@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ When need to mention someone or something. |
| suggestionStyle | style of suggestion container | Object | {} | |
| suggestionStyle | style of suggestion container | Object | {} | |
| onSearchChange | Callback function called when search content changes | function(value:String) | [] | |
| onSearchChange | Callback function called when search content changes | function(value:String) | [] | |
| onChange | Callback function called when content of input changes | function(editorState: EditorState) | null | |
| onChange | Callback function called when content of input changes | function(editorState: EditorState) | null | |
| onSelect | Callback function called when select from suggestions | function(suggestion: String, data?: object) | null | |
| onSelect | Callback function called when select from suggestions | function(suggestion: String, data?: any) | null | |
| notFoundContent| suggestion when suggestions empty | string | '无匹配结果,轻敲空格完成输入' | |
| notFoundContent| suggestion when suggestions empty | string | '无匹配结果,轻敲空格完成输入' | |
| loading | loading mode | boolean | false | |
| loading | loading mode | boolean | false | |
| multiLines | multilines mode | boolean | false | |
| multiLines | multilines mode | boolean | false | |