| trigger | triggering mode: can be hover, focus, or click. | string | hover |
| placement | position of the card,optional `top/left/right/bottom``topLeft/topRight/bottomLeft/bottomRight``leftTop/leftBottom/rightTop/rightBottom` | string | top |
| title | title of the card | React.Element | none |
| content | content of the card | React.Element | none |
| overlayClassName | class name of the card | string | none |
| overlayStyle | style of the card | object | none |
| visible | make the float card visible or not | boolean | false |
| onVisibleChange | callback of the visible attribute changed | function | none |
| getTooltipContainer | rendered to the root of the menu. Default rendered to the body dom. If gets any problem of the menu while scrolling. Try to make the root the dom scrolled, and make it position relative. [Sample](http://codepen.io/anon/pen/xVBOVQ?editors=001) | Function(triggerNode) | () => document.body |
| openClassName | class name of the trigger, using for highlighting the trigger while triggered | string | ant-popover-open |