This document will help you upgrade from antd `3.x` version to antd `4.x` version. If you are using `2.x` or older version, please refer to the previous [upgrade document] ( to 3.x.
1. Please upgrade to the latest version of 3.x first, and remove / modify related APIs according to the console warning message.
2. Upgrade project React 16.12.0 or above.
- If you are still using React 15, please refer to [React 16 Upgrade Documentation](
- For the remaining React 16 obsolete lifecycle APIs, please refer to [Migration Guide](
## Incompatible changes in v4
### Design specification
- Line height changes from `1.5`(`21px`) to `1.5715`(`22px`).
- Basic rounded corner adjustment, changed from `4px` to `2px`.
- The minimum supported version of React is React 16.9, and some components have started to refactor using hooks.
#### Remove deprecated API
- LocaleProvider has been removed, please use `ConfigProvider` instead.
- Mention removed, use `Mentions` instead.
- Removed the `iconType` property of Alert. Please use `icon` instead.
- Removed the `iconType` attribute of Please use `icon` instead.
- Removed the Form.create method, `form` is now available in `Form.useForm`.
- Removed the `id` attribute of Form.Item. Please use `htmlFor` instead.
- The `setContentRef` property of Typography has been removed, please use `ref` instead.
- Removed the `allowEmpty` property of TimePicker, please use `allowClear` instead.
- Removed `AfterClose` attribute of Tag, please use `OnClose` instead.
- Removed the `noHovering` property of Card, please use `hoverable` instead.
- Removed the `vertical` property of Carousel. Please use `dotPosition` instead.
- Removed `wrapClassName` property of Drawer, please use `className` instead.
- Removed the `autosize` property of TextArea. Please use `autoSize` instead.
- Removed the `offset` attribute of Affix. Please use `offsetTop` instead.
- Removed the `onSearchChange` property of Transfer. Please use `onSearch` instead.
- Removed the `body` attribute of Transfer. Please use `children` instead.
- Removed the `lazy` attribute of Transfer, which did not really optimize the effect.
- Removed `combobox` mode, please use `AutoComplete` instead.
#### Icon upgrade
In `antd @ 3.9.0`, we introduced the svg icon ([Why use the svg icon?](Https:// The icon API using the string name cannot be loaded on demand, so the svg icon file is fully introduced, which greatly increases the size of the packaged product. In 4.0, we adjusted the icon usage API to support tree shaking, reducing the default package size of antd by about 150 KB (Gzipped).