import * as React from 'react';
export const PresetColors = [
] as const;
type PresetColorKey = typeof PresetColors[number];
export type PresetColorType = Record<PresetColorKey, string>;
type ColorPaletteKeyIndex = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10;
export type ColorPalettes = {
[key in `${keyof PresetColorType}-${ColorPaletteKeyIndex}`]: string;
export interface OverrideToken {
derivative: Partial<DerivativeToken & AliasToken>;
[componentName: string]: object; // FIXME: tmp of component token
// ======================================================================
// == Seed Token ==
// ======================================================================
export interface SeedToken extends PresetColorType {
// Color
colorPrimary: string;
colorSuccess: string;
colorWarning: string;
colorError: string;
colorInfo: string;
colorText: string;
colorTextLightSolid: string;
colorBg: string;
// Font
fontFamily: string;
fontSizeBase: number;
// Grid
gridUnit: number;
gridBaseStep: number;
// Line
lineWidth: number;
// Motion
motionUnit: number;
motionBaseStep: number;
motionEaseInOutCirc: string;
motionEaseInOut: string;
motionEaseOutBack: string;
motionEaseInQuint: string;
motionEaseOutQuint: string;
// Radius
radiusBase: number;
// Size
sizeUnit: number;
sizeBaseStep: number;
// Control Base
controlHeight: number;
// ======================================================================
// == Derivative Token ==
// ======================================================================
export interface DerivativeToken extends SeedToken, ColorPalettes {
// Color
colorPrimaryHover: string;
colorPrimaryActive: string;
colorWarningHover: string;
colorWarningActive: string;
colorErrorHover: string;
colorErrorActive: string;
colorText2: string;
colorTextBelow: string;
colorTextBelow2: string;
colorTextBelow3: string;
colorBgBelow: string;
colorBgBelow2: string;
// Font
fontSizes: number[];
lineHeights: number[];
// Size
sizeSpace: number;
sizeSpaceXS: number;
sizeSpaceXXS: number;
sizeSpaceSM: number;
// Grid
gridSpaceSM: number;
gridSpaceBase: number;
gridSpaceLG: number;
gridSpaceXL: number;
gridSpaceXXL: number;
// Motion
motionDurationBase: string;
motionDurationMd: string;
motionDurationFast: string;
motionDurationSlow: string;
// Radius
radiusSM: number;
radiusLG: number;
radiusXL: number;
/** @private Only Used for control inside component like Multiple Select inner selection item */
controlHeightXS: number;
controlHeightSM: number;
controlHeightLG: number;
// ======================================================================
// == Alias Token ==
// ======================================================================
// FIXME: DerivativeToken should part pick
export interface AliasToken extends DerivativeToken {
// Font
fontSizeSM: number;
fontSize: number;
fontSizeLG: number;
fontSizeXL: number;
fontSizeHeading1: number;
fontSizeHeading2: number;
fontSizeHeading3: number;
fontSizeHeading4: number;
fontSizeHeading5: number;
// LineHeight
lineHeight: number;
lineHeightLG: number;
lineHeightHeading1: number;
lineHeightHeading2: number;
lineHeightHeading3: number;
lineHeightHeading4: number;
lineHeightHeading5: number;
// Control
controlLineWidth: number;
controlLineType: string;
controlRadius: number;
controlOutlineWidth: number;
// Color
colorBorder: string;
colorSplit: string;
colorTextSecondary: string;
colorTextDisabled: string;
// =============== Legacy: should be remove ===============
placeholderColor: string;
disabledColor: string;
iconColorHover: string;
headingColor: string;
itemHoverBackground: string;
padding: number;
margin: number;
background: string;
backgroundLight: string;
componentBackground: string;
componentBackgroundDisabled: string;
zIndexDropdown: number;
zIndexAffix: number;
boxShadow?: string;
// =============== Legacy: should be remove ===============
primaryHoverColor: string;
primaryActiveColor: string;
primaryOutlineColor: string;
errorHoverColor: string;
errorActiveColor: string;
errorOutlineColor: string;
warningHoverColor: string;
warningOutlineColor: string;
itemActiveBackground: string;
highlightColor: string;
linkColor: string;
linkHoverColor: string;
linkActiveColor: string;
linkDecoration: React.CSSProperties['textDecoration'];
linkHoverDecoration: React.CSSProperties['textDecoration'];
linkFocusDecoration: React.CSSProperties['textDecoration'];
controlPaddingHorizontal: number;
controlPaddingHorizontalSM: number;
paddingSM: number;
paddingXS: number;
paddingXXS: number;
paddingLG: number;
marginXS: number;
marginLG: number;
marginXXS: number;
duration: string;
durationMid: string;
durationFast: string;
primaryColors: string[];
errorColors: string[];
warningColors: string[];
// TMP
tmpPrimaryColorWeak: string;
tmpPrimaryHoverColorWeak: string;
// Checked background for Checkable Tag
tmpPrimaryColor6: string;
// Active background for Checkable Tag
tmpPrimaryColor7: string;
tmpSuccessColorDeprecatedBg: string;
tmpWarningColorDeprecatedBg: string;
tmpErrorColorDeprecatedBg: string;
tmpInfoColorDeprecatedBg: string;
tmpSuccessColorDeprecatedBorder: string;
tmpWarningColorDeprecatedBorder: string;
tmpErrorColorDeprecatedBorder: string;
tmpInfoColorDeprecatedBorder: string;