Ant Design allows you to customize some basic design aspects in order to meet the needs of UI diversity from business and brand, including primary color, border radius, border color, etc.
We are using [Less]( as the development language for styling. A set of less variables are defined for each design aspect that can be customized to your needs.
We recommend [modifyVars]( to override the default values of the variables. There are two ways to achieve it in practice.
Specify the `theme` property in the `package.json` or `.webpackrc` file, whose value can be either an object or the path to a JS file that contains the custom values of specific variables:
This approach is available only when using [antd-init]( or [dva-cli]( If you choose other boilerplates, you can write a webpack config about [less-loader modifyVars]( like [atool-build ]( does.
- If you import styles by specifying the `style` option of [babel-plugin-import](, change it from `'css'` to `true`, which will import the `less` version of antd.
- When using `dva-cli@0.7.0+`, you should add the `theme` block to [.roadhogrc]( instead of `package.json`.
- If you want to override `@icon-url`, the value must be contained in quotes like `"@icon-url": "'your-icon-font-path'"` ([A fix sample](
- [How to Customize Ant Design with React & Webpack… the Missing Guide](