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category: Components
type: Layout
cols: 1
title: Layout
Handling the overall layout of a page.
## Specification
### Size
The first level navigation is left aligned near a logo, and the secondary menu is right aligned.
- Top Navigation: the height of the first level navigation `64px`, the second level navigation `48px`.
- Top Navigation (for landing pages): the height of the first level navigation `80px`, the second level navigation `56px`.
8 years ago
- Calculation formula of a top navigation: `48+8n`.
- Calculation formula of an aside navigation: `200+8n`.
### Interaction rules
- The first level navigation and the last level navigation should be distinguishable by visualization;
- The current item should have the highest priority of visualization;
- When the current navigation item is collapsed, the style of the current navigation item is applied to its parent level;
- The left side navigation bar has support for both the accordion and expanding styles; you can choose the one that fits your case the best.
## Visualization rules
Style of a navigation should conform to its level.
- **Emphasis by colorblock**
When background color is a deep color, you can use this pattern for the parent level navigation item of the current page.
- **The highlight match stick**
When background color is a light color, you can use this pattern for the current page navigation item; we recommend using it for the last item of the navigation path.
- **Highlighted font**
From the visualization aspect, a highlighted font is stronger than colorblock; this pattern is often used for the parent level of the current item.
- **Enlarge the size of the font**
`12px`, `14px` is a standard font size of navigations, `14px` is used for the first and the second level of the navigation. You can choose an appropriate font size regarding the level of your navigation.
## Component Overview
- `Layout`: The layout wrapper, in which `Header` `Sider` `Content` `Footer` or `Layout` itself can be nested, and can be placed in any parent container.
- `Header`: The top layout with the default style, in which any element can be nested, and must be placed in `Layout`.
- `Sider`: The sidebar with default style and basic functions, in which any element can be nested, and must be placed in `Layout`.
- `Content`: The content layout with the default style, in which any element can be nested, and must be placed in `Layout`.
- `Footer`: The bottom layout with the default style, in which any element can be nested, and must be placed in `Layout`.
> Based on `flex layout`, please pay attention to the [compatibility](
## API
<Sider>left sidebar</Sider>
<Content>main content</Content>
<Sider>right sidebar</Sider>
### Layout
The wrapper.
| Property | Description | Type | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| className | container className | string | - |
| hasSider | whether contain Sider in children, don't have to assign it normally. Useful in ssr avoid style flickering | boolean | - |
| style | to customize the styles | CSSProperties | - |
> APIs of `Layout.Header` `Layout.Footer` `Layout.Content` are the same as that of `Layout`.
### Layout.Sider
The sidebar.
| Property | Description | Type | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| breakpoint | [breakpoints](/components/grid#Col) of the responsive layout | `xs` \| `sm` \| `md` \| `lg` \| `xl` \| `xxl` } | - |
| className | container className | string | - |
| collapsed | to set the current status | boolean | - |
| collapsedWidth | width of the collapsed sidebar, by setting to `0` a special trigger will appear | number | 80 |
| collapsible | whether can be collapsed | boolean | false |
| defaultCollapsed | to set the initial status | boolean | false |
| reverseArrow | reverse direction of arrow, for a sider that expands from the right | boolean | false |
| style | to customize the styles | CSSProperties | - |
| theme | color theme of the sidebar | `light` \| `dark` | `dark` |
| trigger | specify the customized trigger, set to null to hide the trigger | string\|ReactNode | - |
| width | width of the sidebar | number\|string | 200 |
| onCollapse | the callback function, executed by clicking the trigger or activating the responsive layout | (collapsed, type) => {} | - |
| onBreakpoint | the callback function, executed when [breakpoints](/components/grid#API) changed | (broken) => {} | - |
| zeroWidthTriggerStyle | to customize the styles of the special trigger that appears when `collapsedWidth` is 0 | object | - |
#### breakpoint width
xs: '480px',
sm: '576px',
md: '768px',
lg: '992px',
xl: '1200px',
xxl: '1600px',
5 years ago
[data-theme="dark"] .site-layout-background {
background: #141414;
[data-theme="dark"] .site-layout-header-background {
background: #1f1f1f;