<imgclass="preview-img"align="right"alt="Interactive examples"description="While in a stowed state, a user clicks Advanced Search to expand search options; if the user has previously entered a query, it's a best practice to transfer the corresponding value to the input box."src="https://os.alipayobjects.com/rmsportal/NpRKspdYRDwsKnw.png">
Advanced search is generally used by intermediate / expert users, typically by clicking advanced search. If you are displaying complex data, you can expand advanced search by default.
<imgclass="preview-img"align="right"alt="Interactive examples"description="Place an Alert to show the value that has already been entered; the user can click "Clear"toemptyalltheinputvalues.ClickadvancedsearchtoexpandAdvancedSearchagain.'src="https://os.alipayobjects.com/rmsportal/gKiZtjopvLufqSP.png">
The order of the search criteria should be the same as the order of the titles in the table, and frequently used search conditions can be placed at the top.
Field types usually appear at the bottom of the main search box. This is suitable when search conditions and values are relatively small in the display.