<!-- Issue Template -->
antd 的用法咨询,建议通过以下渠道,官方 issues 目前没有足够精力提供此类咨询服务:
1. [Stack Overflow](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/antd)
2. [Segment Fault](https://segmentfault.com/t/antd)(中文)
如果是报告 bug,请按照下列格式书写,并务必提供复现步骤,否则恕难解决,感谢您的支持。
#### Environment(required)
- antd version:
- OS and its version:
- Browser and its version:
#### What did you do? Please provide steps to re-produce your problem.
<!-- e.g. I just imported Button from antd -->
#### What do you expected?
<!-- e.g. It works fine as official website -->
#### What happen?
<!-- e.g. Style is not as expected. (And it will be better to provide screenshot) -->
#### Re-producible online demo
<!-- Please fork http://codepen.io/benjycui/pen/KgPZrE?editors=001 to re-produce you issue -->