@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Ant Design has 3 types of Tabs for different situations. |
### Tabs |
| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version | |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |
| activeKey | Current TabPane's key | string | - | | |
| addIcon | Customize add icon | ReactNode | - | 4.4.0 | |
| animated | Whether to change tabs with animation. Only works while `tabPosition="top"` | boolean \| { inkBar: boolean, tabPane: boolean } | { inkBar: true, tabPane: false } | | |
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Ant Design has 3 types of Tabs for different situations. |
| tabBarExtraContent | Extra content in tab bar | ReactNode \| {left?: ReactNode, right?: ReactNode} | - | object: 4.6.0 | |
| tabBarGutter | The gap between tabs | number | - | | |
| tabBarStyle | Tab bar style object | CSSProperties | - | | |
| tabPosition | Position of tabs | `top` \| `right` \| `bottom` \| `left` | `top` | | |
| tabPosition | Position of tabs | `top` \| `right` \| `bottom` \ | `left` | `top` | | |
| destroyInactiveTabPane | Whether destroy inactive TabPane when change tab | boolean | false | | |
| type | Basic style of tabs | `line` \| `card` \| `editable-card` | `line` | | |
| onChange | Callback executed when active tab is changed | function(activeKey) {} | - | | |
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ More option at [rc-tabs option](https://github.com/react-component/tabs#tabs) |
| Property | Description | Type | Default | |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | |
| closeIcon | Customize close icon in TabPane's head. Only works while `type="editable-card"` | ReactNode | - | |
| disabled | Set TabPane disabled | boolean | false | |
| forceRender | Forced render of content in tabs, not lazy render after clicking on tabs | boolean | false | |
| key | TabPane's key | string | - | |
| tab | Show text in TabPane's head | ReactNode | - | |