category: Components
group: General
title: Typography
cover: https://mdn.alipayobjects.com/huamei_7uahnr/afts/img/A*MLt3R6m9huoAAAAAAAAAAAAADrJ8AQ/original
coverDark: https://mdn.alipayobjects.com/huamei_7uahnr/afts/img/A*LT2jR41Uj2EAAAAAAAAAAAAADrJ8AQ/original
Basic text writing, including headings, body text, lists, and more.
## When To Use
- When need to display a title or paragraph contents in Articles/Blogs/Notes.
- When you need copyable/editable/ellipsis texts.
## Examples
<!-- prettier - ignore -->
< code src = "./demo/basic.tsx" > Basic< / code >
< code src = "./demo/title.tsx" > Title Component< / code >
< code src = "./demo/paragraph-debug.tsx" debug > Title and Paragraph< / code >
< code src = "./demo/text.tsx" > Text and Link Component< / code >
< code src = "./demo/interactive.tsx" > Interactive< / code >
< code src = "./demo/ellipsis.tsx" > Ellipsis< / code >
< code src = "./demo/ellipsis-middle.tsx" > Ellipsis from middle< / code >
< code src = "./demo/ellipsis-debug.tsx" debug > Ellipsis Debug< / code >
< code src = "./demo/suffix.tsx" > suffix< / code >
## API
### Typography.Text
| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| code | Code style | boolean | false | |
| copyable | Whether to be copyable, customize it via setting an object | boolean \| [copyable ](#copyable ) | false | [copyable ](#copyable ) |
| delete | Deleted line style | boolean | false | |
| disabled | Disabled content | boolean | false | |
| editable | If editable. Can control edit state when is object | boolean \| [editable ](#editable ) | false | [editable ](#editable ) |
| ellipsis | Display ellipsis when text overflows,can't configure expandable、rows and onExpand by using object. Diff with Typography.Paragraph, Text do not have 100% width style which means it will fix width on the first ellipsis. If you want to have responsive ellipsis, please set width manually | boolean \| [Omit<ellipsis, 'expandable' \| 'rows' \| 'onExpand'> ](#ellipsis ) | false | [ellipsis ](#ellipsis ) |
| keyboard | Keyboard style | boolean | false | 4.3.0 |
| mark | Marked style | boolean | false | |
| onClick | Set the handler to handle click event | (event) => void | - | |
| strong | Bold style | boolean | false | |
| italic | Italic style | boolean | false | 4.16.0 |
| type | Content type | `secondary` \| `success` \| `warning` \| `danger` | - | success: 4.6.0 |
| underline | Underlined style | boolean | false | |
### Typography.Title
| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| code | Code style | boolean | false | |
| copyable | Whether to be copyable, customize it via setting an object | boolean \| [copyable ](#copyable ) | false | [copyable ](#copyable ) |
| delete | Deleted line style | boolean | false | |
| disabled | Disabled content | boolean | false | |
| editable | If editable. Can control edit state when is object | boolean \| [editable ](#editable ) | false | [editable ](#editable ) |
| ellipsis | Display ellipsis when text overflows, can configure rows and expandable by using object | boolean \| [ellipsis ](#ellipsis ) | false | [ellipsis ](#ellipsis ) |
| level | Set content importance. Match with `h1` , `h2` , `h3` , `h4` , `h5` | number: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 | 1 | 5: 4.6.0 |
| mark | Marked style | boolean | false | |
| onClick | Set the handler to handle click event | (event) => void | - | |
| italic | Italic style | boolean | false | 4.16.0 |
| type | Content type | `secondary` \| `success` \| `warning` \| `danger` | - | success: 4.6.0 |
| underline | Underlined style | boolean | false | |
### Typography.Paragraph
| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| code | Code style | boolean | false | |
| copyable | Whether to be copyable, customize it via setting an object | boolean \| [copyable ](#copyable ) | false | [copyable ](#copyable ) |
| delete | Deleted line style | boolean | false | |
| disabled | Disabled content | boolean | false | |
| editable | If editable. Can control edit state when is object | boolean \| [editable ](#editable ) | false | [editable ](#editable ) |
| ellipsis | Display ellipsis when text overflows, can configure rows and expandable by using object | boolean \| [ellipsis ](#ellipsis ) | false | [ellipsis ](#ellipsis ) |
| mark | Marked style | boolean | false | |
| onClick | Set the handler to handle click event | (event) => void | - | |
| strong | Bold style | boolean | false | |
| italic | Italic style | boolean | false | 4.16.0 |
| type | Content type | `secondary` \| `success` \| `warning` \| `danger` | - | success: 4.6.0 |
| underline | Underlined style | boolean | false | |
### copyable
text: string,
onCopy: function(event),
icon: ReactNode,
tooltips: false | [ReactNode, ReactNode],
format: 'text/plain' | 'text/html',
| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| format | The Mime Type of the text | 'text/plain' \| 'text/html' | - | 4.21.0 |
| icon | Custom copy icon: \[copyIcon, copiedIcon] | \[ReactNode, ReactNode] | - | 4.6.0 |
| text | The text to copy | string | - | |
| tooltips | Custom tooltip text, hide when it is false | \[ReactNode, ReactNode] | \[`Copy` , `Copied` ] | 4.4.0 |
| onCopy | Called when copied text | function | - | |
### editable
icon: ReactNode,
tooltip: boolean | ReactNode,
editing: boolean,
maxLength: number,
autoSize: boolean | { minRows: number, maxRows: number },
text: string,
onChange: function(string),
onCancel: function,
onStart: function,
onEnd: function,
triggerType: ('icon' | 'text')[],
enterIcon: ReactNode,
| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| autoSize | `autoSize` attribute of textarea | boolean \| { minRows: number, maxRows: number } | - | 4.4.0 |
| editing | Whether to be editable | boolean | false | |
| icon | Custom editable icon | ReactNode | < EditOutlined /> | 4.6.0 |
| maxLength | `maxLength` attribute of textarea | number | - | 4.4.0 |
| tooltip | Custom tooltip text, hide when it is false | boolean \| ReactNode | `Edit` | 4.6.0 |
| text | Edit text, specify the editing content instead of using the children implicitly | string | - | 4.24.0 |
| onChange | Called when input at textarea | function(value: string) | - | |
| onCancel | Called when type ESC to exit editable state | function | - | |
| onStart | Called when enter editable state | function | - | |
| onEnd | Called when type ENTER to exit editable state | function | - | 4.14.0 |
| triggerType | Edit mode trigger - icon, text or both (not specifying icon as trigger hides it) | Array< `icon`\|`text` > | \[`icon` ] | |
| enterIcon | Custom "enter" icon in the edit field (passing `null` removes the icon) | ReactNode | `<EnterOutlined />` | 4.17.0 |
### ellipsis
rows: number,
expandable: boolean,
suffix: string,
symbol: ReactNode,
tooltip: boolean | ReactNode | TooltipProps,
onExpand: function(event),
onEllipsis: function(ellipsis),
| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| expandable | Whether to be expandable | boolean | - | |
| rows | Max rows of content | number | - | |
| suffix | Suffix of ellipsis content | string | - | |
| symbol | Custom description of ellipsis | ReactNode | `Expand` | |
| tooltip | Show tooltip when ellipsis | boolean \| ReactNode \| [TooltipProps ](/components/tooltip/#api ) | - | 4.11.0 |
| onEllipsis | Called when enter or leave ellipsis state | function(ellipsis) | - | 4.2.0 |
| onExpand | Called when expand content | function(event) | - | |
## FAQ
### How to use Typography.Link in react-router?
`react-router` support [customize ](https://github.com/ReactTraining/react-router/blob/master/packages/react-router-dom/docs/api/Link.md#component-reactcomponent ) render component:
< Link to = "/" component = {Typography.Link} / >
**Note:** This is not equivalent to the execution logic of react-router's Link [reference ](https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/pull/26737/files#r488769888 )