| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| colon | Configure the default value of `colon` for Form.Item. Indicates whether the colon after the label is displayed (only effective when prop layout is horizontal) | boolean | true | |
| fields | Control of form fields through state management (such as redux). Not recommended for non-strong demand. View [example](#components-form-demo-global-state) | [FieldData](#FieldData)\[] | - | |
| form | Form control instance created by `Form.useForm()`. Automatically created when not provided | [FormInstance](#FormInstance) | - | |
| initialValues | Set value by Form initialization or reset | object | - | |
| requiredMark | Required mark style. Can use required mark or optional mark. You can not config to single Form.Item since this is a Form level config | boolean \| `optional` | true | 4.6.0 |
| scrollToFirstError | Auto scroll to first failed field when submit | boolean \| [Options](https://github.com/stipsan/scroll-into-view-if-needed/tree/ece40bd9143f48caf4b99503425ecb16b0ad8249#options) | false | |
Form provides [default verification error messages](https://github.com/react-component/field-form/blob/master/src/utils/messages.ts). You can modify the template by configuring `validateMessages` property. A common usage is to configure localization:
Besides, [ConfigProvider](/components/config-provider/) also provides a global configuration scheme that allows for uniform configuration error notification templates:
| extra | The extra prompt message. It is similar to help. Usage example: to display error message and prompt message at the same time | ReactNode | - | |