and also default setting, could be a `span` value or an object containing above props | number \| object | - | |
+| sm | `≥576px`, could be a `span` value or an object containing above props | number \| object | - | |
+| md | `≥768px`, could be a `span` value or an object containing above props | number \| object | - | |
+| lg | `≥992px`, could be a `span` value or an object containing above props | number \| object | - | |
+| xl | `≥1200px`, could be a `span` value or an object containing above props | number \| object | - | |
+| xxl | `≥1600px`, could be a `span` value or an object containing above props | number \| object | - | |
The breakpoints of responsive grid follow [BootStrap 4 media queries rules](https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/layout/overview/#responsive-breakpoints) (not including `occasionally part`).
diff --git a/components/grid/index.zh-CN.md b/components/grid/index.zh-CN.md
index 8d7cf97600..97cdcd43bb 100644
--- a/components/grid/index.zh-CN.md
+++ b/components/grid/index.zh-CN.md
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ Ant Design 的布局组件若不能满足你的需求,你也可以直接使用
| 成员 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 | 版本 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| align | 垂直对齐方式 | `top` \| `middle` \| `bottom` | `top` | |
-| gutter | 栅格间隔,可以写成像素值或支持响应式的对象写法来设置水平间隔 `{ xs: 8, sm: 16, md: 24}`。或者使用数组形式同时设置 `[水平间距, 垂直间距]`。 | number/object/array | 0 | |
+| gutter | 栅格间隔,可以写成像素值或支持响应式的对象写法来设置水平间隔 `{ xs: 8, sm: 16, md: 24}`。或者使用数组形式同时设置 `[水平间距, 垂直间距]`。 | number \| object \| array | 0 | |
| justify | 水平排列方式 | `start` \| `end` \| `center` \| `space-around` \| `space-between` | `start` | |
### Col
@@ -102,12 +102,12 @@ Ant Design 的布局组件若不能满足你的需求,你也可以直接使用
| pull | 栅格向左移动格数 | number | 0 | |
| push | 栅格向右移动格数 | number | 0 | |
| span | 栅格占位格数,为 0 时相当于 `display: none` | number | - | |
-| xs | `<576px` 响应式栅格,可为栅格数或一个包含其他属性的对象 | number\|object | - | |
-| sm | `≥576px` 响应式栅格,可为栅格数或一个包含其他属性的对象 | number\|object | - | |
-| md | `≥768px` 响应式栅格,可为栅格数或一个包含其他属性的对象 | number\|object | - | |
-| lg | `≥992px` 响应式栅格,可为栅格数或一个包含其他属性的对象 | number\|object | - | |
-| xl | `≥1200px` 响应式栅格,可为栅格数或一个包含其他属性的对象 | number\|object | - | |
-| xxl | `≥1600px` 响应式栅格,可为栅格数或一个包含其他属性的对象 | number\|object | - | |
+| xs | `<576px` 响应式栅格,可为栅格数或一个包含其他属性的对象 | number \| object | - | |
+| sm | `≥576px` 响应式栅格,可为栅格数或一个包含其他属性的对象 | number \| object | - | |
+| md | `≥768px` 响应式栅格,可为栅格数或一个包含其他属性的对象 | number \| object | - | |
+| lg | `≥992px` 响应式栅格,可为栅格数或一个包含其他属性的对象 | number \| object | - | |
+| xl | `≥1200px` 响应式栅格,可为栅格数或一个包含其他属性的对象 | number \| object | - | |
+| xxl | `≥1600px` 响应式栅格,可为栅格数或一个包含其他属性的对象 | number \| object | - | |
响应式栅格的断点扩展自 [BootStrap 4 的规则](https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/layout/overview/#responsive-breakpoints)(不包含链接里 `occasionally` 的部分)。
diff --git a/components/icon/index.en-US.md b/components/icon/index.en-US.md
index 54c0fdc4e0..fc029a1f5d 100644
--- a/components/icon/index.en-US.md
+++ b/components/icon/index.en-US.md
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ ReactDOM.render(, mountNode);
| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| className | ClassName of Icon | string | - | |
-| style | Style properties of icon, like `fontSize` and `color` | CSSProperties | - | |
+| className | The className of Icon | string | - | |
+| style | The style properties of icon, like `fontSize` and `color` | CSSProperties | - | |
| spin | Rotate icon with animation | boolean | false | |
| rotate | Rotate by n degrees (not working in IE9) | number | - | |
| twoToneColor | Only supports the two-tone icon. Specify the primary color | string (hex color) | - | |
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ import { StarOutlined, StarFilled, StarTwoTone } from '@ant-design/icons';
| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| style | Style properties of icon, like `fontSize` and `color` | CSSProperties | - | |
+| style | The style properties of icon, like `fontSize` and `color` | CSSProperties | - | |
| spin | Rotate icon with animation | boolean | false | |
| rotate | Rotate degrees (not working in IE9) | number | - | |
| component | The component used for the root node | ComponentType | - | |
diff --git a/components/layout/index.en-US.md b/components/layout/index.en-US.md
index 7c3a64760b..35d4504036 100644
--- a/components/layout/index.en-US.md
+++ b/components/layout/index.en-US.md
@@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ The wrapper.
| Property | Description | Type | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| className | container className | string | - |
-| hasSider | whether contain Sider in children, don't have to assign it normally. Useful in ssr avoid style flickering | boolean | - |
-| style | to customize the styles | CSSProperties | - |
+| className | Container className | string | - |
+| hasSider | Whether contain Sider in children, don't have to assign it normally. Useful in ssr avoid style flickering | boolean | - |
+| style | To customize the styles | CSSProperties | - |
> APIs of `Layout.Header` `Layout.Footer` `Layout.Content` are the same as that of `Layout`.
@@ -88,20 +88,20 @@ The sidebar.
| Property | Description | Type | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| breakpoint | [breakpoints](/components/grid/#Col) of the responsive layout | `xs` \| `sm` \| `md` \| `lg` \| `xl` \| `xxl` } | - |
-| className | container className | string | - |
-| collapsed | to set the current status | boolean | - |
-| collapsedWidth | width of the collapsed sidebar, by setting to `0` a special trigger will appear | number | 80 |
-| collapsible | whether can be collapsed | boolean | false |
-| defaultCollapsed | to set the initial status | boolean | false |
-| reverseArrow | reverse direction of arrow, for a sider that expands from the right | boolean | false |
-| style | to customize the styles | CSSProperties | - |
-| theme | color theme of the sidebar | `light` \| `dark` | `dark` |
-| trigger | specify the customized trigger, set to null to hide the trigger | string\|ReactNode | - |
-| width | width of the sidebar | number\|string | 200 |
-| onCollapse | the callback function, executed by clicking the trigger or activating the responsive layout | (collapsed, type) => {} | - |
-| onBreakpoint | the callback function, executed when [breakpoints](/components/grid/#API) changed | (broken) => {} | - |
-| zeroWidthTriggerStyle | to customize the styles of the special trigger that appears when `collapsedWidth` is 0 | object | - |
+| breakpoint | [Breakpoints](/components/grid/#Col) of the responsive layout | `xs` \| `sm` \| `md` \| `lg` \| `xl` \| `xxl` } | - |
+| className | Container className | string | - |
+| collapsed | To set the current status | boolean | - |
+| collapsedWidth | Width of the collapsed sidebar, by setting to `0` a special trigger will appear | number | 80 |
+| collapsible | Whether can be collapsed | boolean | false |
+| defaultCollapsed | To set the initial status | boolean | false |
+| reverseArrow | Reverse direction of arrow, for a sider that expands from the right | boolean | false |
+| style | To customize the styles | CSSProperties | - |
+| theme | Color theme of the sidebar | `light` \| `dark` | `dark` |
+| trigger | Specify the customized trigger, set to null to hide the trigger | string \| ReactNode | - |
+| width | Width of the sidebar | number \| string | 200 |
+| onCollapse | The callback function, executed by clicking the trigger or activating the responsive layout | (collapsed, type) => {} | - |
+| onBreakpoint | The callback function, executed when [breakpoints](/components/grid/#API) changed | (broken) => {} | - |
+| zeroWidthTriggerStyle | To customize the styles of the special trigger that appears when `collapsedWidth` is 0 | object | - |
#### breakpoint width
diff --git a/components/layout/index.zh-CN.md b/components/layout/index.zh-CN.md
index 8d35da4e5a..7151e17279 100644
--- a/components/layout/index.zh-CN.md
+++ b/components/layout/index.zh-CN.md
@@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ cover: https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/alicdn/hzEndUVEx/Layout.svg
| reverseArrow | 翻转折叠提示箭头的方向,当 Sider 在右边时可以使用 | boolean | false |
| style | 指定样式 | CSSProperties | - |
| theme | 主题颜色 | `light` \| `dark` | `dark` |
-| trigger | 自定义 trigger,设置为 null 时隐藏 trigger | string\|ReactNode | - |
-| width | 宽度 | number\|string | 200 |
+| trigger | 自定义 trigger,设置为 null 时隐藏 trigger | string \| ReactNode | - |
+| width | 宽度 | number \| string | 200 |
| onCollapse | 展开-收起时的回调函数,有点击 trigger 以及响应式反馈两种方式可以触发 | (collapsed, type) => {} | - |
| onBreakpoint | 触发响应式布局[断点](/components/grid/#API)时的回调 | (broken) => {} | - |
| zeroWidthTriggerStyle | 指定当 `collapsedWidth` 为 0 时出现的特殊 trigger 的样式 | object | - |